Minutes of Post 256
Monthly General Meeting
The American Legion
Department of Tennessee
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Post Adjutant DATE: 6 February 2025
APPROVED BY: Steve Buelow, Post Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members – 38, Guests – 4.
TIME: Convened 0900 hrs. Adjourned 1036 hrs.
OPENING: Post Commander Steve Buelow opened the meeting with proper ceremony and declared the monthly General Membership meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. Seth Reichenbach offered the opening prayer and Dan Callan led attendees in reciting The American Legion Preamble.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Buelow offered tables the opportunity to introduce visitors and guests. Prospective transfer member Terry Towns (USAF) made brief introductory remarks.
SICK CALL: Chaplain Seth Reichenbach made mention of Richard Norman’s wife who took a bad fall last week; Bob Haldi who is back in a rehab facility in Sweetwater; and Jim Noonan who was unable to attend today due to a heart issue.
GUEST SPEAKER: Our guest speaker was Stephanie Trost who talked to us about a charitable organization she runs named FrontLine Gardens together with her veteran husband Michael. Following her presentation, Commander Buelow presented Stephanie with a Certificate of Appreciation, Legion challenge coin, and Legion mug.
1) Initiation of New Members: Commander Buelow called forward the following individuals to be formally initiated into The American Legion.
- Pamela Gazlay (absent)
- Travis Holloway (absent)
- James Holt
- Nancy Holt
- Newell Nichols
2) Officer Reports
- 1st VC – Bruce Blodget reported that the post currently has 186 members renewed for 2025.
- 2nd VC – Richard Schwartz announced that our presenter in March will be post member COL (ret.) Mike Thornton. He will speak on the topic “ How history drives current events in Northern Europe”. It is an update on the European threat and what NATO countries are doing to help themselves.
- 3rd VC – Linda Ullom noted that applications for attendance at this year’s Boys State have been delivered to both Greenback and Sequoyah High Schools. Interviews will take place in March.
- 4th VC – John Gamble reported that once again our Wreaths-Across-America Campaign will kickoff on Flag Day in June. He expects the price to remain the same ($17). Spring Fling 3 ticket sales are going well and available now. Our 3rd District Commander has said that he plans to attend this year.
- Chaplain – Seth Reichenbach and Phred Tyrell told the WWII story of the “Four Chaplains”, as is traditional for the month of February in all Legion posts.
- Veteran Service Officer – Dan Callan mentioned the following: Congress is working to pass an appropriation bill that includes additional benefits for veterans; the Senate confirmed Doug Collins as the new VA Secretary; there is a new indefinite ID card available for retired military veterans.
- Legion Riders – Will Wright said newly initiated member Nick Nichols is also a new Rider member and that he’d work on getting Travis Holloway “on a bike” - as he knows him well because they are Masonic Lodge brothers.
3) Open Discussion -- Commander Buelow addressed the following: 1) ongoing coordination with our local VFW post to attend a TN Smokies baseball game on 1 Jun with premier “porch seating” and a meal. Tickets are $55 per person; 2) the Executive Committee is putting together a slate of nominees for 2025/26. They are looking for 2VC and SGT-at-Arms volunteers.
4) Good of the Legion
- Member Tom Kelly has attended two meetings of the Sequoyah High School Civil Air Patrol Squadron. He spoke about their needs for financial and adult mentor support. The EC will discuss these needs at their meeting on 21 Feb. Post members should contact Tom or Bruce Blodgett if they have an interest in participating in the program.
- Member John Reiner returned to a GM meeting following a long absence and thanked the post for the Quilt of Valor and prayers he received while in the hospital last November.
- Members Mike Schack announced that he has been appointed co-coordinator of the WAA program for Loudon County and is looking at an initiative whereby wreaths might be placed at veterans graves in local cemeteries in addition to those placed at State and National sites.
- CLOSING: With no further business to conclude the meeting was adjourned with prayer and proper ceremony at 1036 hours.
Stephanie Trost drew the 50/50 raffle ticket stub. Member Warren Sanders held the winning ticket.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
Minutes of Post 256
Monthly General Meeting
The American Legion
Department of Tennessee
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Post Adjutant DATE: 16 January 2025
APPROVED BY: Steve Buelow, Post Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members – 36, Guests – 2.
TIME: Convened 0900 hrs. Adjourned 1041 hrs.
OPENING: Post Commander Steve Buelow opened the meeting with proper ceremony and declared the monthly General Membership meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. Seth Reichenbach offered the opening prayer and Dan Callan led attendees in reciting The American Legion Preamble.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Buelow offered tables the opportunity to introduce visitors and guests. New members Newell Nichols (USMC & USA) and Ken Bankston (USAF) made brief introductory remarks.
SICK CALL: Chaplain Seth Reichenbach made mention of the recent death of post member Leonard Weems.
GUEST SPEAKER: Our guest speaker was Dr. Julie Mitchell who told the story of the first female Naval aviator, CAPT Rosemary Mariner. Following her presentation, Commander Buelow presented Julie with a Certificate of Appreciation, Legion challenge coin, and Legion mug.
1) Officer Reports
- 1st VC – Bruce Blodget reported that the post currently has 183 members renewed for 2025. He encouraged those present to actively invite veterans to come check out our post in hopes that they might join. Bruce then mentioned our recent partnering with the Tellico Village VFW post as co-sponsors of the Sequoyah High School Civil Air Patrol. They meet weekly on Tuesday nights in a hangar at the Monroe County Airport. Sponsorship entails two forms: senior leader mentorship and financial assistance. Our post believes that this would be an excellent program for us to get involved with as it falls under the YOUTH pillar of the Legion mission. While Bruce is laying the groundwork for this action, He and the commander would like to see other post members get involved. See him if you are interested.
- 2nd VC – Richard Schwartz announced that our Feb speaker will be Michael and Stephanie Trost from Front Line Gardens. He noted that he is actively working follow-on guest speakers but encourages members to provide him with leads should they know of someone who they believe would be of interest.
- 3rd VC – Linda Ullom noted that it is that time of year when she and the Auxiliary Unit leadership will be speaking with local organizations who have traditionally donated funds to help sponsor students to attend Boys and Girls State. She further noted that she welcomes volunteers who might be interested in serving on the panel that will interview students and select this year’s attendees.
- 4th VC – John Gamble reported that our post sponsored 884 wreaths this year which will bring in over $4,000 in revenue. He expressed special thanks to Richard Schwartz for the high number of sponsorships he generated in Kahite. John then noted that Spring Fling 3 ticket sales are ongoing and could be purchased today.
- Adjutant – Tony Adams made mention of the New Year’s Social/Dinner event at the Yacht Club on 23 Jan. RSVPs are due NLT 18 Jan for those staying for the dinner.
- Finance Officer – Roger Forsyth reported on the status of Post funds as of end-of-month December.
- Veteran Service Officer – Dan Callan mentioned the following: statistics from the Battle of the Bulge; retired reservists should keep their DEERS enrollment up-to-date; servicemembers who served at K2 in Uzbekistan now qualify for presumptive-illness status under the Pact Act; numerous pharmacies (Walgreens/CVS/etc.) are closing or leaving the preferred provider market.
- Legion Riders – Will Wright said that winter is always a good time to buy a motorcycle, as prices are generally at their lowest! 😉
2) Open Discussion -- Commander Buelow addressed the following: 1) he noted that unfortunately he was unable to get to the Department Mid-Winter convention due to the snowstorm. 2) he reported that our post recently started a relationship with the “Neighborhood” assisted living facility in Tellico Village and that our leaders visited with the veterans there in the months of Dec and Jan. We hope to open these visits up to any member soon and to also establish a means by which those veterans can be brought by bus over to our meetings to share breakfast with us. Steve thought it might be nice if we could institute a “sponsor a veteran” sign-up to purchase a breakfast meal and sit with the veteran. 3) he thanked those who attended the Veterans Day Ceremony and “Be-the-One Awareness Walk”. Steve noted that post member CAPT Harry McDavid did a fantastic job as the keynote speaker. It was one of our best attended Veterans Day events in recent years. 4) Lastly, Steve awarded Commander Stars to several post members who donated their time on Veterans Day to work at Food City in Vonore to raise money for Wreaths-Across-America.
3) Good of the Legion
- Member Rich Gruber noted that post members in the Legion Riders and Loudon County Honor Guard were also busy of late supporting events for Wreaths-Across-America and Veterans Day events. Steve thanked Rich and all members of those organizations on behalf of the post.
- Member Shawn Tallant announced that the Tellico Village VFW is again hosting a Veterans Valentines Dinner-Dance. He had flyers with him and asked that Tony send out an announcement to the post.
- Member Bob Ullom reminded everyone that he collects unused medications at every GM meeting and turns them in for proper disposal.
- 1VC Bruce Blodgett noted that our post had recently submitted a packet to the Department nominating the Tellico Village Fire Chief for the National Firefighter of the Year Award. He will keep us notified of that nomination status.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude the meeting was adjourned with prayer and proper ceremony at 1041 hours.
The 50/50 raffle stub was drawn by our guest Dr. Mitchell. Member Rich Comiso held the winning ticket and donated his winnings back to the post.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
Minutes of Post 256
Monthly General Meeting
The American Legion
Department of Tennessee
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Post Adjutant DATE: 7 November 2024
APPROVED BY: Steve Buelow, Post Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members – 38 and Guests –14.
TIME: Convened 0900 hrs. Adjourned 1054 hrs.
OPENING: Post Commander Steve Buelow opened the meeting with proper ceremony and declared the monthly General Membership meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. Seth Reichenbach gave the opening prayer and Dan Callan led attendees in reciting The American Legion Preamble.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Buelow offered tables the opportunity to introduce visitors and guests. Transfer-in member Anne Cloud (USA/USAF) made brief introductory remarks.
SICK CALL: Steve asked member Harry McDavid to give an update on Past Commander Bob Haldi’s recovery. Harry said that Bob is scheduled to return home on 14 Nov in hopes of enjoying his wife’s “good cooking” in order to put on some more weight.
Boys State and Girls State -- our guest speakers this month were 3 students from Greenback and Sequoyah High Schools. They discussed their summer experiences at B&G State and their goals after high school graduation.
Quilts of Valor presentations -- Ms. Arliss Barber of the Village Quilters spoke about the mission of the Quilts of Valor Foundation which is “to cover service members and veterans touched by war in any way with comforting and healing Quilts of Valor.” She and two ladies from the club, together with Post Adjutant Tony Adams reading award narratives, presented four handcrafted quilts to members Jim McNeece (USA), Jim Patterson (USAF), Stan Stosiak (USN), and Bob Ullom (USAF). In October, member John Reiner (USA) received his quilt while hospitalized with pneumonia. At the conclusion of the ceremony, Commander Buelow presented Arliss with a donation check in the amount of $500, thanking her for their support to veterans.
1) Officer Reports
- Membership – reporting for 1VC Bruce Blodgett, Tony stated that our current paid-up membership for 2024 stands at 178. There are 26 individuals who paid in 2024 who have not yet renewed.
- 2nd VC – Richard Schwartz reminded attendees that, as is our tradition, there is no meeting in December. General Membership meetings will resume in January with Julie Mitchell who will tell the story of the first female Naval aviator, CAPT Rosemary Mariner. Our Feb 2025 Speaker will be Stephanie Trost from Front Line Gardens.
- 3rd VC – Linda Ullom said she hoped members enjoyed today’s presentation, and that she and the Auxiliary will now begin to recruit new candidates for Boys & Girls State 2025.
- 4VC – John Gamble reported that we are currently at 722 Wreaths Across America sponsorships. He has a sign-up sheet for volunteering to collect donations at Food City in Vonore on Veterans Day. The wreaths will be laid at the Knoxville National Cemetery on 14 Dec. Anyone wishing to participate should meet at the cemetery flagpole NLT 1115. John then discussed plans for Spring Fling 3. He has delayed the push for ticket sales until December giving people time to make donations to Hurricane Helene relief.
- Chaplain – Seth Reichenbach continued his short pitches entitled “For God and Country” completing the series with “Service to the Nation”. He noted the importance of upholding the constitution which we did when we served in uniform and more recently as we participated in our election process. And he encouraged everyone to continue to be visible in their community by wearing apparel that identifies oneself as a veteran.
- Finance Officer – Roger Forsyth reported on the status of post funds stating that the checkbook is in balance and our financial situation is in good order.
- Veteran Service Officer – Dan Callan mentioned that we should all consider getting the various vaccination shots (Flu, COVID, RSV) recommended by our medical providers. He also noted that there are on-line pharmacies that are actually overseas businesses selling potentially dangerous drugs.
- Legion Riders – Will Wright reported that the Rider’s will be meeting at Sloan’s in Vonore this Saturday at 0930 to elect officers.
2) Open Discussion -- Commander Buelow spoke on the following: 1) his recent trip up to northeast TN to present a $1,000 post donation to aid Legion Posts affected by Hurricane Helene, 2) our Veterans Day ceremony and Be-the-One Awareness Walk at the Tellico Village Community Church at 0900 on 11 Nov.
3) Good of the Legion
- Member Dan Greenlee presented a plaque with the poem “Iron Men” to Bruce Earnest in honor of the time they spent together in the Navy.
- Tom Simcox asked Adjutant Adams to again send out the announcement to post members regarding the collection of sundry items for the Christmas Party at Mountain Home.
- 3VC Linda Ullom reminded attendees of the Blount H.S. Veterans Day breakfast and program on 8 Nov starting at 0900.
- Member Bob Ullom mentioned that he would again collect expired/unused medications at every GM meeting next year.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude the meeting was adjourned with prayer and proper ceremony at 1054 hours.
Hans Dangelmaier was asked to draw the 50/50 raffle stub. Member Barnett Alpert held the winning ticket.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
Minutes of Post 256
Monthly General Meeting
The American Legion
Department of Tennessee
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Post Adjutant DATE: 3 October 2024
APPROVED BY: Steve Buelow, Post Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members – 27, Guests – 5.
TIME: Convened 0900 hrs. Adjourned 1035 hrs.
OPENING: Post Commander Steve Buelow opened the meeting with proper ceremony. Prior to the opening prayer, Chaplain Seth Reichenbach announced that it is Rosh Hashanah, the celebration of the Jewish new year and a time of prayer and forgiveness for our Jewish brothers and sisters. Service Officer Dan Callan led members in reciting the Preamble to the American Legion Constitution. Then Steve declared the monthly General Membership meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Buelow offered tables the opportunity to introduce visitors and guests. Potential members Brian Kercheval (USN), Ken Holland (USN), and Rich Laverdure (USAF) provided brief introductory remarks.
SICK CALL: Chaplain Reichenbach mentioned that Bob Haldi has moved again. After a week’s stay in the Sweetwater hospital for a bout of pneumonia, he’s now in a rehab facility near the airport at the Life Care Center of Blount County.
GUEST SPEAKER: Our guest speaker was Charlie Rhodarmer, the Director at the Sequoyah Birthplace Museum. He spoke on the life experiences that lead Sequoyah to develop the Cherokee syllabary. Following his presentation, Commander Buelow presented him with a Certificate of Appreciation, Legion challenge coin, and Legion mug.
1) Officer Reports
- 1st VC – Bruce Blodgett reported that the post currently has 148 members renewed for 2025, which is 70% of our goal or 210. He asked that if you haven’t yet renewed, please do so before 20 Oct.
- 2nd VC – Richard Schwartz noted that our guest speaker for November will be the two Boys State attendees from this past summer. We will also have a presentation of Quilts of Valor ceremony courtesy of the Village Quilters. There is no meeting in December. Our speaker to kick off the new year will be Julie Mitchell who will tell the story of the first female Naval aviator and fellow Tennessean, CAPT Rosemary Mariner.
- 4th VC – John Gamble reported that the post has reached the 75% mark of their 800 Wreaths-Across-America sponsorship goal thanks to a $1,000 donation from the Knights of Columbus. On 19 Oct he is setting up a donation table in Rarity Bay and on 11 Nov the post will be at Food City in Vonore to accept donations. John also noted that he had distributed flyers to each table regarding Spring Fling 3. Advance tickets go on sale this month for post members.
- Adjutant – Tony Adams stated that the Executive Committee (EC) would be considering organizations this month to receive funds to assist veterans in our local area. If you know of one you’d like to nominate, please see an officer of the post. Tony also mentioned that the post would again be holding its annual Veterans Day Service at 0900 on 11 Nov at the Tellico Village Community Church. This year, at the conclusion of the service, the community will be invited to participate in a 1.9 mile Be-the-One walk to draw awareness to the fact that there are many among us today who still suffer from the scars of serving this nation.
- Chaplain – Seth Reichenbach passed around numerous types of cards for members to sign that he will keep on hand to send out when needed. He then continued his short informational pitches entitled “For God and Country”. Having completed the three segments on “Service to God”, he began a three-part series about “Service to Country” stating it includes the individual, community, and nation. He spoke today on the importance of each of us being morally and spiritually equipped.
- Finance Officer – Roger Forsyth reported on the status of Post funds as of end-of-month September.
- Veteran Service Officer – Dan Callan noted the following: 1) this is the time of year to speak with your doctor about whether to get the flu, RSV, and COVID vaccines and, 2) as part of the Home for the Brave Act legislation, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development will now no longer count veteran’s disability benefits towards total income when determining their eligibility for HUD programs, ensuring these benefits are not the reason veterans cannot access housing benefits.
- Legion Riders Director – Will Wright said the group is always looking for more members. He mentioned that someone who “rides behind a bike rider” (i.e., possibly an Auxiliary member) can join the Riders so long as their name is included on the bike title.
2) Open Discussion -- Commander Buelow made mention of the following: 1) the potential for a Holiday Social in Dec or Jan, 2) see him for free veteran tickets for the Lakeside Charity Concert at the Tellico Yacht on 12 Oct, 3) a Lost Vets spaghetti dinner fundraiser on 14 Oct at Greenback school, and 4) he encourages all members to come to the Veterans Day Ceremony and Be-the-One Walk.
3) Good of the Legion
- Member Bob Ullom noted that he recently learned that home smoke alarms have a 10-year expiration date. He also highly recommended a trip to Branson, MO as they do a great job welcoming veterans.
- 3VC Linda Ullom thanked Commander Buelow for twisting her arm to go on the all-female HonorAir Flight to D.C. She thoroughly enjoyed it and recommends all post members consider doing it someday.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude the meeting was adjourned with prayer and proper ceremony.
Charlie Rhodarmer was asked to draw the 50/50 raffle stub. Mike Thornton held the winning ticket.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
Minutes of Post 256
Monthly General Meeting
The American Legion
Department of Tennessee
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Post Adjutant DATE: 5 September 2024
APPROVED BY: Steve Buelow, Post Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members –33, Auxiliary 10, Guests – 4.
TIME: Convened 0900 hrs. Adjourned 1040 hrs.
OPENING: Post Commander Steve Buelow opened the meeting with proper ceremony. Chaplain Seth Reichenbach gave the invocation and Service Officer Dan Callan led members in reciting the Preamble to the American Legion Constitution. Then Steve declared the monthly General Membership meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Buelow offered tables the opportunity to introduce visitors and guests. The ladies of our Auxiliary Unit were invited to stand. Lou Farragher, Steve’s neighbor and sister-in-law of the guest speaker was introduced. Potential member Tim Griggs (USN) provided brief introductory remarks. 3rd District Commander, Dwight Woodcock, was introduced.
SICK CALL: Chaplain Reichenbach mentioned that past Post Commander Bob Haldi had been moved to a rehab facility in Madisonville following his accident and hospitalization. He also mentioned the Celebration of Life ceremony for deceased member Bob Provart (USAF) which will be held on 29 Sep at 1530 in the Tellico Village Community Church.
GUEST SPEAKER: Our guest speaker was Marianne Bailey, partner and cybersecurity leader at Guidehouse Cybersecurity, who spoke about cyber threats facing this nation. Following her presentation, Commander Buelow presented her with a Certificate of Appreciation, Legion challenge coin, and Legion mug.
1) Officer Reports
- 1st VC – Bruce Blodgett addressed two topics.
* Membership: he asked those in attendance to stand for a moment of silence to remember three post members who died recently (Phil Scott, Perry Tankersley, Bob Provart). Chaplain Reichenbach read an appropriate prayer. Bruce mentioned that in the future, we intend to frame our post charter and drape it with a black cloth in honor of the member’s transition to the Post Everlasting. Bruce then reported on the status of membership renewals. Post membership for 2025 currently stands at 125. Our Department assigned goal is 210. He asked that members who have not yet renewed please do so before 20 Oct.
* Wreathes-Across-America: we are currently at 323 against a goal of 800 sponsored wreaths. This is behind where we were this time last year. Bruce congratulated Richard Schwartz for canvassing his neighbors in Kahite and encouraged others to do likewise. The post will again be at Food City on Veterans Day (0900-1600) to accept donations.
- 2nd VC – Richard Schwartz reported that our guest speaker for the October General Membership Meeting will be Charles Rhodarmer who is the Director at the Sequoyah Birthplace Museum. He will present a talk titled 'The Spark' and discuss the life experiences that lead Sequoyah to develop the Cherokee syllabary. In November we will once again hear from our Boys & Girls State attendees and also have a presentation of Quilts of Valor courtesy of the Village Quilters.
- 4th VC – John Gamble reported on the Spring Fling 3 Dinner/Dance joint fundraiser with the Auxiliary Unit scheduled for 26 April 2025.
- Chaplain – Seth Reichenbach gave a third short informational pitches entitled “For God and Country”. He spoke this time about the importance of religious training for children; noting that given our average age this might also include modeling appropriate behavior for our grandchildren.
- Finance Officer – Roger Forsyth reported on the status of Post funds as of end-of-month August.
- Veteran Service Officer – Dan Callan noted the following; 1) greetings from the county VSOs and updates on their herculean progress registering people for VA benefits under the PACT Act; 2) plans to develop more technologies that bring the ability to diagnose and treat veterans in rural communities closer to where they live; 3) an update on “unexplained cancers”; 4) the potential for expanding non-VA provider home care coverage under the Elizabeth Dole Act; and 5) a request for DNA from family members of those still classified as MIA.
- Legion Riders Director – Will Wright said the group was active and always looking for more members.
- Auxiliary President – Wendy Reichenbach reported that HonorAir Knoxville Flt #35 (all female veterans) was schedule for 25 Sep and Post member Linda Ullom would be participating. Wendy noted that she is honored to have been selected as an escort on the flight and will ensure that everyone is treated like “royalty”.
2) Open Discussion -- Commander Buelow addressed the significance of showing up in force to support the annual Veterans Day ceremony at the Tellico Village Community Church (11 Nov at 0900). He reported that member Mark Warren had fallen from a 12’ ladder and sustained a bad ankle injury. As a result, the July 2025 Dragon Boat Regatta fundraiser would be postponed until 2026 (date TBD). District Commander Woodcock briefly spoke on four topics: 1) the importance of early membership renewals; 2) kudos to our Auxiliary for their growth in this their first year; 3) continued post financial support for Boys & Girls State; and 4) to always be mindful “Be-the-One”.
3) Good of the Legion
- Member Tom Simcox asked if any knew when early voting began in TN. Richard Schwartz answered it starts on 16 Oct and ends on 31 Oct.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude the meeting was adjourned with prayer and proper ceremony at 1040 hours.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
Minutes of Post 256
Monthly General Meeting
The American Legion
Department of Tennessee
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Post Adjutant DATE: 8 August 2024
APPROVED BY: Steve Buelow, Post Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members – 22, Guests – 18.
TIME: Convened 1900 hrs. Adjourned 1919 hrs.
OPENING: This meeting was advertised as a SPECIAL EVENT. It was held in the evening at the suggestion of several respondents to a December 2022 survey - as a way to attract members still working or unable to come to the usual Thursday morning General Membership meetings. This was the second year we offered such a venue. It was also intended to serve as our quarterly social. The agenda included a shortened meeting (no officer reports), a meal with members and their spouses, and a guest speaker. The dinner was held at the Tellico Village Yacht Club and began at 1800 with a 1-hour social. After guests were seated and meals were ordered, Post Commander Steve Buelow opened the meeting with proper ceremony and declared the monthly General Membership meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. Chaplain Seth Reichenbach offered the opening prayer and Steve led attendees in reciting The American Legion Preamble.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Buelow gave special recognition to longtime member Don Edmands and his wife Mary who were in attendance following a long absence due to Don’s illness. He then offered tables the opportunity to introduce visitors and guests. Prospective new member, Kevin Meyer (USA) introduced himself. Member Ken Oakley, who works during the day, was attending his first event and spoke on the importance of holding events available to younger working veterans. Auxiliary President Wendy Reichenbach addressed the ladies in the audience and made remarks regarding the availability of seats on an all-female HonorAir Knoxville Flight in September and an invitation to join the Auxiliary if eligible.
SICK CALL: Steve inquired as to whether anyone needed to be kept in prayer for an illness. Seth mentioned that past commander Bob Haldi and his wife Betty Anne had recently been injured in an auto accident and the return of Barnett Alpert’s cancer.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude the meeting was adjourned with prayer and proper ceremony at 1919 hours. The dinner and guest speaker followed.
GUEST SPEAKER: Our guest speaker was Mr. Roger Helle. He is a decorated Marine Corps Vietnam veteran, former Director of the Teen Challenge Center in Chattanooga, longtime participant in the “Vets With A Mission” ministry in Vietnam, mentor to numerous faith-based ministries and non-profits, and renowned author of the book “A Time to Kill, A Time to Heal”.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
Minutes of Post 256
Monthly General Meeting
The American Legion
Department of Tennessee
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Post Adjutant DATE: 18 July 2024
APPROVED BY: Steve Buelow, Post Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members – 22, Guests – 0.
TIME: Convened 0900 hrs. Adjourned 1020 hrs.
OPENING: Post Commander Steve Buelow opened the meeting with proper ceremony. Chaplain Seth Reichenbach gave the invocation and Service Officer Dan Callan led members in reciting the Preamble to the American Legion Constitution. Then Steve declared the monthly General Membership meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Buelow offered tables the opportunity to introduce visitors and guests. There were none.
SICK CALL: Chaplain Reichenbach mentioned that Past Commander Bob Haldi had knee replacement surgery on Monday and is at home recuperating. Steve noted that the memorial service for deceased member Richard Jones will be held today at 1100 in the Tellico Village Community Church. He thanked those present who are members of the Loudon County Honor Guard for representing us at that event and all they do in the community.
GUEST SPEAKER: There was no guest speaker at this month’s meeting. Commander Buelow reported on the recent Department Convention in Murfreesboro, TN that he attended together with his wife Betsy, and Seth & Wendy Reichenbach. He named the leaders that were elected and his belief that their past experience and enthusiasm will benefit the department in the next year. At the convention, post member Bruce Blodgett was awarded the Department Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) of the Year. Steve then addressed items of importance to our post: the recent 3rd District Commanders Tour attended by Adjutant Tony Adams, next month’s Dinner Social at the Tellico Village Yacht Club, our ongoing Wreaths Across America Campaign, and a Dragon Boat fundraiser tentatively planned for July 2025.
1) Installation of Post Officers -- Immediate Past Legion Rider Director Jim Warner swore in the Post 256 officers for 2024/2025.
2) Officer Reports
- 1st VC – Bruce Blodgett reported that renewals and recruitment for 2025 are now underway. The post currently has 70 paid-up members. He asked members to renew their membership as soon as possible either online or by check/cash.
- 2nd VC – reporting for Richard Schwartz, Tony Adams said that our Aug GM meeting would be an evening Dinner Social with a Marine Vietnam veteran guest speaker held at the Tellico Village Yacht Club on the evening of Thu, 8 Aug. Please refer to e-mails for further information and RSVP requirements.
- 3rd VC – Linda Ullom stated that she had nothing to report.
- 4th VC – John Gamble noted that planning continues for the Spring Fling 3 fundraiser to take place on 26 Apr 2025 at the Tellico Village Yacht Club.
- Adjutant – nothing further to report.
- Service Officer – Dan Callan discussed the following: Be-the-One suicide awareness training is available online at https://www.legion.org/betheone/training, only 30% of Vietnam era veterans are still alive, Arlington National Cemetery is filling up and new areas are being considered. Congress is wrestling with military budget issues; where possible, Tricare members are being encouraged to use military treatment facilities in lieu of off-post care.
- Chaplain – Seth Reichenbach continued his series of short informational pitches entitled “For God and Country”. He spoke about the importance of daily family prayer as a way to develop a partnership of faith, hope, and love.
- Finance Officer – Roger Forsyth reported on the status of Post funds. Tony Adams cited recent circumstances where the post has given financial aid to veterans or widows of veterans in the community.
- Legion Riders – Will Wright noted that he is actively recruiting new members.
3) Good of the Legion
- Bob Ullom was present to accept any expired drugs that needed to be disposed of. Noting that only three members had brought in such drugs, Bob offered to continue to this collection effort at future GM meetings.
- Bruce Blodgett made mention of the Multi-County Resource Fair which will be held at the War Memorial building in Lenoir City on 17 Sep from 1000-1400.
- Linda Ullom reminded members that 1 Aug is election day in the State of TN. She encouraged every member to exercise their right to VOTE!
- Will Wright noted that he has been checking out the Mission Phoenix organization, as his son suffers from PTS. He promises to keep us posted on what he discovers.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude the meeting was adjourned with prayer and proper ceremony at 1020 hours.
Linda Ullom was asked to draw the 50/50 raffle stub. Her husband Bob Ullom held the winning ticket.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
Minutes of Post 256
Monthly General Meeting
The American Legion
Department of Tennessee
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Post Adjutant DATE: 13 June 2024
APPROVED BY: Steve Buelow, Post Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members – 31, Guests – 3.
TIME: Convened 0900 hrs. Adjourned 1046 hrs.
OPENING: Post Commander Steve Buelow opened the meeting with a story about a grave marker he discovered while placing veteran flags at his designated Memorial Day cemetery this year. It noted the mother of three WWII Army soldiers buried at Arlington National Cemetery alongside her sons. He felt that “she too, paid the ultimate sacrifice”. Steve then continued with the opening post ceremony. Chaplain Seth Reichenbach gave the invocation and Adjutant Tony Adams led members in reciting the Preamble to the American Legion Constitution. Then Steve declared the monthly General Membership meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Buelow offered tables the opportunity to introduce visitors and guests. Member Mike Thornton introduced his visiting brother-in-law, a USAF veteran. New members Roger Barnett (USCG), Pam Gazlay (USN) and Travis Holloway (USA) provided brief introductory remarks.
SICK CALL: Commander Buelow mentioned that Post Service Officer Dan Callan was at home recuperating from recent heart surgery.
GUEST SPEAKER: Our guest speaker was Mr. Sandy Reno, who spoke about the Convention of States Action - a national movement to call a convention under Article V of the United States Constitution. Following his presentation, Commander Buelow presented him with a Certificate of Appreciation, Legion challenge coin, and Legion mug.
1) Commander Buelow presented Stan Stosiak the 2023-2024 Post Legionnaire of the Year Award and pin.
2) Commander Buelow presented Commander Stars to post members who participated in the following Post sponsored Memorial Day weekend events: Poppy Day, Veteran’s grave flags, and the Rarity Bay Memorial Day ceremony.
3) Officer Reports
- 1st VC – John Gamble had nothing to report.
- 2nd VC – reporting for Richard Schwartz, Tony Adams said that our July GM meeting would be held on Thursday, 18 July and the August GM meeting would be an evening Dinner Social with guest speaker held at the Tellico Village Yacht Club on the evening of Thursday, 8 August.
- 3rd VC – Linda Ullom reported that our delegates from Sequoyah and Greenback High Schools attended Boys State at Tennessee Technical University the week of 19-24 May. As usual, these delegates will attend our GM meeting in November to tell us about their experience.
- Adjutant – Tony Adams reported that we presently have 203 post members. 38 current members have taken advantage of the opportunity to purchase three-year renewals at the $39 rate in advance of an increase next year to $46. The post already has 5 new members signed up for 2025.
- Chaplain – Seth Reichenbach gave the second of what he said will be a series of short informational pitches entitled “For God and Country”. He once again noted that this phrase includes three goals of the Legion to include: 1) regular worship, 2) daily prayer, and 3) religious education for children.
- SGT-at-Arms – Bruce Blodgett mentioned that he was accepting volunteers to man our Wreaths-across-America table at Food City on Flag Day (14 June).
- Finance Officer -- Stan Stosiak reported on the status of Post funds.
- Legion Riders – Will Wright noted that the Riders were active and looking for members. The Commander recognized that the Riders, together with several post members, had recently participated in supporting the annual “Run-for-the Wall” event.
- Past Commander – Bob Haldi noted that the last WWII Medal of Honor recipient had recently passed away and that we should remember the tremendous sacrifice that generation paid for this nation.
4) Open Discussion -- Commander Buelow said that the post Executive Committee meeting would be held at his residence on 19 Jun versus 21 Jun because he would be travelling to Idaho to watch his 3 grandsons wrestle.
5) Good of the Legion
- Member Bob Ullom stated that he has volunteered to collect expired or unwanted drugs for proper disposal at the July GM meeting. Tony was asked to include this in his meeting announcement.
- Member Barnett Alpert brought in a Korea Veteran ballcap he picked up at a yard sale that was adorned with various medals and accoutrements. While he intended to offer the hat and pins to anyone who might have use for them, Steve suggested that “a hat of this nature should be treasured by a family… and our post will be this veteran’s family. Let’s honor this soldier by placing his cap on our POW/MIA chair at each of our post events.”
- Steve asked Rarity Bay server “Susie” to come forward noting that this would be her last meeting with us, as she was retiring after 17 years. He asked everyone thank her - then said that he the EC wished to honor her by giving her the post half of today’s 50/50 pot.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude the meeting was adjourned with prayer and proper ceremony at 1046 hours.
Sandy Reno was asked to draw the 50/50 raffle stub. Barnett Alpert held the winning ticket. “Susie” was given the other half.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
Minutes of Post 256
Monthly General Meeting
The American Legion
Department of Tennessee
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Post Adjutant DATE: 2 May 2024
APPROVED BY: Steve Buelow, Post Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members – 50, Guests – 2.
TIME: Convened 0900 hrs. Adjourned 1050 hrs.
OPENING: Post Commander Steve Buelow opened the meeting with proper ceremony. Chaplain Seth Reichenbach gave the invocation and Steve led members in reciting the Preamble to the American Legion Constitution. Then Steve declared the monthly General Membership meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Buelow offered tables the opportunity to introduce visitors and guests. Potential member Don Smith (USN) provided brief introductory remarks.
SICK CALL: Chaplain Reichenbach mentioned the death of post member Robert Wolf (USA) of Kahite.
GUEST SPEAKER: Our guest speaker was LTC (ret.) Johnny Payne, former command pilot of Air Force Two who spoke about his experiences flying dignitaries around the world. Following his presentation, Commander Buelow presented him with a Certificate of Appreciation, Legion challenge coin, and Legion mug.
1) Adjutant Tony Adams facilitated discussion and voting on two agenda items.
- Constitution and Bylaws
A motion was made and seconded to accept the Post Constitution and Bylaws as amended by the Executive Committee. The motion passed unanimously by all members in attendance.
- Election of Officers
An election was held IAW our Post Constitution and Bylaws. By unanimous voice consent the following officers were Elected/Appointed for 2024/2025. They will be installed at the July GM meeting.
Commander Steve Buelow
1st Vice Commander Bruce Blodgett
Adjutant Tony Adams
Finance Officer Roger Forsyth
Service Officer Dan Callan
2nd Vice Commander Richard Schwartz
3rd Vice Commander Linda Ullom
4th Vice Commander John Gamble
Chaplain Seth Reichenbach
Public Affairs Officer Chuck Everett
Sergeant-at-Arms Phred Tyrell
2) Officer Reports
- 1st VC – John Gamble reported on the Spring Fling 2 Dinner/Dance joint fundraiser with the Auxiliary Unit. The event raised $3,921 which will be split evenly between the two organizations. John noted that because of the success of the event, Spring Fling 3 has been scheduled for 26 April 2025.
- 2nd VC – Richard Schwartz had to leave the meeting early. In his absence, Adjutant Adams reported that our guest speaker for the June General Membership Meeting will be Sandy Reno, who will speak about the Convention of States.
- 3rd VC – Linda Ullom noted that our delegates from Sequoyah and Greenback High Schools will be attending Boys State at Tennessee Technical University, 19-24 May. She also stated that the Tellico Village Kiwanis Club had recently donated $425 in support of this year’s delegation. As usual, the delegates will attend our GM meeting in November to tell us about their experience.
- Adjutant – Tony Adams reported that with Robert Wolf’s death we currently have 203 post members. Thirty-five members have taken advantage of the opportunity to purchase three-year renewals at the current $39 rate in advance of an increase next year to $46. The post already has 2 new members signed up for 2025.
- Chaplain – Seth Reichenbach gave the first of what he said will be a series of short informational pitches entitled “For God and Country”. He noted that this phrase, first coined in the 1950s, includes three “back to God” goals of the Legion to include: 1) regular public worship, 2) daily family prayer, and 3) religious training for children.
- SGT-at-Arms – Bruce Blodgett mentioned that he was handing out flags and pokers to the Team Leads of the sixteen Memorial Day Weekend Cemetery details. He noted that we still need a volunteer to take Bob Haldi’s place as Lead at Union Fork cemetery (Charles Everett volunteered). Bruce also mentioned that he was still accepting volunteers to man our Wreaths-across-America table at Food City on Flag Day (14 June).
- Finance Officer -- Stan Stosiak reported on the status of Post funds as of end-of-month April.
- Veteran Service Officer – Dan Callan noted the following; 1) receipt of a letter of thanks from the Loudon County VSO, Ron Hudson, for the donation of handicapped equipment brought to him by post member Bob Haldi. Dan reminded attendees that such donations are always welcomed; 2) the invitation to all veterans and individuals to attend a memorial service for six unclaimed veterans at the East Tennessee Veterans Cemetery, located at 2200 E. Governor John Sevier Hwy., Knoxville, TN. The service is on 9 May at 1200 hours; 3) he’s still looking for volunteers to assist with “buddy Check” phone calls, particularly those in the Tellico Village area.
- Legion Riders – Rich Gruber made an announcement regarding post support for the annual “Run-for-the Wall” event. Volunteers are needed to wave flags at the I-75/SR-321 overpass in Lenoir City on 22 May from 0845 until approximately 1000.
- ) Open Discussion -- Commander Buelow addressed the significance of volunteering for Memorial Day events such as the Run-for-the-Wall (22 May), Poppy Day (24 May) and the placement of Cemetery Flags (Holiday weekend). He reminded folks to show up in force to support the annual Memorial Day ceremony at the Rarity Bay flagpole at 0800 (27 May).
4) Good of the Legion
- Member Shawn Tallant mentioned a free BBQ that the Tellico Village VFW will host on 18 May at the Toqua Pavilion. He again made mention of a gala fundraiser dinner at the Yacht Club on 19 May for “Our Place”; and the collection of worn flags to be retired in ceremony by the VFW on Flag Day (14 June).
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude the meeting was adjourned with prayer and proper ceremony at 1050 hours.
Johnny Payne was asked to draw the 50/50 raffle stub. John Gamble held the winning ticket.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
Minutes of Post 256
Monthly General Meeting
The American Legion
Department of Tennessee
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Post Adjutant DATE: 4 April 2024
APPROVED BY: Steve Buelow, Post Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members – 35, Guests – 5.
TIME: Convened 0900 hrs. Adjourned 1029 hrs.
OPENING: Post Commander Steve Buelow opened the meeting with proper ceremony. Adjutant Tony Adams gave the invocation and Service Officer Dan Callan led members in reciting the Preamble to the American Legion Constitution. Then Steve declared the monthly General Membership meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Buelow offered tables the opportunity to introduce visitors and guests. Potential members Roger Barnett (USCG) and Jim Holt (USA) provided brief introductory remarks.
GUEST SPEAKER: Our guest speaker was Carolyn Ritchey, a local historian/author who spoke about the TVA acquisition of the Little Tennessee River farmland. Following her presentation, Commander Buelow presented her with a Certificate of Appreciation, Legion challenge coin, and Legion mug.
1) Officer Reports
- 1st VC – John Gamble reported on the Spring Fling Dinner/Dance fundraiser which will be held at the Tellico Village Yacht Club on the evening of 27 April. He noted that about 100 tickets had been sold thusfar and that among the numerous “Chinese Auction” items were rounds of golf. He reminded members that the last day to purchase is 15 Apr. John also mentioned that he had received a few good suggestions for future fundraisers and is always looking for more.
- 3rd VC – Linda Ullom noted that Tony had recently sent out an announcement regarding the HonorAir Knoxville Flight which will take place on 10 Apr. Post members Richard Schwartz, Greg Russo, and John Reiner will be on the flight. She then reported that interviews for Boy’s and Girl’s State were held at Greenback and Sequoyah High Schools and one boy and girl from each school were selected. Alternates have also been chosen.
- Adjutant – Tony Adams noted that our May guest speaker will be former Air Force Two command pilot Johnny Payne. We currently have 204 paid-up members for 2024. 33 members have taken advantage of the opportunity to purchase three-year renewals at the current $39 rate in advance of an increase next year to $46. He also mentioned that the post would be holding its annual election in May and voting on minor amendments to the Post Constitution and Bylaws.
- SGT-at-Arms – Bruce Blodgett said that he was looking for volunteers to be team leads for the placement of flags at veteran gravesite in our fifteen local cemeteries over the Memorial Day weekend as several of our post members who have done it in the past are no longer physically able to do so. He asked that anyone interested contact him or Tony for more details. Flags will be distributed at the May General Membership meeting. Bruce also noted volunteers are needed for the Wreaths-Across-America kickoff event on Flag Day (14 Jun) at Food City from 0900-1600.
- Finance Officer -- Stan Stosiak reported on the status of Post funds as of end-of-month March. He then mentioned that he had a jacket that someone left behind after the March meeting.
- Veteran Service Officer – Dan Callan noted that Bob Haldi had recently secured several handicap items (wheelchair, walker, cane, etc.) from a neighbor that wished to donate them to a veteran. Dan linked him up with the Loudon County VSO who was glad to get them. Dan then again mentioned that he and Chaplain Reichenbach were leads for the post Buddy Check program and were looking for volunteers to serve as callers. If interested, reach out to him or Seth for further instructions.
Open Discussion -- Commander Buelow awarded “Commander Stars” to John Gamble and Bruce Blodgett for the short-order cook assistance they rendered to Lost Vets at their pancake breakfast. He then spoke about the following: Tom Simcox gave him five Vietnam Veteran lapel pins to give out to those who may not have one, he will be on vacation at end-of-May and has asked the 1VC (John Gamble) to stand in as Commander for the Rarity Bay Memorial Day Ceremony.
3) Good of the Legion
- Member Bob Ullom spoke about the need for volunteers to assist with Poppy Day at Food City on 24 May. There will be three 2-hour shifts starting at 0900.
- Member Shawn Tallant spoke on two topics.
- The Tellico Village VFW will have its annual Flag Retirement Ceremony on Flag Day (14 Jun). Post members can bring worn flags to the May and June General Membership meetings or drop them at any of the four sites in the village.
- On Sunday, 19 May from 1700-2200 at the Yacht Club in Tellico Village, Our PLACE will host a Spring Capital Campaign Fundraiser & Gala. Tickets are available for $100 per person.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude the meeting was adjourned with prayer and proper ceremony at 1029 hours.
Carolyn Ritchey was asked to draw the 50/50 raffle stub. Robert Russell held the winning ticket and donated his winnings back to the post.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
Minutes of Post 256
Monthly General Meeting
The American Legion
Department of Tennessee
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Post Adjutant DATE: 7 March 2024
APPROVED BY: Steve Buelow, Post Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members – 49, Guests –15.
TIME: Convened 0900 hrs. Adjourned 1032 hrs.
OPENING: Post Commander Steve Buelow opened the meeting with proper ceremony - to include the initiation of 7 of our 17 new members into the American Legion. He then declared the monthly General Membership meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Buelow offered tables the opportunity to introduce visitors and guests. Potential transfer members Randy Schwerdt (USAF) and Mel Albright (USA) provided brief introductory remarks. Numerous member husbands introduced their wives who were in attendance.
SICK CALL: Chaplain Reichenbach said he was not aware of any sick calls to report.
GUEST SPEAKER: Our guest speaker was Rene’ McGill Schultz who led a question-and-answer session on what to expect when someone dies in the State of Tennessee. Following her presentation, Commander Buelow presented her with a Certificate of Appreciation, Legion challenge coin, and Legion mug.
1) Officer Reports
- 1st VC – John Gamble reported on the Spring Fling Dinner/Dance fundraiser which will be held at the Tellico Village Yacht Club on the evening of 27 April. He noted that about one third of the tickets had already been purchased.
- 2nd VC – Richard Schwartz reported that our guest speaker for April will be Carolyn Ritchey, a local historian/author who will speak about the TVA land grab of Tellico Lake property. Our May speaker will be former Air Force Two Command Pilot Johnny Payne.
- 3rd VC – Linda Ullom noted that interviews for Boy’s and Girl’s State will be held at Greenback and Sequoyah High Schools on Fri, 8 Mar and Mon, 11 Mar.
- Adjutant – Tony Adams stated that we currently have 204 paid-up members for 2024 and that 31 members have taken advantage of the opportunity to purchase three-year renewals at the current $39 rate in advance of an increase next year. He also mentioned that the post would be holding its annual election in May and voting on minor amendments to the Post Constitution and Bylaws.
- SGT-at-Arms – Bruce Blodgett announced that the post has again registered as a sponsor for Wreaths-Across-America sales and set a goal of 700 for this year. Our official kickoff begins on Flag Day at Food City in Vonore, but you can purchase a wreath now by going to this link on our post website. Bruce also mentioned the importance of having one’s DNR paperwork handy should an emergency occur at home and EMT personnel arrive.
- Finance Officer -- Stan Stosiak reported on the status of Post funds as of end-of-month February.
- Veteran Service Officer – Dan Callan mentioned that he and Chaplain Seth Reichenbach were now leads for the post Buddy Check program. He asked that those wishing to volunteer to serve as callers reach out to him or Seth for further instructions.
- Open Discussion -- Commander Buelow spoke about the following: 1) a veteran in need that the Executive Committee would possibly be taking action on to financially assist, 2) a Lost Vets pancake breakfast on Sat, 16 Mar at the Greenback Community Center (tickets available for $5), 3) a golf tournament fundraiser for Lost Vets in Newport (info TBA), and 4) the need for volunteers to fill several officer vacancies (see him or Tony if interested).
3) Good of the Legion
- Auxiliary President Wendy Reichenbach again made an announcement regarding Flight 36 of Honor Air Knoxville -- an all-female veteran flight in Oct 2024. She brought applications to the meeting in hopes that some of our members would apply. Commander Buelow added his desire that they would as well. Wendy also extended an invitation for spouses who are not already members of the Auxiliary Unit to consider joining.
- Member Shawn Tallant noted that he was now a board member of “Our Place” in Tellico Village and offered to provide information should anyone wish to know more about their services.
- Members Shawn Tallant, Tony Adams, Seth Reichenbach, and John Gamble each gave short testimonials about the importance of pre-planning for funeral arrangements.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude the meeting was adjourned with prayer and proper ceremony at 1032 hours.
Rene’ McGill Schultz was asked to draw the 50/50 raffle stub. Roger Forsyth held the winning ticket and donated his proceeds to the post.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
Minutes of Post 256
Monthly General Meeting
The American Legion
Department of Tennessee
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Post Adjutant DATE: 1 February 2024
APPROVED BY: Steve Buelow, Post Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members – 50, Guests – 3.
TIME: Convened 0900 hrs. Adjourned 1044 hrs.
OPENING: Post Commander Steve Buelow opened the meeting with proper ceremony and declared the monthly General Membership meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. Post Chaplain Seth Reichenbach offered the opening prayer and Post Service Officer Dan Callan led attendees in reciting The American Legion Preamble.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Buelow offered tables the opportunity to introduce visitors and guests. There were none. Steve took the opportunity to announce that it was just announced that our Sgt-at-Arms, Bruce Blodgett was selected as the Department of Tennessee Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) of the Year for 2023.
SICK CALL: Chaplain Reichenbach reported that member Richard Jones was currently hospitalized. He then passed around a get-well card for members to sign.
GUEST SPEAKER: Our guest speaker was Knoxville County Mayor Glenn Jacobs who spoke about his life story. Following his motivational presentation, Commander Buelow presented him with a Certificate of Appreciation, Legion challenge coin, and Legion mug.
AWARD PRESENTATION: 1st Vice Commander John Gamble presented a post donation check of $1,500 to Randall Scott, President of the Vet-to-Vet Tennessee organization in Madisonville.
1) Officer Reports
- 1st VC – John Gamble reported on the Spring Fling Dinner/Dance fundraiser which will be held at the Tellico Village Yacht Club on the evening of 27 April.
- 2nd VC – Richard Schwartz reported that our guest speaker for March it will be Ms. Renee McGill-Schultz of McGill Click Funerals & Cremations. In April, we will host former Air Force Two pilot Johnny Payne of Madisonville.
- 3rd VC – Linda Ullom noted that both she and Auxiliary Unit President Wendy Reichenbach are finalizing coordination for Boys and Girls State applicants at Sequoyah and Greenback High Schools. They hope to have applications complete in February and hold separate interviews in March.
- Adjutant – Tony Adams stated that we currently have 203 paid-up members for 2024. He then announced that he would be sending out an announcement regarding an opportunity to purchase a three-year renewal at the current $39 rate in advance of an increase next year.
- SGT-at-Arms – Bruce Blodgett again thanked members for surpassing our 2023 Wreaths-Across-America campaign goal. He presented Commander Buelow’s “star” hat-pin awards to members present who helped man the WAA table at Food City on Flag Day and Veterans Day.
- Finance Officer -- Stan Stosiak reported on the status of Post funds as of end-of-month January.
- Veteran Service Officer – Dan Callan mentioned that there are “fraudsters” out there attempting to scam veterans of PACT Act benefit dollars. Report them to your county VSO if they contact you.
- Legion Riders – Will Wright introduced himself and the new officers of the post Legion Riders. He then summarized the club’s recent activities and events.
- Open Discussion -- Commander Buelow spoke about his attendance at the Department Mid-Winter Conference. He asked members to 1) consider registering for Voter Voice, 2) participate as members on post committees, 3) be actively involved in member recruitment, and 4) consider being an officer of the post for FY 2024/25.
3) Good of the Legion
- Auxiliary President Wendy Reichenbach made an announcement regarding Flight 36 of Honor Air Knoxville -- an all-female veteran flight in Oct 2024. She brought applications to the meeting in hopes that some of our members would apply. Commander Buelow added his desire that they would as well.
- Member Tom Simcox said he brought a VA table magnifying lamp that he no longer needed which was free for anyone who wanted it.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude the meeting was adjourned with prayer and proper ceremony at 1044 hours.
Chaplain Reichenbach was asked to draw the 50/50 raffle stub. Tom Simcox held the winning ticket and donated one-half of his winnings ($50) back to the post.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
Minutes of Post 256
Monthly General Meeting
The American Legion
Department of Tennessee
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Post Adjutant DATE: 4 January 2024
APPROVED BY: Steve Buelow, Post Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members – 40, Guests – 4.
TIME: Convened 0900 hrs. Adjourned 1015 hrs.
OPENING: Post Commander Steve Buelow opened the meeting with proper ceremony and declared the monthly General Membership meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. Past Chaplain Bob Haldi offered the opening prayer and Steve led attendees in reciting The American Legion Preamble.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Buelow offered tables the opportunity to introduce visitors and guests. Member Jim Jeswald (USN) reintroduced himself - as he’s been unable to attend meetings for some time. Prospective members Jim and Nancy Holt (USA) and Kim Lee (USAF) made brief introductory remarks.
SICK CALL: None reported
GUEST SPEAKER: Unfortunately, our guest speaker SFC Neil “Cross Bear” Thompson the Oak Ridge Army Recruiting Station was a NO SHOW for his presentation.
AWARD PRESENTATION: Last fall, Post 256 submitted applications through the Vet-to-Vet Tennessee organization requesting that the Embassy of Korea (Office of Defense Attache’) approve four of its Korean War service medal veterans to receive the Korean Ambassador for Peace Medal. Our request was approved, and the medal sets are now being presented either at a General Membership meeting or at the member’s residence. Today, Richard. A. Jones (USAF) received his award from Commander Buelow while the Adjutant Adams read the Korean War Commemoration Certificate of Honor.
SPECIAL GUEST: Commander Buelow next introduced our 3rd District Commander, David Sherrill, who was in attendance. Commander Sherill spoke briefly on the importance of recruiting new members to join the American Legion in light of an aging population where transfers to the “Post Everlasting” occur regularly. He noted what a great job Post 256 has done this year and in years past, stating that we were already over our 110% recruitment goal. David believes a key to recruitment is gaining the support of the local media in one’s area and ensuring that the stories of what the Legion is doing to help veterans and to make their community a better place to live is being told as widely and as often as possible. He said, “this is what will make people want to be a part of your organization and support you events.”
1) Officer Reports
- Auxiliary Unit President (Pro tempore) – Wendy Reichenbach mentioned that the Auxiliary Unit of Tellico Lake Post 256 installation will take place this evening (4 Jan) in the Rarity Bay Community Activity Center at 1900. All post members are invited. Twenty-four charter members will be recognized, and four officers installed. She thanked the post for giving her the opportunity to serve as the first Unit President and noted that the honor is rightfully due her father who was unable to wear a military uniform in service to his nation, and was therefore ineligible to be a Legion member, because he was working for Merck on penicillin production during and after WWII.
- 1st VC – John Gamble: nothing to report
- 2nd VC – Richard Schwartz reported that our guest speaker for February will be the Knox County Mayor, Glenn Jacobs. In March it will be Ms. Renee McGill-Schultz of McGill Click Funerals & Cremations. And in April, we will host former Air Force Two pilot Johnny Payne of Madisonville. Commander Buelow then asked Adjutant Adams to present Richard with National Commander Daniel Seehafer’s “BE THE ONE incentive dog tag coin and congratulatory note for recruiting two or more Legionnaires.
- 3rd VC – Linda Ullom noted that while there were no takers to compete in the Legion Oratorical Contest, things are progressing as planned soliciting sponsorships for this summer’s Boys and Girls State scholarships.
- Adjutant – Tony Adams stated that we currently have 202 paid-up members but sadly lost William Little (USMC) and Terry Murphy (USA) in the month of December.
- SGT-at-Arms – reporting for Bruce Blodgett, Tony noted the amazing 4-year campaign growth the post has witnessed (224 – 314 – 681 – to now 853 wreaths). This year we received $4,262.50 for our veterans fund. Bruce wishes to thank a contingent of post members assisted in the laying of over 9,000 wreaths at the Knoxville National Cemetery on 16 Dec.
- Finance Officer -- Stan Stosiak reported on the status of Post funds as of end-of-month December.
- Veteran Service Officer – Dan Callan mentioned the following: 1) nationwide there were more than three million wreaths laid at 4,225 cemeteries. It took 717 trucks to deliver the wreaths to the locations. Approximately one-third of the participants laying wreaths were children; and 2) beware of scam artists charging fees to assist with PACT act claims – use your local VSO instead.
- Legion Riders – Phred Tyrrell: nothing to report
- Past Commander – Bob Haldi: nothing to report
- Open Discussion -- Commander Buelow spoke on the importance of members volunteering to participate in the many activities of the post. He said that while he’s not shy about approaching people he sees leaning forward with interest… he would prefer they approach him vice him having to go looking for them.
3) Good of the Legion
- Member Bob Ullom said he would once again volunteer to be the lead coordinator for Poppy Day 2024. Steve added that with the formation of our Auxiliary Unit, we may be able to double our efforts for this event, as Poppy Day is a traditional function of the Auxiliary.
- Mention was made that our post will continue its financial support to veteran organizations such as Smoky Mountain Service Dogs, Vet to Vet, Lost Vets, the Ben Atchley Veterans Home, and the Horses to Heroes Program at Shangri La Therapeutic Academy of Riding.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude the meeting was adjourned with prayer and proper ceremony at 1015 hours.
The 50/50 raffle stub was drawn. Frank Pinto held the winning ticket.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
Minutes of Post 256
Monthly General Meeting
The American Legion
Department of Tennessee
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Post Adjutant DATE: 2 November 2023
APPROVED BY: Steve Buelow, Post Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members – 35 and Guests –15.
TIME: Convened 0900 hrs. Adjourned 1024 hrs.
OPENING: Post Commander Steve Buelow opened the meeting with proper ceremony and declared the monthly General Membership meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. Seth Reichenbach offered the opening prayer and Dan Callan led attendees in reciting The American Legion Preamble.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Buelow offered tables the opportunity to introduce visitors and guests. New members Larry Coppenger (USA) and Mike Colon (USA) made brief introductory remarks. 1VC John Gamble introduced Wendy Reichenbach and Yvonne Gamble as the President and Vice President (elect) of the Post 256 Auxiliary Unit.
SICK CALL: Nothing to report
GUEST SPEAKER: Our guest speakers this month were 4 students from Greenback and Sequoyah High Schools. They discussed their experiences at Boys State and Girls State and their goals after high school.
1) Quilt of Valor presentations -- Ms. Arliss Barber of the Village Quilters spoke about the mission of the Quilts of Valor Foundation which is “to cover service members and veterans touched by war in any way with comforting and healing Quilts of Valor.” She and two ladies from the club, together with Post Adjutant Tony Adams reading award narratives, presented three handcrafted quilts to post members Don Amundson (USA), Don Edmands (USAF), and Jim Warner (USAF).
2) Officer Reports
- Membership – Phil Boruszewski reported that our current paid-up membership for 2024 stands at 202 and includes: 16 NEW legion members and 4 transferred memberships. There are 11 individuals who paid in 2023 who have not yet renewed.
- 1st VC – John Gamble announced that the post profit from the recent Dinner Theater was over $4,800. He thanked those who attended the event.
- 2nd VC – Richard Schwartz reminded attendees that, as is our tradition, there is no meeting in December. General Membership meetings will resume in January. He noted that he is always looking for leads on who to invite as a guest speaker.
- 3rd VC – Linda Ullom said she had nothing to report. Commander Buelow thanked Linda for all the hard work she did to make this year’s Boys & Girls State a success.
- Adjutant – Tony Adams noted that he will again send out an e-mail with the local Veterans Day weekend events. He then asked Tom Simcox to make a brief announcement about items he is collecting throughout November for a Christmas party for veterans at the Mountain Home Hospital.
- SGT- at-Arms – Bruce Blodgett was unable to attend but mention was made on his behalf about the sign-up sheet at the registration table for volunteering to collect Wreaths Across America donations at Food City in Vonore on Veterans Day.
- Finance Officer – Stan Stosiak reported on the status of post funds.
- Veteran Service Officer – Dan Callan mentioned that we should all consider getting the various vaccination shots recommended by our medical providers.
- Legion Riders – Phred Tyrrell reported that beginning 1 Jan 2024, Will Wright will be the club Director and he will move to secretary. Will’s wife Betty has joined both the Auxiliary and Rider’s club and will become the club treasurer.
- Auxiliary President (elect) – Wendy Reichenbach said there are 23 ladies who have submitted applications to join the Post 256 Auxiliary Unit as charter members. There will be an installation ceremony on 4 Jan at 1900 in the Rarity Bay Community Activities Center. All post members are invited to attend. Refreshments will be served following the ceremony.
- Commander -- Commander Buelow spoke on the following: the Department Mid-Winter Convention in Murfreesboro the weekend of 13-14 Jan, our Veterans Day ceremony at the Tellico Village Community Church at 0900 on 11 Nov, the Blount H.S. Veterans Day breakfast and program on 9 Nov at 0900, the Greenback H.S. Veterans Day program at 0900 on 10 Nov (where he will present a $1,500 check from our post to the director of Lost Vets), and the 3rd District lunch at Post 95 in East Ridge on 2 Dec.
4) Good of the Legion
- Will Wright suggested the head table be relocated for future meetings, so that there is not a glare behind the speakers.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude the meeting was adjourned with prayer and proper ceremony at 1024 hours.
Betty Wright was asked to draw the 50/50 raffle stub. Post PAO Chuck Everett held the winning ticket and donated his winnings to the WAA fund.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
Minutes of Post 256
Monthly General Meeting
The American Legion
Department of Tennessee
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Post Adjutant DATE: 5 October 2023
APPROVED BY: Steve Buelow, Post Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members – 46, Guests – 6.
TIME: Convened 0900 hrs. Adjourned 1036 hrs.
OPENING: Post Commander Steve Buelow opened the meeting with proper ceremony and declared the monthly General Membership meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. Bob Haldi offered the opening prayer and Dan Callan led attendees in reciting The American Legion Preamble.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Buelow offered tables the opportunity to introduce visitors and guests. New members Mike Howard (USAF) and prospective members Greg Caldwell (USA), James Gregory, (USN), Ron Hansen (USAF), and Will Wright (USA & USCG) made brief introductory remarks.
SICK CALL: Past Chaplain Bob Haldi said that he sent a card to the wife of Larry Coppenger who was injured in a lawn mower accident and having surgery today.
GUEST SPEAKER: Our guest speaker was Rhonda G. Rockwell who spoke about her research for the U.S. Army’s - Past Conflicts and Repatriation Branch at Fort Knox, KY. Following her presentation, Commander Buelow presented her with a Certificate of Appreciation, Legion challenge coin, and Legion mug.
1) Officer Reports
- 2nd VC – Richard Schwartz reported that our Nov program will include personal tales from Boy’s & Girl’s State attendees and the awarding of four Quilts of Valor to post members.
- 3rd VC – Linda Ullom noted that she and one of our Girl’s State students recently spoke to the Rarity Bay Women’s Club about being sponsors again. She also mentioned that she has informed both High School counselors about the American Legion Oratorical Contest and scholarship opportunities.
- Adjutant – Tony Adams, reporting for Phil Boruszewski, reported that we currently have 194 paid-up members with one transfer in progress. He then mentioned receiving a flyer and letter from Dr. Patrick McClellan (SgtMaj/USMC, ret.) about a specialty license plate to combat veteran homelessness.
- SGT- at-Arms – Bruce Blodgett reported that our post has now sponsored over 430 wreaths thanks to Richard Schwartz efforts raising over $2,200 in from his Kahite neighbors. Our final sales push will be on Veterans Day at the Food City store in Vonore, where free meals are also available for veterans. He invited members to lay wreaths with him at the Knoxville National Cemetery at 1200 on 16 Dec.
- Veteran Service Officer – Dan Callan mentioned the following: suggested that we all get our Flu and RSV shots, the outbreak of a new variant of COVID in England, a LegionCare Insurance benefit for expanded emergency and medical assistance services, PACT Act screening available to DAV members, and a reminder that Parkinson’s Disease is the fastest growing disease today.
- Legion Riders – Phred Tyrrell introduced himself as the new Director of our post ALR club.
- Past Commander – Bob Haldi noted that he attended the opportunity to meet the new National Commander when he visited Post 70 on 11 Sep. He presented him with a copy of his book, December Story, and received photo coverage in the local paper. And oh… by-the-way he had copies of his book with him should anyone wish to purchase one.
- Open Discussion -- -- Commander Buelow spoke on the following: our Evening with GEN Grant Dinner Theater fundraiser on 19 Oct at the Tellico Village Yacht Club, an update on the formation of a post Auxiliary Unit, our post Veterans Day ceremony at the Tellico Village Community Church at 0900 (which prompted further announcements of the VFW Post 12135 and William Blount H.S. Veterans Day events - Tony noted an announcement will be sent out later this month providing information about all these Veterans Day events).
3) Good of the Legion
- Mike Schack noted that military honor guard support for veteran burials will be adversely affected if the government closes.
- Shawn Tallant said that he recently learned about a Korean Peace Medal available to veterans who served in that war. He will assist with doing the paperwork should our post have any deserving veterans (Tony said he would get Shawn the names and DD-214s of our post).
- Ed Frandle noted that September was suicide prevention month and that use of the emergency number 988 is not limited to veterans, nor to just suicides. Ed had a table in the back of the room with handouts and free items regarding suicide prevention.
- Linda Ullom spoke about the joy she and her husband Bob experienced attending the Welcome Home ceremony for the HonorAir Knoxville flight the evening prior. The next flight is scheduled for April 2024.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude the meeting was adjourned with prayer and proper ceremony at 1036 hours.
Rhonda Rockwell was asked to draw the 50/50 raffle stub. Bruce Ernest held the winning ticket.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
Minutes of Post 256
Monthly General Meeting
The American Legion
Department of Tennessee
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Post Adjutant DATE: 7 September 2023
APPROVED BY: Steve Buelow, Post Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members – 47, Guests – 8.
TIME: Convened 0900 hrs. Adjourned 1050 hrs.
OPENING: Post Commander Steve Buelow opened the meeting with proper ceremony and declared the monthly General Membership meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. Seth Reichenbach offered the opening prayer and Dan Callan led attendees in reciting The American Legion Preamble.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Buelow offered tables the opportunity to introduce visitors and guests. Tom Simcox introduced recently retired Scott Simcox (USA), his son. Jeanette Amundson, Sarah Ayers, Betsy Buelow, Yvonne Gamble, and Wendy Reichenbach were guests of their husbands and attended as soon to be charter members of our Post Auxiliary. New members Scott Ayers (USN), Don Cox (USN), Amanda Kaiser (USA), Steve Marti (USA), Bob Mosakowski (USA), and Marie Ready (USAF) stood and made brief introductory remarks.
SICK CALL: none to report.
GUEST SPEAKER: Our guest speaker was COL (ret.) Many-Bears Grinder who spoke about her long career of service to the state and nation . Following her presentation, Commander Buelow presented her with a Certificate of Appreciation, Legion challenge coin, and Legion mug.
1) Officer Reports
- Membership Chairman – Phil Boruszewski reported that the post has already met its retention/recruitment goal (first in state) and our current membership stands at 190. He noted that since the beginning of 2023, there have been 30 new members join our ranks.
- 1st VC – John Gamble announced that he is working to form a Post Color Guard to assist with duties at post only functions. Anyone interested in being on the squad should see him. He noted that all is on track for the 18 Oct Dinner-Theater event - and made an impassioned plea for members to assist with getting donations for the silent auction. In his duty as project lead for forming a Post Auxiliary; he then proudly introduced Wendy Reichenbach.
- Auxiliary President – Wendy Reichenbach noted that 13 women met at Betsy Buelow’s home in August and are committed to forming a Post 256 Auxiliary. Their next meeting is on 26 Sep at 1900 in the Rarity Bay Community Activities Center. A letter will soon be sent to all post members providing additional information.
- 2nd VC – Richard Schwartz reported that our Oct guest speaker will be Rhonda Rockwell who will discuss her involvement with POW/MIA repatriation using family DNA. The Nov program will include personal tales from Boy’s & Girl’s State attendees and the awarding of several Quilts of Valor to post members.
- 3rd VC – Linda Ullom noted that she is working with our two high school guidance counselors to see if any students would like to compete in the annual Oratorical Contest. Commander Buelow said he would assist Linda in speaking at a PTA function, if needed. Linda reported that she has two organizations interested in providing funding for Girl’s State. Lastly, she announced that our Buddy Check program is working because seated in the audience was a member who had not attended a meeting in some time.
- SGT- at-Arms – Bruce Blodgett briefly reflected on the memories he carries from his time serving as Command Chief at Dover AFB involved with the “dignified transfer” of returning servicemembers killed in action. He noted that is why he passionately works as the project lead for Wreaths-Across-America. Bruce said we are behind in our goal of 600 and have yet to get a “large company” donation (100 wreaths). On 11 Nov, our post will be at Food City in Vonore soliciting donations.
- Finance Officer -- Stan Stosiak reported on the status of post funds.
- Veteran Service Officer – Dan Callan mentioned the following: the new COVID mutation (EG.5), a vaccine for RSV (he recommends getting one), the return of malaria and leprosy to our nation, cancer linked to “forever chemicals”, and the fast-growing number of Parkinson’s disease cases.
- Open Discussion -- Commander Buelow spoke on the following: the visit of our newly elected National Commander to East TN the weekend of 9-11 Sep, our post 9/11 BBQ at his residence on 10 Sep at 1800, and participation in the Sweetwater, TN POW/MIA Day ceremony on 15 Sep at 1800 where he will be the keynote speaker. Steve invited all members to attend.
3) Good of the Legion
- Tony Adams relayed an account of how the Post, together with the assistance of the Monroe County VSO, Andy Boyd, and the President of Vet-To-Vet, Ed Junod, gave aid to post member Mike Schack in obtaining a ramp for his home. Mike was in attendance and offered sincere thanks for all that was done.
- Bob Ullom stated that he thinks the nation is responding well to thanking veterans for their service. He noted the increase in the number of caps he sees in public on the heads of veterans and then discussed how he and his wife, Linda, recently took a cruise where the ship went all out to honor veterans. Bob suggested we all show off our service pride, wherever possible.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude the meeting was adjourned with prayer and proper ceremony at 1050 hours.
Adjutant Adams was asked to draw the 50/50 raffle stub. Marty Wright held the winning ticket. He donated his winnings ($79.00) back to the Post.
Tony Adams
Minutes of Post 256
Monthly General Meeting
The American Legion
Department of Tennessee
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Post Adjutant DATE: 3 August 2023
APPROVED BY: Steve Buelow, Post Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members – 24, Guests – 21.
TIME: Convened 1800 hrs. Adjourned 1813 hrs.
OPENING: Post Commander Steve Buelow opened the meeting with proper ceremony and declared the monthly General Membership meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. Dan Callan offered the opening prayer and John Gamble led attendees in reciting The American Legion Preamble.
SICK CALL: Steve inquired as to whether anyone needed to be kept in prayer for an illness. Don Edmands and Mike Schack were asked to be remembered.
PROGRAM: This meeting was advertised as a SPECIAL EVENT. It was held in the evening at the suggestion of several respondents to our December ’22 survey - as a way to perhaps attract members still working or unable to come to the usual Thursday morning meeting. It was also intended to serve as our quarterly social. The agenda included a shortened meeting (no officer reports), a meal with members and their spouses, and musical entertainment. Unfortunately, the entertainer cancelled that morning due to an emergency at his end.
POST BUSINESS: Commander Buelow spoke briefly about the election of officers at the Department and District level. He then publicly presented Membership Chairman Phil Boruszewski with a pin and certificate he received while attending the recent 3rd District Commander’s Tour.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude the meeting was adjourned with prayer and proper ceremony at 1813 hours. The dinner and social time followed.
1VC John Gamble was asked to draw the 50/50 raffle stub. Linda Ullom held the winning ticket and donated her winnings to Boy’s & Girl’s State.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
Minutes of Post 256
Monthly General Meeting
The American Legion
Department of Tennessee
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Post Adjutant DATE: 6 July 2023
APPROVED BY: Steve Buelow, Post Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members – 43, Guests – 5.
TIME: Convened 0900 hrs. Adjourned 1036 hrs.
OPENING: Post Commander Steve Buelow opened the meeting with proper ceremony and declared the monthly General Membership meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. Bob Haldi offered the opening prayer and Dan Callan led attendees in reciting The American Legion Preamble.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Buelow offered tables the opportunity to introduce visitors and guests. Betsy Buelow, Lisa Patterson, Wendy Reichenbach and Patsy Russell were guests of their husbands. New members Chuck Miller (USMC), Jennifer Warner (USA), and Jack Morgan (USN) stood and made brief introductory remarks.
SICK CALL: Chaplain Reichenbach passed around Thinking of You and Get-Well cards for members to sign so that he would have a supply to begin his tour as Post Chaplain.
GUEST SPEAKER: Our guest speaker was Marie Connolly from Humana Insurance who provided information about programs available to veterans. Following her presentation, Commander Buelow presented Marie with a Certificate of Appreciation, Legion challenge coin, and Legion mug.
1) Installation of Post Officers -- Past Commander Bob Haldi swore in the Post 256 officers for 2023/2024.
2) Legionnaire of the Year -- Commander Buelow presented Jim Patterson with a plaque, certificate, and lapel/cap pin as the recipient of the Post 256 Legionnaire of the Year award for 2022-2023.
3) Officer Reports
- 1st VC – John Gamble gave an update on information he gathered while attending the Department of Tennessee convention in Jun.
- 3rd VC – Linda Ullom noted that all four of our Boys and Girls State students returned home safely from their experience. She then read a thank-you letter she received from one of the Greenback H.S. girls that the post sponsored to attend Girls State.
- Membership Chairman – Phil Boruszewski reported that the post currently has 201 members and that 70% have already paid their 2024 renewal dues.
- SGT- at-Arms – Bruce Blodgett reported on the status of Wreaths-Across-America sales. He noted the successful kick-off at Food City on Flag Day and that to date we have sponsored 194 wreaths toward our goal of 600. Bruce said that the post would again be at Food City on Veterans Day (volunteers needed). He asked that members try to get corporate sponsorships from businesses they frequent. NOTE: this generated an immediate contribution of $500 from “Tri-Star Sr. Advisors” attending the meeting with our guest speaker.Bruce mentioned the need for the post to find a larger space to house our growing pool of equipment.And he noted that while he had retrieved all the flags from Memorial Day there are still a few metal hole-pokers missing.
- Finance Officer -- Stan Stosiak reported on the status of post funds.
- Veteran Service Officer – Dan Callan mentioned the following: the Multi-County Veterans Resource Fair is on track and will be held in Sep at the Legion Post in Lenoir City; there are reported cases of malaria in Texas and Florida; there is a new vaccine available for adults with Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV); and members should consider getting a Flu shot and COVID booster this fall.
- Past Commander – Bob Haldi read the words to Johnny Cash’s “Ragged Old Flag” song as a parting tribute as an officer of the post.
- Open Discussion -- Commander Buelow spoke on the following: his thoughts on the significance of celebrating the Fourth of July; our evening General Membership meeting at Little Italy on 3 Aug; our storage space needs with a plea for anyone wishing to provide assistance; a planning meeting in the works with Wendy Reichenbach and all interested Auxiliary members; and his hope that many more members will attend the post Veterans Day ceremony at the Tellico Village Community Church on 11 Nov at 0800.
5) Good of the Legion
- Member Jennifer Warner noted that as a licensed lawyer she would supply pro-bono advice/assistance to anyone looking to file a disability claim. She gave her contact info to the Adjutant to send out to post members.
- Adjutant Tony Adams mentioned his recent success filing a claim for a PACT Act presumptive condition. He then noted that Past Commander Bob Haldi has a published book out titled “December Story”.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude the meeting was adjourned with prayer and proper ceremony at 1036 hours.
Guest speaker Marie Connolly was asked to draw the 50/50 raffle stub. Robert Russell held the winning ticket for the second month in a row. He donated his winnings to the WAA jar.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
Minutes of Post 256
Monthly General Meeting
The American Legion
Department of Tennessee
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Post Adjutant DATE: 1 June 2023
APPROVED BY: Steve Buelow, Post Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members – 40, Guests – 3.
TIME: Convened 0900 hrs. Adjourned 1047 hrs.
OPENING: Post Commander Steve Buelow opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the monthly General Membership meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. Bob Haldi offered the opening prayer and Dan Callan led attendees in reciting The American Legion Preamble.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Buelow offered tables the opportunity to introduce visitors and guests. Prospective members Phred Tyrrell (USAF), Keith Zeigler (USA) and Natalie Zeigler (USMC) stood and made brief introductory remarks.
SICK CALL: Chaplain Haldi read names and offered up a peace everlasting prayer to the post members who died the past year. This memorial activity will continue each year at the closest GM meeting to Memorial Day.
GUEST SPEAKER: Our guest speaker was COL (ret.) Mike Thornton (USA) who recounted several little-known stories from World War II. Following his presentation, Commander Buelow presented him with a Certificate of Appreciation, Legion challenge coin, and Legion mug.
1) Commander’s “Stars”: Steve awarded cap stars to post members Tom Simcox, Bob and Linda Ullom, Bruce Blodgett, and John Gamble for serving as Project leads of recent Memorial Day Celebration events. He also gave stars to cemetery flag leads and Poppy Day volunteers.
2) Officer Reports
- 1st VC – John Gamble mentioned that the Dinner Theater fundraising event with Dr. Curt Field’s (GEN U.S. Grant portrayer) will be on Thu, 19 Oct at the Tellico Village Yacht Club.
- Membership Chairman – Phil Boruszewski reported that our current post membership totals 192. He also mentioned that National is considering 3- and 5-year renewals in addition to annual and Paid-up-for-Life memberships.
- 2nd VC – Richard Schwartz reported that our guest speaker next month will be Maria Connolly a representative from Humana insurance and our August meeting will be an evening meal at Little Italy restaurant. He also noted that he had received confirmation that former Department of Veterans Services Commissioner Many-Bears Grinder will be our September speaker.
- 3rd VC – Linda Ullom reported that all four of our Boys and Girls State students reported to their week-long sessions.
- Adjutant – Tony Adams read the names of several members who he still had Initiation Certificates to present. He asked them to see him after the meeting.
- Chaplain – Bob Haldi asked that anyone knowing of a member needing a Get Well or Thinking of You card make sure they notify him or incoming Chaplain Seth Reichenbach.
- SGT- at-Arms – Bruce Blodgett stated that our Wreaths-Across-America campaign begins today. This year’s post goal is 600. The price of a wreath has risen to $17.
- Project Officer – Bob Ullom thanked those who participated in the recent Run-for-the-Wall and Poppy Day events.
- Finance Officer -- Stan Stosiak reported on the status of post funds. The post raised $1,628 on Poppy Day.
- Veteran Service Officer – Dan Callan mentioned that veterans are experiencing a rise in Parkinson’s disease. He’ll report more on that next month.
- Open Discussion -- Commander Buelow spoke on the following topics: 3 Aug evening GM meeting, hosting the 3rd District Convention, post receipt of another membership ribbon for our flag, the Greenback Veterans Memorial dedication, the status of a Post Auxiliary formation, a desire for more corporate and small business sponsorships, and his desire to find an Awards Committee chair.
4) Good of the Legion -- Member Shawn Tallant noted the importance of recording one’s “service to community hours”. He also mentioned the flag retirement ceremony the VFW will conduct on 14 Jun.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude the meeting was adjourned with prayer and proper ceremony at 1047 hours.
Guest speaker COL Thornton was asked to draw the 50/50 raffle stub. Robert Russell held the winning ticket.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
Minutes of Post 256
Monthly General Meeting
The American Legion
Department of Tennessee
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Post Adjutant DATE: 4 May 2023
APPROVED BY: Steve Buelow, Post Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members – 46, Guests – 3.
TIME: Convened 0900 hrs. Adjourned 1023 hrs.
OPENING: Post Commander Steve Buelow opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the monthly General Membership meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. Bob Haldi offered the opening prayer and Dan Callan led attendees in reciting The American Legion Preamble.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Buelow offered tables the opportunity to introduce visitors and guests. Prospective members Mike Fries (USN), Lynn Carter (USN), and Dave Bottonfield (USN) stood and made brief introductory remarks about their days in service.
GUEST SPEAKER: Our guest speaker was USAF COL (ret.) Paula F. Penson who spoke about her 40-year career and the lessons she learned as both an enlisted servicemember and officer. Following her presentation, Commander Buelow presented her with a Certificate of Appreciation, Legion challenge coin, and Legion mug.
1) Post Election – an election was held IAW our Post Constitution and Bylaws. By unanimous consent the following officers were Elected/Appointed for 2023/2024. They will be installed at the July GM meeting.
Commander Steve Buelow
1st Vice Commander John Gamble
Adjutant Tony Adams
Finance Officer Stan Stosiak
Service Officer Dan Callan
2nd Vice Commander Richard Schwartz
3rd Vice Commander Linda Ullom
Chaplain Seth Reichenbach
Membership Chair Phil Boruszewski
Public Affairs Officer Chuck Everett
ROTC Liaison Don Edmunds
Sergeant-at-Arms Bruce Blodgett
2) Officer Reports
- 1st VC – John Gamble announced that the Spring Fling Dinner Dance was held on 29 Apr at the Tellico Village Yacht Club and raised $2,337.50. He noted that our next fundraiser will be a Dinner Theater event this coming October featuring the return of General Ulysses S. Grant reenactor Dr. Curt Fields.
- 2nd VC – Richard Schwartz reported that our guest speaker next month will be WWII historian Mike Thornton. The July speaker is a representative from Humana insurance and our August meeting will be an evening meal at Little Italy restaurant. He also noted that he had received confirmation that former Department of Veterans Services Commissioner Many-Bears Grinder will be our September speaker.
- 3rd VC – Linda Ullom reported that all arrangements are complete to send our delegates from Greenback and Sequoyah High Schools to Boy’s & Girl’s State later this month.
- Membership Chairman – As Phil Boruszewski was on vacation, Adjutant Adams reported that we currently have 191 paid members with another 4 being processed. Buddy Checks continue and are about 75% complete.
- Chaplain – Bob Haldi reminded attendees to notify him of anyone who may require a Get Well or Thinking of You card. He thanked attendees for the privilege of serving as Post Chaplain for the past several years.
- SGT- at-Arms – Bruce Blodgett reported on Wreaths-Across-America. He noted that that of the 198 groups that raised money for wreaths in TN our post ranked 14 in sales. Our goal this year is 600. We will man tables at Food City on both Flag Day & Veterans Day. Bruce said that he has distributed flags to Points of Contact for each of 15 cemeteries where our post will place flags at veterans graves for the Memorial Day weekend.
- Project Officer – Bob Ullom reported that the “Run-for the Wall” event to show support to the riders travelling to Washington D.C will be gathering at the Lenoir City I-75/321 overpass on 24 May at 0845. He added that poppies will be distributed on 26 May from 0900-1500 to customers who visit the Food City store in Vonore. He thanked those who have volunteered to assist.
- Finance Officer -- Stan Stosiak reported on the status of post funds.
- Veteran Service Officer – Dan Callan thanked attendees for the prayers during his most recent knee surgery. He also mentioned the following: 1) the FDA has approved a nasal spray for treatment of opioid overdose; 2) there will be a ceremony in Madisonville at the Veterans Memorial (big flag off HWY 411) on 20 May. The Russo’s have donated service flags for the event; and 3) the Multi-county Resource Fair will be held in Lenoir City at the American Legion Post on 19 Sep.
- Open Discussion
- Commander Buelow spoke on the following topics: 1) we host the TN 3rd District Convention on 6 May at the Tellico Village Yacht Club; and 2) we will hold a Memorial Day ceremony at the Rarity Bay flagpole.
- Tony noted that VFW Commander Shawn Tallant will collect worn flags at the next GM meeting for proper disposal at a ceremony on Flag Day.
4) Good of the Legion -- none offered.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude the meeting was adjourned with prayer and proper ceremony at 1023 hours.
Guest speaker COL Penson was asked to draw the 50/50 raffle stub. Dave Bottonfield held the winning ticket and donated the money to the post.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
Minutes of Post 256
Monthly General Meeting
The American Legion
Department of Tennessee
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Post Adjutant DATE: 6 April 2023
APPROVED BY: Steve Buelow, Post Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members – 43, Guests – 5.
TIME: Convened 0900 hrs. Adjourned 1041 hrs.
OPENING: Post Commander Steve Buelow opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the monthly General Membership meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. Bob Haldi offered the opening prayer and Dan Callan led attendees in reciting The American Legion Preamble.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Buelow offered tables the opportunity to introduce visitors and guests. New members Barnett Alpert (USN), Carl Busch (USN), Robert Russell (USA/USN), and Rene Zimmer (USCG); along with prospective members Mike Gentry (USN), Jeff Slater (USA), Joanne Tallant (USN), Eileen Thomas (USA), and Jeff Thomas ((USN) stood and made brief introductory remarks about their days in service.
GUEST SPEAKER: Our guest speaker was USAF COL (ret.) Carmella Lawson, of the AFJROTC at William Blount High School in Maryville, TN. She spoke about the mission and activities of her program. Following her presentation and a Q&A offering, Commander Buelow presented Carmella with a Certificate of Appreciation, Legion challenge coin, and Legion mug.
1) Officer Reports
- 1st VC – John Gamble reminded attendees of the Spring Fling dinner Dance that will take place on 29 Apr at the Tellico Village Yacht Club. Tickets are still available through 15 Apr.
- 2nd VC – Richard Schwartz reported that our guest speaker next month will be USAF COL (ret.) Paula Penson who will speak about personal leadership and give a motivational call to action. Our June speaker will be a WWII historian and our July speaker a representative from Humana insurance.
- 3rd VC – Linda Ullom noted that interviews for Boy’s & Girl’s State were completed at Greenback and Sequoyah High Schools and that our post has selected a boy and girl from each to attend the state events.
- Membership Chairman – Phil Boruszewski reported on three topics: 1) Buddy Checks: we have a formal program for our own members… but don’t forget to check on any veteran you may see, 2) Membership: we currently have 189 paid members with another 1 being processed, and 3) PAO duties: if you are at a veterans related event please send him a picture and note that our post GM meetings are now included on the Tellico Village “Next Door” calendar of events.
- Adjutant – Tony Adams reminded attendees of the DRAFT Post Officer Slate and “call for nominees” notice that went out in an e-mail. He noted that the Public Affairs Officer position is vacant. The Post Executive Committee will review the slate at their meeting on 21 Apr and the election will be held at the General Membership meeting on 4 May.
- Chaplain – Bob Haldi said that he was passing around a card for the widow of post member William Gray who died this past month. He reminded attendees to notify him of anyone who may require a Get Well or Thinking of You card.
- Finance Officer -- Stan Stosiak reported on the status of post funds.
- Veteran Service Officer – Dan Callan mentioned the following: 1) County VSOs are busy helping veterans submit PACT Act claims, 2) that both the Legion and VFW National HQs are actively lobbying Congress to VOTE NO to means-test veteran disability pay and, 3) he thanked the Adjutant for sending out the e-mail on the Vietnam War 50th Anniversary Commemoration.
- SGT- at-Arms – Bruce Blodgett reported on: 1) his recently inventory of post equipment, 2) the names of the Points of Contact for each cemetery that our post will place flags at veterans graves for the Memorial Day weekend, 3) that Poppy Day will be Fri, 26 May at the Vonore Food City store, 4) that our post will again be a sponsor for Wreaths-Across-America and man tables at Food City on both Flag Day & Veterans Day (sign-up sheets available at GM meetings).
- Legion Riders Director – Jim Warner asked Rich Gruber to mention the “Run-for the Wall”. Rich said that while he would not be riding in California to Washington, D.C. event this year, he hoped our post would again show support to the riders by gathering at the Lenoir City I-75/321 overpass on 24 May at 0900.
- Open Discussion
- Commander Buelow spoke on the following topics: 1) our post’s intent to form an Auxiliary Unit (the canceled 30 Mar meeting will be rescheduled), 2) a need for volunteers to help with setup at the 3rd District Convention on 6 May at the Yacht Club, 3) the post hosted Memorial Day ceremony at the Rarity Bay flagpole, 4) his hope that the PAO position will be filled, 5) an invitation to join him in attending the Spring Fling, and, 6) that our August General Membership meeting will be an evening meal at the Little Italy restaurant in Tellico Village.
- Post member Bob Ullom noted that he was project lead for Poppy Day and made a passionate plea for volunteers to fill the 2-hour time slots.
- Post member Jim McNeece said that he had an empty shadowbox with him to give to anyone who wanted it.
4) Good of the Legion -- Post member and local VFW Commander Shawn Tallant echoed his support for our initiative to form an Auxiliary Unit. He then discussed the importance of submitting claims under the PACT Act.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude the meeting was adjourned with prayer and proper ceremony at 1041 hours.
Guest speaker COL Lawson was asked to draw the 50/50 raffle stub. John Gamble held the winning ticket.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
Minutes of Post 256
Monthly General Meeting
The American Legion
Department of Tennessee
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Post Adjutant DATE: 2 March 2023
APPROVED BY: Steve Buelow, Post Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members – 44, Guests – 2.
TIME: Convened 0900 hrs. Adjourned 1030 hrs.
OPENING: Post Commander Steve Buelow opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the monthly General Membership meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. Bob Haldi offered the opening prayer and Dan Callan led attendees in reciting The American Legion Preamble.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Buelow offered tables the opportunity to introduce visitors and guests. New member Jim Lieb (USA) and prospective members Bruce Damrow (USAF) and Robert Russell (USA/USN) stood and made brief introductory remarks about their days in service.
GUEST SPEAKER: Our guest speaker was Dave Yoder, former Coast Guard rescue swimmer and recipient of The Distinguished Flying Cross. Following his presentation and a Q&A offering, Commander Buelow presented Dave with a Certificate of Appreciation, Legion challenge coin, and Legion mug.
1) Officer Reports
- 1st VC – no report rendered.
- 2nd VC – Richard Schwartz noted that next month’s guest speaker will be COL Carmella Lawson of the William Blount H.S. AFJROTC. Richard also previewed the anticipated guest speakers for May and June.
- 3rd VC – Linda Ullom reported that interviews of students interested in attending Boys and Girls State this summer will soon be held at Greenback and Sequoyah High Schools. She asked members to please consider contributing to the donation jar located at the sign-in table.
- Membership Chairman – Phil Boruszewski made remarks about the Buddy Check program the post has started. Calls to members who have not attended a meeting in the past 3 months will begin in April.
- Adjutant – Tony Adams read the names of the five members who were unable to attend the New Member Initiation Ceremony last month, stating he had their certificates with him. He then announced that as a result of the survey in December, the Executive Committee (EC) had dropped the $2 attendance fee and that beginning in April the GM meeting will begin one-half hour later. This decision drew comments from a few members who said it would negatively impact their ability to get to a Kiwanis meeting on time. (NOTE: the decision will be reviewed at the March EC.)
- SGT- at-Arms – no report rendered.
- Finance Officer -- Stan Stosiak reported on the status of post funds. He also reported on his experience enrolled in the Shangri-la Therapeutic Academy of Riding (STAR) Heroes & Horses program stating that he found the program to be very beneficial and that he and the 2VC were scheduling a tour of the facility for post members sometime this spring.
- Veteran Service Officer – Dan Callan thanked those who had signed the get-well card he received following his surgery. He noted that he was in contact with both County VSOs and they report that veterans are taking advantage of their PACT Act benefits. Dan inquired whether the Finance Officer had given the $25 gift cards to the VSOs the EC approved. Stan said that he had given cards to the Loudon County VSO but had not yet purchased any for Monroe County.
- Legion Riders Director -- no report rendered.
- Chaplain and Past Commander – Bob Haldi stated that he was passing around cards for signature that will be used ICW the Buddy Check program. He again suggested attendees consider offering rides to our GM meetings and other Post events for those unable to drive.
- Open Discussion
- Commander Buelow spoke on the following topics: a need for someone to take the place of Jim Patterson who has asked to step down from his duties as Post Public Affairs Officer; a March meeting for those interested in joining an Auxiliary Unit noting that an announcement of this meeting will be sent out by the Adjutant; and a call for Legionnaire of the Year nominations.
- Steve then presented post member Shawn Tallant with a note and a “Be The One” membership excellence pin from American Legion National Commander, Vincent J. “Jim” Troiola for recruiting three new members into The American Legion.
4) Good of the Legion -- member Tom Simcox noted that the battery plant being built across from Rarity Bay on SR-72 has created environmental impact concerns in the local community and a town hall meeting is being scheduled. He encouraged members to attend.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned at 1030 hours with prayer and proper ceremony.
Dave Yoder was asked to draw the 50/50 raffle stub. Bruce Damrow held the winning ticket and donated his winnings to the post for the B&G fund.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
Minutes of Post 256
Monthly General Meeting
The American Legion
Department of Tennessee
COMPILED BY: Philboruzewski for the Post Adjutant DATE: 2 February 2023
APPROVED BY: Steve Buelow, Post Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members – 38, Guests – 3.
TIME: Convened 0900 hrs. Adjourned 1043 hrs.
OPENING: Post Commander Steve Buelow opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the monthly General Membership meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. Bob Haldi offered the opening prayer and Steve led attendees in reciting The American Legion Preamble.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Buelow offered tables the opportunity to introduce visitors and guests. Bob Hensley who serves on the National Executive Committee (NEC) described the role of the NEC and the Buddy Check Program – Be The One, and recruiting for The American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary, and Sons of The American Legion. He also encouraged the members to login to MyLegion.org and register for Voter Voice to receive National Action Alerts.
GUEST SPEAKER: Our guest speaker was Todd McKinley, a member of the Department of Tennessee Executive Committee and the East Tennessee Vice Commander. He spoke about the importance of membership because there is strength in numbers. The National Commander will testify before Congress and will highlight the accomplishments of Posts, Departments, and National. The Department Convention will be held on June 17 – 18, 2023. He also discussed American Legion programs in which we can promote our values. The 3rd District Convention will be held on May 6, 2023, hosted by Post 256. Leaders are here to serve fellow veterans and families. The Post 256 3rd VC informed Todd that the Oratorical Contest participant requirements were too restrictive.
1) Commander Buelow called forward new members to be formally initiated into The American Legion.
- Donald Amundson
- Charles Everett
- Ed Frandle
- John Little
- Seth Reichenbach
- Newton Williams
- William Wall
2) Officer Reports
- 1st VC – John gamble discussed the “Spring Fling” Dinner – Show – Dance scheduled for 29 April to be held at the Tellico Village Yacht Club. See John for tickets. He also mentioned that a letter will be mailed soon to the spouses of the members regarding the formation of a Post 256 American Legion Auxiliary.
- 2nd VC – Absent. The next guest speaker is David Yoder a former Coast Guard rescue swimmer and recipient of The Distinguished Flying Cross.
- 3rd VC – Nothing to report.
- Chaplain – Bob Haldi mentioned that he was having members sign some cards in advance, so they can be mailed to the member or his/her family in a timely manner. He also briefly discussed the sinking of the USAT DORCHESTER and the ultimate sacrifice of the four Army chaplains
- Finance Officer -- Stan Stosiak reported on the status of post funds.
- SGT- at-Arms – Bruce Blodgett mentioned the cost of the wreaths for WAA has gone up from $15 to $17 and that our Post has been assigned a different cemetery that has more restroom facilities. The WAA Kick-off will be 15 Jun 2023.
- Veteran Service Officer – Dan Callan reported that the Loudon County Veterans Resource and Job Fair will be held on 16 Sep 2023.
- Membership Chair: Phil Boruszewski reported the latest membership statistics and discussed the launch of the Post 256 Buddy Check Program.
- Open Discussion
- Commander Buelow noted that volunteers are needed to help make Buddy Check calls.
- John Gamble made a motion for Post 256 to establish an American Legion Auxiliary. The motion was seconded, and all present voted in favor.
​4) Good of the Legion
- Mike Schack the commander of the Loudon County Honor Guard asked for volunteers. This past year they participated in 63 funerals, 9 events, 2 parades, and were on hand for The Wall That Heals.
- Linda Ullom informed the members about the funeral service for USMC veteran Clayton Narveson. Linda presented a $200 check to his widow to help with expenses.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned at 1043 hours with prayer and proper ceremony.
Todd McKinley was asked to draw the 50/50 raffle stub. Bill Wall held the winning ticket.
Phil Boruszewski
Membership Chairman
American Legion Post 256
Minutes of Post 256
Monthly General Meeting
The American Legion
Department of Tennessee
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Post Adjutant DATE: 5 January 2023
APPROVED BY: Steve Buelow, Post Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members – 40, Guests – 4.
TIME: Convened 0900 hrs. Adjourned 1036 hrs.
OPENING: Post Commander Steve Buelow opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the monthly General Membership meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. Bob Haldi offered the opening prayer and Steve led attendees in reciting The American Legion Preamble.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Buelow offered tables the opportunity to introduce visitors and guests. Prospective members and new members Linda Conrad (USMC), Ed Frandle (USN), John Little (USCG), Otto Stutz (USN) and Steve Weinstein (USN) stood and made brief introductory remarks about their days in service. New member Linda Conrad had husband Steve at her table.
GUEST SPEAKER: Our guest speaker was Air Force Chief Master Sergeant (ret.) Jim Cundall, Flight Coordinator of Honor Air Knoxville. He spoke and showed a video on the history and mission of the organization. Following his presentation and a Q&A offering, Commander Buelow presented Jim with a Certificate of Appreciation, Legion challenge coin, and Legion mug.
1) Commander Buelow called forward several attending members to receive his “Commander’s Star” award for stepping forward at recent events to serve as project leads and volunteers. Of particular note, were those who collected donations to Wreaths-Across-America outside Food City on Veterans Day and those who laid wreaths at the state veterans cemetery in December.
2) Officer Reports
- 1st VC – John Gamble again thanked people for their support of the October Dinner Theater. He noted that the next major fundraiser event would be a “Spring Fling” in April. John also mentioned a possible Casino Night later in the year. Both events will require volunteers.
- 2nd VC – Richard Schwartz noted that next month’s guest speaker will be Todd McKinley, our East TN Vice Commander. And in March, the speaker will be Dave Yoder who was a heroic U.S. Coast Guard Rescue Swimmer.
- 3rd VC – Linda Ullom reported that applications were going out to students interested in attending Boys and Girls State this summer. She is also working to solicit donations from our traditional sponsors. Volunteers are needed to serve as applicant interviewers at our two high schools. She also asked members to please consider contributing to the donation jar located at the sign-in table.
- Adjutant – Tony Adams gave a brief membership update on behalf of Phil Boruszewski recovering from surgery. He noted the recent Membership Analysis slide show that was sent to all members and asked if any errors were noted members should contact him. Tony further thanked those who participated in the on-line GM meeting survey. The Executive Committee is reviewing comments and suggestions.
- Chaplain – Bob Haldi stated that he was passing around three cards for signature. A get-well card for Phil Boruszewski, a sympathy card for the family of recently deceased member Jerry Crook, and a congratulations card for Bruce Blodgett who will be married later this month. Bob reminded attendees to let him know when a card needs to be sent to a post member or to their family.
- Finance Officer -- Stan Stosiak reported on the status of post funds.
- SGT- at-Arms – Bruce Blodgett gave a final report on the post’s 2022 Wreaths-Across-America Campaign. He noted that we surpassed our goal of 500 and received credit for 681 wreath purchases.
- Veteran Service Officer – Dan Callan mentioned the following topics: a new COVID virus and the importance of getting boosters; an update on the USS Oklahoma project; a new VA Life Insurance policy offering; and recent coverage changes to Tricare and Delta Dental.
- Open Discussion
- Commander Buelow spoke on the following topics: the Post Social on 19 Jan; our recent attendance at the 3rd District Conference where the post was singled out as one of the “model posts” in the state; a need for volunteers to assist with hosting the 3rd District Convention on 6 May; a call for someone to be the project lead for the 2023 Poppy Day (to which Bob Ullom volunteered); and the start to our post Buddy Check program.
- VFW Commander Shawn Tallant announced that he would be sending Adjutant Adams details to forward to all members regarding a Veterans Valentine Dinner Dance which will be held on 13 Feb at the Yacht Club.
4) Good of the Legion -- none offered
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned at 1036 hours with prayer and proper ceremony.
Jim Cundall was asked to draw the 50/50 raffle stub. Steve Buelow held the winning ticket and donated his winnings to the post.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
Minutes of Post 256
Monthly General Meeting
The American Legion
Department of Tennessee
COMPILED BY: Phil Boruszewski, for the Post Adjutant DATE: 3 November 2022
APPROVED BY: Steve Buelow, Post Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members – 35, Guests – 7.
TIME: Convened 0900 hrs. Adjourned 1027 hrs.
OPENING: Post Commander Steve Buelow opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. Bob Haldi offered the opening prayer and the Post Commander led attendees present in reciting The American Legion Preamble.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Buelow offered tables the opportunity to introduce visitors and guests. New member Joe Bettencourt, a transfer-in member from Massachusetts, was attending and made brief introductory remarks about his days in the U.S. Army. The following guests were also introduced: U.S. Navy veteran and American Legion member John Brecka and U.S. Air Force veteran Jim Daniel who plans to join the American Legion.
GUEST SPEAKER: Our guest speakers were from Greenback and Sequoyah High Schools. They discussed their experiences at Boys State and Girls State and their goals after high school.
Greenback High School Sequoyah High School
Ms. Tiffany Moffett – Advisor Mr. Justin Miller – Advisor
Folsom Silver – Boys State Edyn Cecil – Girls State
Ben Murphy – Boys State
1) Officer Reports
- Membership Chairman – Phil Boruszewski reported that Post 256 is one of eight posts in Tennessee to achieve or exceed the 2023 recruiting and retention goal.
- 1st VC – Steve reported for John Gamble that the Dinner Theater fund raiser was a success and the event cleared $5,200.
- 2nd VC – Steve announced that Richard Schwartz volunteered to be the 2nd VC replacing Lee Wilson.
- 3rd VC – Linda Ullom informed the members that Boys State and Girls State is not cheap and to please consider donating to this program. Email notices will be sent regarding the William Blount High School Veterans Day program on 10 Nov and the program at the Blount County Public Library on 12 Nov.
- Chaplain – Bob Haldi stated that the Post needs help in recruiting new and younger members.
- Finance Officer – Stan Stosiak reported on the status of post funds. He also briefly mentioned his visit to the STAR Academy.
- Service Officer – Dan Callan informed the members about the new rules for burial at Arlington National Cemetery. He also advised impacted members to check with VA.gov for updates regarding the PACT Act. Make sure your dentist still accepts your insurance coverage and pharmacy benefits.
- SGT- at-Arms – Bruce Blodgett reported that Post 256 is only 31 wreaths shy of 500 for WAA. The final push will be at Food City in Vonore on 11 Nov.
- Open Discussion
- Commander Buelow noted the following:
- Do you know a member that is not here today? The Executive Committee will soon institute a Buddy Check to reach out to members that we have not seen in a while. “Be The One”.
- Reminded members about the Post 256 Veterans Day Service at the Tellico Village Community Church on 11 Nov at 0900. Please ask family and friends to attend.
- Discussed the Lost Vets organization that needs our support.
- Informed members that he and Dan Callan will be attending the 3rd District Convention. All are welcome to attend.
- Post 256 needs someone to take over Poppy Day. We can’t keep asking the same members to take tasks or multiple tasks.
- Duane Baumert announced the Veterans Day service at Saint Thomas Church at 1000 on 11 Nov.
- Tom Simcox discussed the Veterans Home and the VFW Women’s Auxiliary that collects items every November for the residents.
- Member and VFW Commander Shawn Tallant made an announcement regarding the VFW’s Veterans Day program on 11 Nov at 1600. It will be an entertaining and thought-provoking program.
3) Good of the Legion – Nothing to report
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned at 1027 hours with prayer and proper ceremony.
Steve was asked to draw the 50/50 raffle stub. Jim Bailey held the winning ticket.
Phil Boruszewski
For the Adjutant
American Legion Post 256
Minutes of Post 256
Monthly General Meeting
The American Legion
Department of Tennessee
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Post Adjutant DATE: 6 October 2022
APPROVED BY: Steve Buelow, Post Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members – 32 , Guests – 3.
TIME: Convened 0900 hrs. Adjourned 1022 hrs.
OPENING: Post Commander Steve Buelow opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. Bob Haldi offered the opening prayer and Steve led attendees present in reciting The American Legion Preamble.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Buelow offered tables the opportunity to introduce visitors and guests. Prospective new members Newt William (USMC) and Randy Suttkus (USAF) were attending as guests and made brief introductory remarks about their days in service. Member Jim McNeece had his wife at his table.
GUEST SPEAKER: Our guest speaker was CSM (ret.) Kent Maddox of the University of Tennessee Knoxville Army ROTC “Rocky Top” battalion. He spoke about the department’s mission of commissioning Army officers and addressed the current recruiting challenges our nation faces. Following his presentation and a Q&A offering, Commander Buelow presented him with a Certificate of Appreciation, Legion challenge coin, and Legion mug.
1) Officer Reports
- 1st VC – On behalf of John Gamble, Steve Buelow reported on the success of the previous evening’s Dinner Theater fundraiser. He noted the event raised over $5,000 for the post’s Veteran’s Assistance fund.
- Membership Chairman – On behalf of Phil Boruszewski, Tony Adams reported on the status of our post’s membership renewal & recruitment campaign noting that current membership was 166 and that we’ve exceeded our state’s goal of 160. Phil encourages all members to invite veteran neighbors to a monthly meeting and introduce them to the post and himself.
- 2nd VC – Steve noted that we are seeking a member to serve in this capacity as Lee Wilson feels he is no longer able to perform the duties.
- 3rd VC – Linda Ullom noted that our program next month will be a few of the students who attended Boy’s and Girl’s State this past summer. She also reported that she had passed along information to our two high school guidance counselors’ regarding scholarships available through participation in the American Legion Oratorical contest and an opportunity to participate in a “bottle cap bench” fundraiser. Commander Buelow noted that Linda and her member husband Bob recently welcomed a new granddaughter to this earth.
- Chaplain – Bob Haldi stated that he had “Thinking of You” cards to pass around for members Jerry Crook, Woody Dewberry, Frank Hennessey and Chip Parker who are no longer able to attend meetings and events due to health concerns. Bob then introduced member Arlen Bee to make an announcement that this was his last meeting because he and his wife will soon be moving to Dayton, OH to be closer to their family.
- Finance Officer -- Stan Stosiak reported on the status of post funds.
- SGT- at-Arms – reporting on behalf of Bruce Blodgett, Commander Buelow mentioned that the post would be manning a Wreaths Across America sales table at the Food City grocery store in Vonore on Veterans Day (11 Nov) from 0900 – 1500. There is a sign-up sheet at the meeting check-in table for those wishing to volunteer.
- Open Discussion
- Commander Buelow noted that the Post would again sponsor a Veterans Day memorial service at the Tellico Village Community Church at 0900. Details will be published in an e-mail later this month.
- Member Bob Ullom noted that he and 3VC Linda had recently attended a fundraising event for the Smoky Mountain Service Dogs organization. They enjoyed the event, and highly encourage all post members to check out a “passing of the leash” ceremony next time one is held. Adjutant Tony sends out the dates of these ceremonies as they are made available.
- Member and VFW Commander Shawn Tallant made an announcement regarding a VFW sponsored Veterans Day event at the Tellico Village Yacht Club from 1600 – 1800. Details about the event and RSVP information were sent out to post members earlier this morning.
3) Good of the Legion -- none offered
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned at 1022 hours with prayer and proper ceremony.
Seth Reichenbach was asked to draw the 50/50 raffle stub. Jim Bailey held the winning ticket.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
Minutes of Post 256
Monthly General Meeting
The American Legion
Department of Tennessee
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Post Adjutant DATE: 1 September 2022
APPROVED BY: Steve Buelow, Post Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members – 26, Guests – 4.
TIME: Convened 0900 hrs. Adjourned 1043 hrs.
OPENING: Post Commander Steve Buelow opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. Bob Haldi offered the opening prayer and Steve led attendees present in reciting The American Legion Preamble.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Buelow offered tables the opportunity to introduce visitors and guests. COL Scott Simcox (USA) and Don Amundson (USA) were attending as guests and made brief introductory remarks.
GUEST SPEAKER: Our guest speaker was Celia Gruzalski, Executive Director of “Our Place” who spoke about the organization’s mission to improve quality of life by providing a day program of care, social interaction, and therapeutic activities in a safe and nurturing environment to senior adults living with Alzheimer's or other dementia-related diseases. Following her presentation and a Q&A offering, Commander Buelow presented her with a Certificate of Appreciation, Legion challenge coin, and Legion mug.
1) Officer Reports
- 1st VC – John Gamble gave an update on the 5 Oct Dinner Theater fundraiser. Ticket sales to date are ~90, with an expectation of nearly a full house by the 24 Sep sales cut-off date.
- 3rd VC – Linda Ullom noted that she would be speaking with school guidance counselors at both Greenback and Sequoyah H.S. regarding 1) the American Legion Oratorical Contest and 2) next year’s Boy’s and Girl’s State events. She intends to start soliciting B&G State donations from our traditional sponsors after Labor Day. Linda also distributed flyers to each table containing information about a National Gold Star Mother and Family Day event in Knoxville on 25 Sep.
- Adjutant – Tony Adams noted on behalf of 2VC Lee Wilson that our guest speaker for 6 Oct would be the Recruitment/Scholarship officer of the Univ. of TN Knoxville Army ROTC department. Tony also mentioned that today was the cutoff for RSVPs to attend the post 9/11Commemoration BBQ at the commander’s home on 10 Sep.
- Membership Chairman – Phil Boruszewski reported on the status of renewals and gave a pitch for post members to actively recruit new members.
- Chaplain – Bob Haldi stated that he was not aware of any current “Sick Call” names. He noted that he had recently attended the funerals of members Andy Ewing (USN) and Nate Rinehart (USA) and expressed disappointment in not seeing more than a few post members at each. He thanked those members of the Loudon County Honor Guard for their support and read examples of tributes they provide each veteran.
- Sgt-at-Arms – Bruce Blodgett provided an update on the status of our Wreaths Across America campaign. We have exceeded our national goal of 300 and hope to still achieve our post goal of 500. Bruce also noted that he had a signup roster for those who would like to join him in collecting donations for WAA outside Food City in Vonore on 11 Nov from 0900-1500.
- Finance Officer -- Stan Stosiak reported on the status of post funds. Stan further mentioned that he had received some donated Post Shirts that he would sell for $20.
- Service Officer -- Dan Callan provided information on the following: Legion Care insurance, National’s “Be-the-One” suicide prevention campaign, the POW/MIA Recognition Day (16 Sep), the Multi-County Veterans Resource Fair in Lenoir City (16 Sep), and the new Monkeypox vaccine.
- Open Discussion
- Commander Buelow noted the following:
- Dinner Theater flyers are available for pickup and distribution after the meeting.
- Post 256 will host the 3rd District Convention in May 2023.
- Nominations are encouraged for State and National Awards (1st responder and Employers of Veterans).
- Commander Buelow presented Membership Chair Phil Boruszewski with a pin and note of congratulations from the National Commander for our post’s recruitment success in 2022. Phil noted that the success was not his alone and graciously passed on the pin to member Tom Simcox.
3) Good of the Legion
- Post member Tom Simcox reminded attendees of the Knoxville Air Show and the Medal of Honor Convention going on this month (see Events Calendar on post website for details).
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned at 1043 hours with prayer and proper ceremony.
Adjutant Adams was asked to draw the 50/50 raffle stub. John Gamble held the winning ticket and donated his winnings to the post.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
Minutes of Post 256
Monthly General Meeting
The American Legion
Department of Tennessee
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Post Adjutant DATE: 4 August 2022
APPROVED BY: Steve Buelow, Post Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members – 32, Guests – 4.
TIME: Convened 0900 hrs. Adjourned 1040 hrs.
OPENING: Post Commander Buelow opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. Bob Haldi offered the opening prayer and Dan Callan led attendees present in reciting The American Legion Preamble using a laminated card they were given at check-in.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Buelow offered tables the opportunity to introduce visitors and guests. New members John Little (USCG) and Seth Reichenbach (USA) were attending as guests and made brief introductory remarks.
GUEST SPEAKER: Our guest speaker was Bryan Hall, Executive Director of the Tellico Reservoir Development Agency. He spoke about future developments that will affect our local area. Following his presentation and a Q&A offering, Commander Buelow presented him with a Certificate of Appreciation, Legion challenge coin, and Legion mug.
1) Officer Reports
- Membership Chairman – Phil Boruszewski reported that the post currently has 75% of it’s membership renewed for 2023. He thanked those who had renewed for their prompt action.
- Adjutant – Tony Adams noted that it was election day and encouraged members to exercise their civic duty to vote.
- Chaplain – Bob Haldi reported that member Nate Rinehart remains in hospice care and that the spouses of members Duane Baumert and Tom Kelly were both recently in the hospital. He passed around cards for members to sign.
- Sgt-at-Arms – Bruce Blodgett provided an update on the post Wreath’s Across America campaign. To date 253 wreaths have been purchased against a goal of 500. Bruce encouraged members to seek corporate sponsors, where possible.
- Finance Officer -- Stan Stosiak reported on the status of post funds.
- Service Officer -- Dan Callan provided information on the following: monkeypox vaccines; the “988” suicide and crisis hotline; a MIA/POW remains update; and passage of the PACT Act.
- Legion Riders Director – gave information on the Smoky Mountain Airshow that will be held 10-11 Sep.
- Open Discussion
- Commander Buelow noted the following:
- look for an e-mail later this month with details regarding a BBQ at his home on 10 Sep to again commemorate the anniversary of 9/11 and enjoy an evening of camaraderie with fellow post members and their spouses.
- asked ROTC Liaison officer Don Edmands to give him the name of the school representative they met with re: our Sequoyah H.S. AFJROTC start-up initiative so that he can speak with her about partnering with CASA to promote JROTC as a program that can provide structure to a young person’s life.
- plans continue for our “theater-in-the-round with Ulysses S. Grant” fundraiser at the Tellico Village Yacht Club on 5 Oct. Look for a flyer to come out shortly with information about tickets sales. Steve encouraged members to promote and attend the event. He also noted that we are seeking corporate sponsors to donate items for a silent auction which will occur during intermission.
3) Good of the Legion
- Post member and local VFW commander Shawn Tallant thanked those who assisted with the “Veterans Day on the Lake” event. He also provided information regarding how the Maryville VFW post will offer discounted parking and “practice day” veteran viewing for the Airshow from their vantage point on the hill. Shawn said that he will send these details to Tony Adams for post-wide dissemination.
​CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned at 1040 hours with prayer and proper ceremony.
Adjutant Tony Adams was asked to draw the 50/50 raffle stub. Jim McNeese held the winning ticket.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
Minutes of Post 256
Monthly General Meeting
The American Legion
Department of Tennessee
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Post Adjutant DATE: 7 July 2022
APPROVED BY: Steve Buelow, Post Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members – 46, Guests – 0.
TIME: Convened 0900 hrs. Adjourned 1029 hrs.
OPENING: Post Commander Buelow opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. Bob Haldi offered the opening prayer and Dan Callan led attendees present in reciting The American Legion Preamble using a laminated card they were given at check-in.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Buelow offered tables the opportunity to introduce visitors and guests. None were present.
GUEST SPEAKER: Our guest speaker was post member Tom “TK” Kelly who spoke of his work with the U2 Program. Following his presentation and a Q&A offering, Commander Buelow presented him with a Certificate of Appreciation.
1) Legion Rider Director Jim Warner presided over a ceremony installing the 2022/23 officers of the post. Returning Commander Buelow made brief remarks and reminded attendees that, as mentioned in our preamble, ALL MEMBERS share in the responsibility to foster within the community a sense of Americanism. He hoped that we would do all we could to do that better this year.
2) Officer Reports
- 1st VC – John Gamble mentioned that the campaign for membership renewals has begun, and that Phil Boruszewski asks that we complete our renewals NLT EOM October. He noted the cost remains $39 and could be paid by cash/check; but on-line renewals were the fastest method. At Steve’s request, John also mentioned a few ongoing fundraising efforts he and the Executive Committee are planning for the year.
- 2nd VC – Lee Wilson reported that the guest speaker for August will be Bruce Hall of the Tellico Development Agency.
- Chaplain – Bob Haldi noted that on 12 July he will be attending a Knoxville Civil War Roundtable dinner event featuring Curt Fields (GEN Grant). Any post member who might be interested can contact him for details. Bob passed around a “Thinking of You” card and article that he intends to send to our past Post Commander, Ellison “Vic” Vickery. He then asked if there were any members who knew of someone in need of a “get-well” card. He was told the member Roger Covert was experiencing an issue with his heart.
- Sgt-at-Arms – Bruce Blodgett announced the start to this year’s Wreath-Across-America sales. He noted that our goal this year is 500 wreaths and that we are already off to a great start thanks to the purchase of 100 wreaths by the Knights of Columbus. Bruce said he had both purchase and receipt forms available for those who wished to copy and hand out to friends and family. However, he noted the easiest way to purchase is by visiting the link on our post website. Tony added that he will send out an e-mail to all post members with further details NLT 16 Jul.
- Finance Officer -- Stan Stosiak reported on the status of post funds.
- Service Officer -- Dan Callan made mention of the following: fraudulent scams going on nationwide (medical bills, social security and ID thefts); the Multi-county Veterans Resource Fair on 16 Sep in Lenoir City at the American Legion post; return of a formerly missing servicemember’s remains who was shot while attempting escape from a POW Camp; the recent death of the last WWII Medal of Honor recipient; and the conveyance of four new Medals of Honor at the White House this week.
- Legion Riders Director – Jim Warner reported that he sold his Harley… riding one year longer than did former post commander Vic Vickery. He then introduced new Rider member Tom Towler.
- Past Commander – Bob Haldi mentioned that the summer edition of Monroe Life magazine has a two-page article on our post and that he brought some copies to share.
- Open Discussion
- Commander Buelow noted a recent ceremony at the Vonore Veterans Memorial where he, John Gamble, and Tony Adams presented and raised new U.S., State of TN, and POW/MIA flags purchased and donated by the post.
- Member Shawn Tallant announced that VFW Post 12135 will hold their annual BoatRides4Vets event on Sunday, 17 July. All veterans and their family members are welcome to participate. Shawn asked Tony to send out a flyer of this event after the meeting.
4) Good of the Legion (none offered)
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned at 1029 hours with prayer and proper ceremony.
The SGT-at-Arms asked the guest speaker to draw the winning 50/50 raffle ticket. Bob Ullom held the winning ticket.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
Minutes of Post 256
Monthly General Meeting
The American Legion
Department of Tennessee
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Post Adjutant DATE: 2 June 2022
APPROVED BY: Steve Buelow, Post Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members – 44, Guests – 2.
TIME: Convened 0900 hrs. Adjourned 1038 hrs.
OPENING: Post Commander Buelow opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. Bob Haldi offered the opening prayer and Dan Callan recited The American Legion Preamble.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Buelow offered tables the opportunity to introduce visitors and guests. New member George Arwood (USN) and prospective member Jim Bailey (USA) were attending their first meeting and made brief introductory remarks. John Jones was an invited guest of presenter Rich Enners.
GUEST SPEAKER: Our guest speaker was post member Richard Enners, author of the book “Heart of Gray.” Following his presentation and a Q&A offering, Commander Buelow presented him with a Certificate of Appreciation, a Legion mug, and a challenge coin. After the meeting, Rich held a book signing and promised to donate the profits from his sales to the post.
1) Commander Buelow recognized those who participated in the placement of Memorial Day flags at cemeteries, the Run for the Wall overpass cheering, Poppy Day at Food City, and the Memorial Day ceremony in Rarity Bay by asking them to stand. He then presented “Commander’s Star pins” to Dan Hall, Bob Ullom, John Gamble, and Tom Simcox for organizing each of these events.
2) Adjutant Adams read a biography and Commander Steve Buelow presented the 2021-2022 Legionnaire of the Year award to Post 256 member Philip Boruszewski for his extraordinary success recruiting new members to post. Commander Buelow further asked Phil to attach the 100% Success streamer he had received from the Department Commander to our post flag.
3) Officer Reports
- 1st VC – John Gamble thanked those who assisted in Poppy Day. Linda Ullom was also thanked for contributing copies of a poem handout.
- Membership Chairman – Phil Boruszewski noted that the U.S. population is ~335 million and the number of veterans is ~18 million (5.4%). The number of American Legion members is ~2 million for about 11% of all veterans. By comparison, USAA claims 13 million customers. Therefore, it appears there is a potential pool of veterans wanting to be affiliated with an organization by and for veterans. He reminded attendees that The American Legion (TAL) is the largest veterans organization and has a considerable amount of influence on Capitol Hill. In order to continue to serve our active duty, reserve, and guard personnel and their families including veterans, retirees and their families or care givers we need to grow TAL, the Department of Tennessee, and Post 256. Phil asked attendees to “please continue to invite your veteran neighbors to one of our monthly meetings.”
- 2nd VC – Lee Wilson reported that the guest speaker for July will be post member Tom Kelly who will speak about his involvement with the U2 program.
- 3rd VC – Linda Ullom reported that Boy’s State was held last week, and Girl’s State was in progress this week. The boys and girls we sponsored will speak about their experiences at our November meeting.
- Adjutant – Tony Adams made mention of some Marine Corps promotional items he had. They were provided to Commander Buelow to give to post member and Marine veteran Ken Oakley.
- Chaplain – Bob Haldi noted that a Sympathy card was being passed around to send to the widow of member Andy Ewing. He also noted that members Jim Noonan and Jim Patterson were both dealing with illnesses and would receive Get Well cards.
- Finance Officer -- Stan Stosiak reported on the status of post funds.
- Service Officer -- Dan Callan mentioned the following: 142 bills working their way through Congress; a Multi-county Veterans Fair being planned for 16 Sep in Lenoir City; Aspen Dental’s offer of free dental services to veteran’s who make appointments for 11 Jun; a new VA depression screening questionnaire; Monkey Pox concerns; and a potential Thanksgiving turkey shortage due to the Avian flu.
- Legion Riders Director – Jim Warner reported that he had received an e-mail from Post Rider Rich Gruber thanking those who cheered from the Exit 81 overpass on I-75 when he rode as a participant in the Run-for-the -Wall. Jim also made mention of the fact that while he was going to sell his motorcycle, he would continue as a member and officer of our post Rider’s club until further notice.
- Past Commander – Bob Haldi reminded attendees of the importance of volunteering for events of the post.
- Open Discussion
- Commander Buelow provided information regarding the following:
- a desire to charter a post Legion Auxiliary in the near future.
- teaming with the local VFW to improve/maintain the Vonore Veteran’s Memorial Park.
- a post “Theater in the Round” fundraising event at the Tellico Village Yacht Club on 5 Oct. -- noting his desire to sell 100 tickets.
5) Good of the Legion
- Member Tom Simcox asked that the Post express thanks via a card to the Rarity Bay Women’s Club for their assistance serving refreshments at the Memorial Day ceremony.
- Member Duane Baumert announced a “Horns and Hackers” event that CASA was having on 17-18 Jun.
- Member Shawn Tallant invited attendees to participate in the Flag Retirement Ceremony the VFW will perform on 14 Jun. He also noted he had recently been to the Medal of Honor Museum in Chattanooga and highly recommended it.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned at 1038 hours with prayer and proper ceremony.
Stan had a member draw the winning 50/50 raffle ticket. John Gamble held the winning ticket.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
Minutes of Post 256
Monthly General Meeting
The American Legion
Department of Tennessee
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Post Adjutant DATE: 5 May 2022
APPROVED BY: Steve Buelow, Post Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members – 41, Guests – 3
TIME: Convened 0900 hrs. Adjourned 1047 hrs.
OPENING: Post Commander Buelow opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. Bob Haldi offered the opening prayer and John Gamble recited The American Legion Preamble.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Buelow offered tables the opportunity to introduce visitors and guests. New members Don Bowers (USAF), Chuck Everett (USAF) and Tom Towler (USN) were attending their first meeting and made brief introductory remarks.
GUEST SPEAKER: Our guest speaker was Bob Elgin, President of the Tellico Boaters Assistance Response Team (T-BART). He discussed the mission of the organization and ways the community can assist. Following his presentation and a Q&A offering, Commander Buelow presented Bob with a Certificate of Appreciation, a Legion mug, and a challenge coin.
1) Post Election: Adjutant Tony Adams read the names of the officers who have agreed to serve for 2022/23 and asked them to stand. He then reported that he had received 27 AYE and 0 NAY e-mail votes from members unable to attend the meeting. Tony called for a motion to approve the slate by acclimation. The motion was made, seconded, and approved by unanimous voice consent. The induction ceremony will be held at our July GM meeting.
2) Officer Reports
- 1st VC – John Gamble mentioned he had placed a sign-up sheet for Poppy Day on 27 May at the registration table. Our post will man a table from 1200 to 1800 at the Food City store in Vonore. Four volunteers are needed for each one-hour shift.
- Membership Chairman – Phil Boruszewski reported that the post now had 183 members and is working to recruit several more. He hopes to have 190 - 200 by year’s end.
- 2nd VC – Lee Wilson reported that our speaker for June will by post member Richard Enners, author of the book Heart of Gray. He further noted that our July speaker will be member Tom Kelly speaking about the U2 Project.
- 3rd VC – Linda Ullom reported that registration is complete for our six students from two high schools to attend Boys and Girls State; and that every county in the state has at least one student attending.
- Adjutant – Tony Adams made mention of the recent issue he had sending out e-mail announcements and thanked Phil B. for his assistance while he had it corrected. Tony further noted that Linda Ullom was on hand to take Dan Hall’s place in distributing Memorial Day flags to cemetery team leaders. He noted that our post will place over 500 flags at the 15 cemeteries we are responsible for.
- Chaplain – Bob Haldi reminded attendees that he is always available to send cards to any member of the post, or their family members, who are ill, grieving, or need some cheering up.
- Finance Officer -- Stan Stosiak reported on the status of post funds.
- Service Officer -- Dan Callan noted that:
- on April 19, 2022, Gov. Lee signed into law a bill that will ensure Tennessee veteran spouses and families can rightfully obtain federal survivor benefits they may qualify for when COVID, or another pandemic, is a contributary cause in the veteran’s death.
- The Tennessee CHOICES program may be a viable option for veterans and dependents that do not qualify for VA benefits. The CHOICES programs include nursing facility services and home and community-based services (HCBS) for adults 21 years of age and older with a physical disability and seniors (age 65 and older).
- the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced the addition of nine rare respiratory cancers to the list of conditions presumed to be service-connected due to military environmental exposure to fine particulate matter.
- some facts regarding MIA/POW remains repatriation progress made to date.
- ROTC Liaison – Don Edmands reported that while he would not be going to Germany this year to present Legion Awards to our sponsored DoD H.S., he has sent them the medals and certificates for presentation at their awards ceremony next week. He further noted he is still working with Sequoyah high school to possibly start a local AFJROTC program..
- Legion Riders – Jim Warner reported that he had prepared the list of Rider officers to Tony for forwarding to the Department HQs. Rich Gruber again spoke about the annual “Run for the Wall” which will come through our area on May 24th (I-40) and May 25th (I-75). A post announcement has gone out soliciting volunteers for our assigned overpass in Lenoir City. Tony noted that Rich needs someone to volunteer to be the coordinator for the event as he will be on the ride. Mike Schack and Bob Ullom agreed to volunteer.
- Past Commander – Bob Haldi reminded cemetery flag leaders to take a few additional flags with them in the event they find new graves. And to update their list of veteran graves if new ones are found.
- Open Discussion
- Commander Buelow:
- awarded PAO Jim Patterson the Commander’s Star for coordinating the Post 256 Wine Tasting Social held on 27 Apr.
- asked that attendees “reserve the date” for:
- Poppy Day – 1200-1800 on 27 May at Food City
- Memorial Day ceremony – 0800 on 30 May at the flagpole in Rarity Bay
- 9/11 Remembrance picnic – on the evening of 10 Sep at his home in Legacy Shores
- Dinner Theater Fundraiser with General Grant – on 5 Oct at the Yacht Club in Tellico Village
- reported that member Bruce Blodgett has volunteered to assist in coordinating the Wreaths Across America campaign for this year.
- Noted that John Gamble is looking into whether the post would have any interest in forming a Ladies Auxiliary.
4) Good of the Legion
- Post member and VFW Commander Shawn Tallant announced that his post would be sponsoring “Boat Rides for Vets” on 17 Jul. He also made mention of the VFW’s recent donation of $1,000 to the Veteran’s Park of Vonore.
- Post member Rich Comiso noted that the Retired Military Club of Tellico Village would be contacting Steve and Shawn to help spread the news of a 12 Sep luncheon event.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned at 1047 hours with prayer and proper ceremony.
Stan had a member draw the winning 50/50 raffle ticket. Steve Buelow held the winning ticket and donated the funds to the post.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
Minutes of Post 256
Monthly General Meeting
The American Legion
Department of Tennessee
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Post Adjutant DATE: 7 April 2022
APPROVED BY: Steve Buelow, Post Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members – 37, Guests – 1
TIME: Convened 0900 hrs. Adjourned 1046 hrs.
OPENING: Post Commander Buelow opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. Bob Haldi offered the opening prayer.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Buelow offered tables the opportunity to introduce visitors and guests. New members Steve Lesniak (USN) and Marty Wright (USN) were attending their first meeting and made brief introductory remarks. 3rd District Commander Ron White was introduced as a post guest.
GUEST SPEAKER: Our guest speakers were Alisa Hobbs and Alyssa Rutkiewicz. They are the Executive Director and Development Director of the Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA), Monroe County and discussed the mission of their organization and ways the community can assist. Member John Porter also spoke about his experience as a CASA advocate working with teenage boys. Following the presentation and a Q&A offering, Commander Buelow presented Alisa and Alyssa with Certificates of Appreciation and Legion mugs/coins. He also presented John with a Commander’s Award pin for his Legion cap.
1) Officer Reports
- 1st VC – John Gamble was introduced as 2022/23 candidate for the office. John’s focus will be on coordinating fundraising activities for the post.
- 3rd VC – Linda Ullom reported that registration is complete for our six students from two high schools to attend Boys and Girls State. She also noted that she and her husband had attended the recent “passing of the leash” for two Smokey Mountain Service Dogs to their veteran owners and highly recommends attending it.
- Adjutant – Tony Adams made mention of the recent e-mail announcement for the Post election. The suspense for floor nominations is 9 Apr. The election will be held by e-mail vote later this month with voice acclimation on 5 May. Tony further noted that e-mail announcements reference several Memorial Day events will go out later this month.
- Membership Chairperson -- Phil Boruszewski reported that the Post Roster now stands at 182 members, which is a 17% increase since June 2021. He is currently processing four additional veterans for membership. Phil noted that he conducted an e-mail test on 1 Apr to see how accurate and effective our e-mail communication was. Recommendations for alternative methods have been passed along to the Executive Committee for consideration.
- Finance Officer -- Stan Stosiak reported on the status of post funds. He also reported that he had Steve Veale’s shirt available for pickup.
- Service Officer -- Dan Callan noted the Insurance Policy opportunities available to Legion members. He said he had information on-hand for anyone interested in obtaining a medical alert device. He reminded attendees that the Vietnam “Wall that Heals” will be in Knoxville this month. For more information go to: The Wall That Heals - Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund (vvmf.org). Dan further discussed his participation in a multi-county planning effort to hold a Veterans Fair in Lenoir City on 16 Sep. More information to follow at a later date. He closed his report with some facts regarding MIA/POW remains repatriation progress made to date.
- Legion Riders – Rich Gruber spoke on behalf of Director Jim Warner. He noted the need for more members and detailed the requirements to join. He mentioned the clubs support to the Legion Legacy Fund and gave a pitch for a good post turnout in support of the annual “Run for the Wall” which will come through our area on May 24th (I-40 overpass) and May 25th (I-75 overpass).
- ROTC Liaison – Don Edmands reported that, due to COVID concerns, he would not be going to Germany this year to present Legion Awards to our sponsored DoD H.S. as he’s done in the past. However, he will make sure they receive the medals and certificates. He noted he is still working with Sequoyah high school to possibly start a local AFJROTC program..
- PAO – Jim Patterson reminded attendees of the Post 256 Wine Tasting Social to be held on 27 Apr.
- Past Commander – Bob Haldi encouraged members to attend the wine tasting social, bring a friend, and to get involved in post events/activities.
- Open Discussion
- Commander Buelow – announced that the post is seeking volunteers to assist in coordinating events. He reported that the post will have to push back the fall Golf Tournament to another year for lack of volunteer assistance and hoped that this would not be the case for future events. Steve announced that he is working with Curt Fields (U.S. Grant historical reenactor) to put on a two-act Dinner Theater event this fall. Curt has been a frequent speaker at our meetings in the past. This event is envisioned as a fundraiser open to the public.
3) Good of the Legion
- John Gamble announced that he has been asked to look into whether the post would have interest in forming a Ladies Auxiliary.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned at 1046 hours with prayer and proper ceremony.
Stan had a member draw the winning 50/50 raffle ticket. Marty Wright held the winning ticket and donated the funds to CASA.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
Minutes of Post 256
Monthly General Meeting
The American Legion
Department of Tennessee
COMPILED BY: Phil Boruszewski, Membership Chairman DATE: 3 March 2022
APPROVED BY: Tony Adams, Post Adjutant
ATTENDENCE: Members – 37, Guests – 4
TIME: Convened 0900 hrs. Adjourned 1017 hrs.
OPENING: Post Adjutant Tony Adams opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. Bob Haldi offered the opening prayer and Bob Ullom recited the Preamble to the American Legion Constitution.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Adjutant Adams offered tables the opportunity to introduce visitors and guests. New member Frank Pinto formerly of Post NY-391 (USA) was attending his first meeting and made brief introductory remarks. Guests Steve Lesiak (USN) and his wife Renea Lesiak (USN), Mike Johnson (USA) and his wife Melony Johnson were also introduced.
GUEST SPEAKER: Our guest speaker was Richard Cook, author of the book “Ignored Heroes of World War II: The Manhattan Project Workers of Oak Ridge, Tennessee”. Following his presentation and a Q&A offering, he sold signed copies of his book to those interested.
1) Officer Reports
- 1st VC – Phil Boruszewski reported that the Post Roster now stands at 182 members, which is a 17% increase since June 2021. Additionally, he mentioned that a few members are erroneously receiving 2022 renewal notices from National. If you receive a renewal notice, contact Phil prior to taking action.
- 2nd VC – Speaking on behalf of Lee Wilson, member Duane Baumert reported that our April speaker will be a representative from CASA of the Tennessee Valley, which is a non-profit agency serving children in Loudon, Morgan, and Roan counties.
- 3rd VC – Linda Ullom reported that progress is being made with the two high schools in Monroe and Loudon Counties with regards to Boys and Girls State.
- Service Officer -- Dan Callan reported that Congress recently passed the “Honoring Our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics (PACT)” bill. Also recently passed was a bill to automatically enroll veterans in VA Health Care. MIA remains of approximately 4 to 5 service members are being returned to families monthly.
- Finance Officer -- Stan Stosiak reported on the status of post funds.
- SGT-at-Arms – Dan Hall noted that there will be sign-ups of volunteers to place flags at the grave sites of veterans at local cemeteries at the next meeting. Volunteers are also needed to handout poppies at the Food City in Vonore.
- Chaplain – Bob Haldi showed the new cards that can be sent to members that have not attended a meeting in a while. You can request cards directly from him but asked that one let him know who the recipient is so multiple cards are not sent to the same member. Also inform him of any ill of deceased members needing a card.
- PAO – Jim Patterson announced the Post 256 Wine Tasting Social to be held on 4/27/2022. Please refer to the flyer on your table. Additional information will be provided via email.
- ROTC Liaison – Don Edmands noted he is still working with Sequoyah high school to possibly start an AFJROTC program.
- Open Discussion
- ​Adjutant Adams – announced that the post is seeking candidates to serve as post officers for 2022-23. Anyone interested should contact him.
- Member Shawn Tallant made an announcement concerning that Pat Brooks will be the featured VFW Post member in The Connection. Pat was also a Post 256 member that recently moved to Florida.
- Member Robert Ullom informed the members that there will be a Corvette Show at the Veterans Home on 5/7/2022.
3) Good of the Legion
- Mike Schack announced that the Traveling Viet Nam Wall will be in Knoxville from April 21 through 24, 2022 at the Berry Lynnhurst Cemetery. Organizers are looking for volunteers to work the memorial. The memorial will be open 24-hours a day. For more information go to: The Wall That Heals - Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund (vvmf.org)
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned at 1017 hours with prayer and proper ceremony.
Stan had a member draw the winning 50/50 raffle ticket.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
Minutes of Post 256
Monthly General Meeting
The American Legion
Department of Tennessee
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Adjutant DATE: 3 February 2022
APPROVED BY: Steve Buelow, Post Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members – 47 , Guests - 1
TIME: Convened 0900 hrs. Adjourned 1054 hrs.
OPENING: Post Commander Steve Buelow opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. Bob Haldi offered the opening prayer and Bob Ullom recited the Preamble to the American Legion Constitution.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Buelow offered tables the opportunity to introduce visitors and guests. New member Bruce Earnest (USN) was attending his first meeting and made brief introductory remarks.
GUEST SPEAKER: Our guest speakers were Andy Boyd and Jennifer Palmer of the Monroe and Loudon County Veteran Service Offices. They spoke on the subject of the mission and services their organizations provide. Following their presentation and a Q&A offering, Commander Buelow presented them with Post 256 Certificates of Appreciation, Legion coins, and Legion coffee mugs.
1) Commander Buelow, present Commander’s Award cap pins to Pat Brooks, Jim Patterson, Linda Ullom and Steve Veale. He further presented Pat Brooks with a departure gift from the post for his 17-year service as a charter member and long-time post officer in various positions.
2) Officer Reports
- 1st VC – Phil Boruszewski provided an update on the status of membership renewals. The post currently has 179 members recorded in the MyLegion database. Phil encouraged members to be attuned to veterans in their communities who may not be current Legion members but possibly interested in joining.
- 2nd VC – Lee Wilson reported that our March speaker will be Mr. Cook from the Oakridge National Laboratory.
- 3rd VC – Pat Brooks stated that Boy’s and Girl’s State interviews were held in late January and Linda Ullom would be taking his place in further coordination of their attendance. Linda reported that the panel selected 1 girl and 1 boy from Greenback H.S.; and 2 girls and 2 boys from Sequoyah H.S. Boys State will be at TN Tech University (22-27 May) and Girls State at Lipscomb University (29 May – 4 Jun).
- Adjutant – Tony Adams mentioned that Post 256 business cards were available at the table for anyone interested.
- Chaplain – Bob Haldi reminded members of the importance of letting him know when a member or their spouse might need a “Get Well,” “Thinking of You,” or “Sympathy card.” Commander Buelow noted that member Bob Ullom was scheduled to undergo spinal surgery the next day and for us all to keep him in our prayers. Bob Haldi then gave an excellent presentation regarding the 79th anniversary of the Four Chaplains act of courage and sacrifice on 3 Feb 1943.
- Finance Officer -- Stan Stosiak reported on the status of post funds.
- Service Officer -- Dan Callan reported that congress is considering a bill to require all separating servicemembers to enroll in the VA health care system.
3) Open Discussion
- Commander Steve Buelow –
- Introduced member Shawn Tallant to those who were not aware that he is the Commander of the local VFW in Tellico Village.
- Announced that he had asked member Steve Veale to head up a committee to coordinate all fundraising events for the post. Steve V. provided each table handouts with a working list of events and potential non-profit organizations and charities for the post to consider supporting.
- Noted that he had recently visited an individual at the Vonore Heritage Museum who is working to continue efforts to improve the Veterans Memorial Park in Vonore. Steve noted that this memorial and park might be a good project for our post to support.
- Member Warren Sanders made an announcement on behalf of the Tellico Village Computer Club’s Technology Access Program. He spoke on the need for used laptop computers to be wiped clean and loaded with new software to send to children in KY and TN affected by the tornados.
4) Good of the Legion
- Mike Schack publicly thanked everyone who contributed money to Operation Honor Guard.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned at 1054 hours with prayer and proper ceremony.
Stan had a member draw the winning 50/50 raffle ticket. Jim Patterson held the winning ticket.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
Minutes of Post 256
Monthly General Meeting
The American Legion
Department of Tennessee
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Adjutant DATE: 6 January 2022
APPROVED BY: Steve Buelow, Post Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members – 30 , Guests - 1
TIME: Convened 0900 hrs. Adjourned 1025 hrs.
OPENING: Post Commander Steve Buelow opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. Bob Haldi offered the opening prayer and Lee Wilson recited the Preamble to the American Legion Constitution.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Buelow offered tables the opportunity to introduce visitors and guests. Several new and transferring members attending their first meeting made brief introductory remarks.
GUEST SPEAKER: Our guest speaker was Ms. Kelli Branam of the Loudon County Homeland Security and Emergency Management office. She spoke on the subject of the mission of her organization and the importance of personal emergency preparedness. Following her presentation and a Q&A offering, Commander Buelow presented Kelli with a Post 256 Certificate of Appreciation, a Legion coin, and a Legion coffee mug.
1) Commander Buelow, 1VC Boruszewski, Chaplain Haldi, and Adjutant Adams conducted the short version of the Initiation of New Members, as written in the Manual for Post Ceremonies. Each attending new member was presented with a Certificate of Initiation. Those not in attendance will receive their certificates at the next meeting they attend.
2) Officer Reports
- 1st VC – Phil Boruszewski provided an update on the status of membership renewals. The post currently has 170 members recorded in the MyLegion database and another 2 transfers being processed at the National level. Phil noted that there are six 2021 members who have still not renewed their membership and that he is working toward a recruitment goal of 175 by EOM February and 180 by EOM June. He encouraged members to be attuned to veterans in their communities who may not be Legion members but might be interested in joining.
- 2nd VC – Lee Wilson reported that our February speaker will be the Veteran’s Service Officer of Loudon County.
- 3rd VC – Pat Brooks stated that Boy’s and Girl’s State would be an in-person event this year. He and a small panel will be conducting applicant interviews at both Greenback and Sequoyah High Schools later this month to select a minimum of one boy and one girl from each school to attend.
- Adjutant – Tony Adams gave an explanation regarding how he obtained the data he used to create the Members Analysis slides he sent out to all post members.
- Chaplain – Bob Haldi reminded members of the importance of letting him know when a member or their spouse might need a “Get Well,” “Thinking of You,” or “Sympathy card.”
- Finance Officer -- Stan Stosiak reported on the status of post funds. He also announced that he has distributed several post shirts and has a few on back-order. Stan will assist in making purchase orders for those wishing to purchase post shirts.
- Service Officer -- Dan Callan reported that the NDAA was recently passed by Congress and signed by the President. He also told a story of how most of the MIA remains from the USS Oklahoma sunk at Pearl Harbor and once buried in a mass grave have now been identified for proper burial.
3) Open Discussion
- Commander Steve Buelow –
- Awarded Commander Appreciation “star pins” to Phil Boruszewski and Tom Simcox for their extraordinary efforts in recruiting so many new members to join our post.
- Announced that our post intends to sponsor a Golf Tournament fundraiser at Rarity Bay on 26 September 2022. Introduced member Steve Veale as the post coordinator for this event and let him speak briefly about planning efforts underway.
- Mentioned that he and Don Edmands are in talks with Sequoyah High School reference beginning an AFJROTC program there at some point.
- Member Tom Simcox gave thanks to all who participated in the drive to collect items to send to the VA Home at Mountain View. He noted it was one of out post’s best collection efforts to date.
4) Good of the Legion
- Stan had a member draw the winning 50/50 raffle ticket. Richard Schwartz held the winning ticket and received $49. I’ve been told that he immediately donated his winnings back to the post. Thank you, Richard!
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned at 1025 hours with prayer and proper ceremony.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
Minutes of Post 256
Monthly General Meeting
The American Legion
Department of Tennessee
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Adjutant DATE: 4 November 2021
APPROVED BY: Steve Buelow, Post Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members – 25 , Guests - 2
TIME: Convened 0900 hrs. Adjourned 1024 hrs.
OPENING: Post Commander Steve Buelow opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. Jim Warner offered the opening prayer and Dan Callan recited the Preamble to the American Legion Constitution.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Buelow offered tables the opportunity to introduce visitors and guests. There was one new member in attendance: Duane Baumert (USA) along with his guest Tim Singer (USAF).
GUEST SPEAKER: Our guest speaker was Laurie Birt from the Director of Community Events with Smoky Mountain Service Dogs. She and dog ambassador “Hooligan” gave an excellent presentation on the organizations mission and service dog capabilities. Following her presentation and Q&A offering, Commander Buelow presented Laurie with a Post 256 Certificate of Appreciation, a Legion coin, a Legion coffee mug, and a $200 donation from our post for her organization.
1) Officer Reports
- 1st VC – Phil Boruszewski was home recuperating from recent knee surgery. Adjutant Adams gave his report. The post currently has 172 members-in-good standing with 164 renewed for 2022. Phil requested that members invite new members to sit with them at their tables when they see an unfamiliar face.
- Adjutant – Tony Adams asked that members please RSVP to the announcement for meeting attendance, as it helps ensure sufficient tables/chairs are available.
- Finance Officer -- Stan Stosiak reported on the status of post funds. He also announced that he has begun collecting names for those wishing to purchase post shirts.
- Chaplain – Bob Haldi was home ill. In his absence, Jim Warner passed around get-well cards for Phil Boruszewski (knee surgery) and Andy Ewing (cancer).
- Service Officer -- Dan Callan reported that an aromatherapy spray manufactured in India and sold in the U.S. as “Better Homes & Gardens Lavender & Chamomile Essential Oil Infused Aromatherapy Room Spray with Gemstones” has been found to contain bacteria and is sickening users. He also reported that Tricare has terminated pharmacy service with Walmart and SAMs Club and instead awarded the contract to CVS and Target. Dan then told a story of how MIA remains from the USS Oklahoma sunk at Pearl Harbor and once buried in a mass grave are now being identified for proper burial.
- Open Discussion
- Commander Steve Buelow –
- Thanked all who attended the 30 Oct. Celebration of Life service for deceased member Dick Kolasheski.
- Stated that he was still looking for a volunteer to fill the vacancy of 2VC (Programs) John Reiner who stepped down due to illness; and would also be looking for a new 3VC (Boy’s and Girl’s State) when Pat Brooks closes on a new home in Florida this coming Spring.
- Noted that our post is again a participating sponsor for Wreaths-Across-America. The adjutant has sent out details on how to sponsor a wreath or participate in the wreath laying at a local State Veteran’s Cemetery. Steve encouraged members to participate.
- Announced that the post would be holding a Holiday Dinner Party at Rarity Bay on 9 December. He asked for a show of hands whether members preferred a buffet or plate service option (plate was preferred ~2:1). Details will be sent out later this month.
- Asked member Tom Simcox to give some details regarding the Veterans Day dinner at Rarity Bay. Tom also made a pitch for the annual collection of items to take to the Veterans at Mountain Home Hospital in Johnson City by the VFW Post 5156 Ladies “Auxiliary” Madisonville. Items identified on the list Tony e-mailed can be dropped off at Tom Simcox’s house (330 Morning Dove Drive) in the red footlocker on the porch by the front door.
- Awarded The American Legion Commander’s "No Veteran Left Behind" membership excellence pin to Tom for recruiting many new members to join our post.
- Announced again that our post intends to sponsor a Golf Tournament fundraiser at Rarity Bay in 2022.
- Member Shawn Tallant made mention of the fact that, as the Commander of VFW 12135, he was “working hand-in-hand” with Steve on several projects and had recently sent our Wreaths Across America link out to his post members for their purchase consideration.
3) Good of the Legion
- Member Bob Ullom noted that he and his wife Linda would be attending a groundbreaking ceremony for a pedestrian bridge being named after Staff Sgt. Ryan Knauss on 8 Nov, at 10:00 am at Gibbs High School, located at 7628 Tazewell Pike, Corryton, TN The event is open to the public.
- Server Susie was asked to draw the winning 50/50 raffle ticket. Warren Sanders once again held the winning ticket and received $38.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned at 1024 hours with prayer and proper ceremony.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
Minutes of Post 256
Monthly General Meeting
The American Legion
Department of Tennessee
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Adjutant DATE: 7 October 2021
APPROVED BY: Steve Buelow, Post Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members – 34 , Guests - 2
TIME: Convened 0900 hrs. Adjourned 1029 hrs.
OPENING: Post Commander Steve Buelow opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. Chaplain Bob Haldi offered the opening prayer and Dan Callan recited the Preamble to the American Legion Constitution.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Buelow offered tables the opportunity to introduce visitors and guests. There were four new members in attendance: Dan Greenlee (USN), Lou Rossi (USN), Peter Thompson (USA), and Ron Voyer (USA). Also, in attendance were Nancy Crook and Betty Anne Haldi, spouses of members Jerry Crook and Bob Haldi.
GUEST SPEAKER: Our guest speaker was Supervisory Special Agent (SSA) Mike Raleigh, of the FBI Field Office – Knoxville Division. He spoke about China as a Threat. Following his presentation and Q&A offering, Commander Buelow presented SSA Raleigh with a Post 256 Certificate of Appreciation, a Legion coin, and a Legion coffee mug.
1) Officer Reports
- 1st VC – Phil Boruszewski reported that membership renewal notices will be sent out again later this month and to ignore them if you’ve already paid. He noted that membership was currently near 175 however a small number of members have yet to renew for 2022. Phil hoped that all would renew by end-of-month October.
- Adjutant – Tony Adams stated that he would be sending out information regarding a number of events commemorating Veterans Day in a single e-mail later this month.
- Finance Officer -- Stan Stosiak reported on the status of post funds. He also announced that he would be collecting names for those wishing to purchase post shirts at the November meeting.
- Chaplain – Bob Haldi noted that he had passed around Sympathy cards for the post to send to the families of recently deceased members Weldon Humphries (USMC), Dick Kolasheski (USA), and Robert Williford (USA). He also distributed Thinking of You cards to send to members Woody Dewberry and Richard Steele. Bob reminded attendees that anyone seeking a “Get Well” or “Thinking of You” card should contact him for assistance.
- Service Officer -- Dan Callan reported that both the Loudon County and Monroe County Veteran Service Officers have open invitations to come speak to our post at announcement time. Dan mentioned that last month was Suicide Awareness month and noted statistics show that handguns are used more often in male suicides than female suicides. He reminded attendees that there are deadline dates for submitting VA claims for service-connected illnesses (i.e., Gulf War Syndrome and Burn-pit exposure). Dan noted that members should have recently received information regarding Legion Care insurance. The free basic policy is a one-time enrollment. He reported that he had been to his doctor at Blount Memorial and been encouraged to get his flu shot at least 2-weeks before or after his COVID booster. He was surprised to learn that the hospital ICU now had two-beds per cubicle and that in addition to elderly patient cases, they had many cases just in their 40s.
- Open Discussion
- Commander Steve Buelow –
- Thanked all who attended the 9/11 anniversary BBQ at his home. Stated that he hoped to host the event again next September.
- Stated that he was looking for a volunteer to fill the vacancy of 2VC John Reiner who stepped down this month due to illness.
- Asked member Tom Simcox to give some details regarding the Veterans Day dinner at Rarity Bay. Steve also provided information regarding celebration at the Tellico Village Yacht Club sponsored by the local VFW post. Harry McDavid then announced a free pancake breakfast on 6 November at the Lutheran Church on SR-72. Flyers for these, and other events, will be included in an e-mail the Adjutant will send out.
- Announced that our post intends to sponsor a Golf Tournament fundraiser at Rarity Bay in 2022. Steve asked for volunteers interested in assisting with running this event to see after the meeting. (NOTE: four members accepted this invitation).
- Announced that the post would be holding a Christmas Social at Rarity Bay in early December. Details will be provided at a later date.
- Noted that our post would again be a participating sponsor for Wreaths-Across-America. The adjutant will send out details later this month.
3) Good of the Legion
- Member Mike Schack noted that on 8 November the Loudon County Senior Center would hold be holding a drive-thru meal event. He also made mention of a Marine Corps Veteran’s dinner event.
- SSA Raleigh was asked to draw the winning 50/50 raffle ticket. Warren Sanders held the winning ticket and received $50.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned at 1029 hours with prayer and proper ceremony.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
Minutes of Post 256
Monthly General Meeting
The American Legion
Department of Tennessee
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Adjutant DATE: 10 September 2021
APPROVED BY: Steve Buelow, Post Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members – 26 , Guests - 24
TIME: Convened 1800 hrs. Adjourned 2030 hrs.
OPENING: Post Commander Steve Buelow opened the special BBQ meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. Chaplain Bob Haldi offered the opening prayer.
SEQUENCE OF EVENTS: This event commemorated the 20th Anniversary of the many service-member and first responder lives lost on 9/11. It took the place of our usually scheduled breakfast meeting at Rarity Bay. It was held at the residence of Post Commander Buelow located at 523 Falcon Trail in Vonore. The home is in the gated community called Legacy Shores.
o Social time (1800 – 1830)
o BBQ meal (1830 – 1930)
o Musical tribute (1930 – 2015)
o Flag ceremony (2015 – 2030)
o Social time (2030 - ???)
SPECIAL GUESTS: Member Harry McDavid and Lisa Patterson (spouse of member Jim Patterson) sang patriot songs after the meal. As a naval officer who was present at the Pentagon on 9/11, Harry further reminisced about the events of that fateful day. The flag on Steve’s property was ceremonially lowered by member Mike Schack of the Loudon County Honor Guard while his wife Anita Schack played taps. Member Mark Warren then closed the program with the playing of Amazing Grace on the bagpipes.
POST BUSINESS: No post business was conducted at this event.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the event was officially adjourned at 2030 hours. However, many guests remained to socialize and help clean up.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
Minutes of Post 256
Monthly General Meeting
The American Legion
Department of Tennessee
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Adjutant DATE: 5 August 2021
APPROVED BY: Steve Buelow, Post Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members – 38 , Guests - 2
TIME: Convened 0900 hrs. Adjourned 1020 hrs.
OPENING: Post Commander Steve Buelow opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. Chaplain Bob Haldi offered the opening prayer.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Buelow offered tables the opportunity to introduce visitors and guests. There were six new members in attendance: Curtis Crawford (USN), Edwin Elder (USA), Rudy Henji (USA), Rick Serbu (USAF), Brad Ward (USA), and Lee Wilson (USAF). Also, in attendance were prospective transferring member Richard Vincent (USN) and Anita Schack, spouse of Mike Schack.
GUEST SPEAKER: Our guest speaker was GEN (RET) Bryan “Doug” Brown, former commander of the Special Operations Command. He spoke about how he, a one-time Infantry Private, Special Forces SGT, and an Army Aviator rose to the rank of 4-star general. Following his presentation and Q&A offering, Commander Buelow presented GEN Brown with a Post 256 Certificate of Appreciation, a Legion coin, and a Legion coffee mug.
1) Officer Reports
- 1st VC – Phil Boruszewski reported that membership renewal notices were sent out in the month of July and to date 62% of our post members had renewed their dues for 2022. He hoped that all members would renew by end-of-month October.
- 2nd VC – John Reiner reported that he has lined up guest speakers through the month of May of 2022. He asked that anyone with a suggested speaker speak with him first before extending an invitation to address our post.
- 3rd VC – Pat Brooks gave a short pitch on the Boy’s and Girl’s State programs. He stated that he was seeking a volunteer to assist him with this year’s program.
- Chaplain – Bob Haldi noted that he had passed around a card for the post to send to “Woody” Williamson in Ft. Worth, TX wishing him well on his 98th birthday. Woody is the last surviving WWII Medal of Honor recipient. Bob reminded members that anyone seeking a “Get Well” or “Thinking of You” card should contact him for assistance.
- Finance Officer -- Stan Stosiak reported on the status of post funds.
- Service Office -- Dan Callan reported that Loudon County now has a new Veteran Service Officer. His name is Ron Hutson. Dan suggested that both our county VSOs would make great guests at some future meeting. Dan also reported that the VA has announced a recall of the Philips CPAP device; and that several bills were working their way through Congress dealing with new presumptive service-connected illnesses. Commander Steve Buelow asked Dan to get in contact with the Tellico Village VFW Post coordinator to make sure we get the word out to our members on the Veteran Suicide Prevention Panel discussion they have planned for September.
- Past Commander -- Bob Haldi noted that the Flagpole ceremony at the residence of Past Commander Roger McKnight held on 21 Jun was well attended by Fran’s relatives, neighbors, and post members.
- Legion Riders Director -- Jim Warner reported that Bob Haldi’s granddaughter and her husband had joined our post as members and become members of our Post Legion Riders club. Therefore, the club remains active for this next calendar year.
- Commander Steve Buelow –
- Noted that he had contacted Cindy Rogers (wife of member Jim Rogers) and is working with her to schedule the presentation of a check for $1,000 by our post to the “Our Place” Adult Day Care Center of Tellico Village in the name of Roger McKnight.
- Stated that he was looking for a volunteer who would assist the post with running our Wreaths Across America fundraiser for this year.
- Mentioned that he and Don Edmands were working an initiative to possibly start up a JROTC detachment at one of the local high schools in our area.
- Announced that our next General Membership meeting would be an evening BBQ event at his residence on 10 Sep ’21 and be a celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the events of 9/11. More details will be sent out later this month.
3) Good of the Legion
- Member Mike Schack noted that next year’s gathering of Medal of Honor recipients would be held in Knoxville. He also mentioned that the Loudon County Honor Guard had recently buried the last WWII veteran of the County.
- GEN Brown was asked to draw the winning 50/50 raffle ticket. The winner received $45.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned at 1020 hours with prayer and proper ceremony. Following adjournment, the Post Public Affairs Officer Jim Patterson took pictures of the commander and GEN Brown.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
Minutes of Post 256
Monthly General Meeting
The American Legion
Department of Tennessee
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Adjutant DATE: 9 July 2021
APPROVED BY: Steve Buelow, Post Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members – 26, Guests - 4
TIME: Convened 0900 hrs. Adjourned 1021 hrs.
OPENING: Post Commander Steve Buelow opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. Chaplain Bob Haldi offered the opening prayer and member Bob Ullom read the preamble of the American Legion constitution.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Buelow offered tables the opportunity to introduce visitors and guests. There were two new members in attendance: Richard Schwartz (USN) formerly of CA Post 105 and Steve Veale (USN) from TN Post 2000. Also, in attendance as member guests were BG (Ret) Don Laguerre (USAF), Oralee Adams, Betsy Buelow, and Jeanette Schwartz .
SPECIAL PRESENTATION: As a token of our appreciation for serving as host for monthly General Membership and Executive Committee meetings for two years, Commander Buelow presented the owner of the Little Italy Restaurant of Tellico Village, Larry, an American Flag with stand for use in his facility.
GUEST SPEAKER: Our guest speaker was Susan Harrison, Administrator of Elections, Loudon County Election Commission. She spoke about election procedures and laws in the state and nation.. Following her presentation, Susan answered attendee questions. Commander Buelow then presented Ms. Harrison with a Post 256 Certificate of Appreciation and a Legion coffee mug.
1) Officer Reports
- Adjutant - Tony Adams reported that membership renewal notices will be sent out in the month of July. Dues for 2022 remain $39. On-line renewal is encouraged.
- Finance Officer -- Stan Stosiak reported on the status of post funds.
- Service Office Dan Callan reported that Loudon County now has a new Veteran Service Officer. His name is Ron Hudson.
- Chaplain – Bob Haldi stated that he had sent “Get Well” cards to members Phil Boruszewski and Woody Dewberry this past month. Bob also noted that the Flagpole ceremony at the residence of Past Commander Roger McKnight was held on 21 Jun and well attended by Fran’s relatives, neighbors, and post members. Later this month, a check for $1,000 will be presented by our post to the “Our Place” Adult Day Care Center of Tellico Village in the name of Roger.
- Legion Riders Director -- Jim Warner reported that Bob Haldi’s granddaughter and her husband would be joining our post as members and intended to become members of our Post Legion Riders club.
2) Award Presentation
- Commander Buelow presented Tony Adams the 2020-21 “Legionnaire of the Year” award in recognition of “his outstanding leadership and service”.
3) Installation of Officers
- Legion Rider Director Jim Warner performed the duties of the installing officer and administered the oath of office to the 2021-22 Commander and Executive Committee.
4) Open Discussion
- Chaplain Haldi made an announcement regarding an opportunity on 13 July to attend the Knoxville Civil War Roundtable and hear speakers Dennis Boggs as President Lincoln and Curt Fields as General Grant. Curt Fields has been a presenter at our post in the past.
- Adjutant Adams reminded attendees that the August General Membership meeting would be held on THURSDAY, 5 August at the Rarity Bay Country Club. An announcement will be sent out later this month.
5) Good of the Legion
- Commander Buelow asked member Shawn Tallant to speak about a Suicide Prevention Forum that will take place on 9 September at the Community Church in the Village. Sean is the new Post Commander of the Tellico Village VFW.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned at 1021 hours with prayer and proper ceremony. Following adjournment, the Post Public Affairs Officer Jim Patterson took pictures of all newly elected officers. Additionally, all post equipment was secured by post officers for transfer to Rarity Bay when the Executive Committee is convened on 16 July.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
Minutes of Post 256
Monthly General Meeting
The American Legion
Department of Tennessee
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Adjutant DATE: 4 June 2021
APPROVED BY: Steve Buelow, Post Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members – 30, Guests - 2
TIME: Convened 0900 hrs. Adjourned 1025 hrs.
OPENING: Post Commander Steve Buelow opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. Chaplain Bob Haldi offered the opening prayer and member Linda Ullom read the preamble of the American Legion constitution.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Post Commander Buelow offered tables the opportunity to introduce visitors and guests. There was new member in attendance: Al Kuehnemund (USA) formerly of FL Post 347, and also member Mike Schack’s spouse, Anita, and John Klaboe’s spouse, Jackie.
GUEST SPEAKER: Our guest speaker was M. Kevin Knowles, Director of East Tennessee State Veterans Cemeteries. He spoke about the burial benefits and services available to military veterans. Following his presentation, Kevin answered numerous questions and provided handouts on preregistration and the two local state veteran cemeteries. Commander Buelow then presented Mr. Knowles with a Post 256 Certificate of Appreciation, a Legion coffee mug, and a Legion challenge coin.
1) Officer Reports
- 1VC (elect) - Phil Boruszewski made mention of the fact that renewal notices will be mailed out beginning in July. He encouraged online registration and pledged to assist where needed.
- Adjutant - Tony Adams reported that he will be sending out a post-wide notice announcing that the July General Membership meeting/breakfast will be moved to the 2nd Friday (9 July) to allow members to enjoy the Independence Day holiday weekend and that in Aug we would return to Rarity Bay on the 1st Thursday of the month for our meetings. Tony also mentioned that on 21 June a Flagpole dedication ceremony would be held at the residence of former past Post Commander Roger McKnight. As space is limited, an invitation was only sent out to the post’s “charter members”, but anyone interested in attending can contact Tony for further details.
- Finance Officer -- Stan Stosiak reported on the status of post funds.
- SGT-at-Arms – Dan Hall reported completion of the successful placement of almost 500 flags at the graves of veterans in our community for the Memorial Day weekend. He thanked those that had volunteered as team leaders for each cemetery.
- Chaplain – Bob Haldi reminded members to contact him if when they learn of any member or spouse that would benefit from a “With Sympathy” or “Thinking of You” card.
- Legion Riders Director -- Jim Warner reported that he had attended Post 120’s Bike Show on 15 May and won 2nd place.
2) Open Discussion
- Commander – Steve Buelow noted that the Post had participated in the Rarity Bay Memorial Day ceremony on 31 May and felt it was a successful event. He mentioned that, pending Executive Committee approval, it may include some refreshments next year.
​3) Good of the Legion – Nothing to report.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned at 1025 hours with prayer and proper ceremony. Following adjournment, the Post Public Affairs Officer Jim Patterson took pictures of our guest and Commander.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
Minutes of Post 256
Monthly General Meeting
The American Legion
Department of Tennessee
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Adjutant DATE: 7 May 2021
APPROVED BY: Steve Buelow, Post Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members – 22, Guests - 2
TIME: Convened 0900 hrs. Adjourned 1016 hrs.
OPENING: Post Commander Steve Buelow opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. Interim Chaplain Jim Warner offered the opening prayer and 2nd Vice Commander Phil Boruszewski read the preamble of the American Legion constitution.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Post Commander Buelow offered tables the opportunity to introduce visitors and guests. There was one invited member in attendance: Al Kuehnemund (USA) formerly of FL Post 347, and member Jerry Crook’s spouse, Nancy. Al provided a short summary of his military service as did two recent transfers to our post, Bill Gray and John Klaboe.
GUEST SPEAKER: Our guest speaker was to be Ms. Heather Moore-Francis. She is the Executive Director of the Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) of East Tennessee. However, she got the time of our meeting wrong and was a NO SHOW!
1) 2021/22 Election of Officers: Adjutant Tony Adams stated that he had recently sent out a post-wide e-mail announcing the current candidates for office in 2021/22. He noted that there was still one “appointed” vacancy for the position of 2nd Vice Commander and asked if there was anyone who might be willing to submit their name for candidacy. Hearing none, a motion was made and seconded to accept the slate of uncontested candidates. The motion passed unanimously and, together with the thirty-four (34) votes cast electronically by members, completed the election. This newly elected Executive Committee will be installed at our July General Membership meeting.
2) Officer Reports
- 2VC - Phil Boruszewski made mention of the duties and responsibilities of a 2VC and welcomed anyone who might wish to take the appointed position to speak with him after the meeting or at a later date.
- 3VC – Pat Brooks explained that in agreement with the Guidance Counselors of Sequoyah and Greenback High Schools, the post would not sponsor students to attend the “Virtual” Boy’s and Girl’s State offerings this year. He hopes that the events will resume as usual in the summer of 2021.
- Adjutant - Tony Adams reported that Past Commander Bob Haldi and himself had attended the 3rd District convention as delegates of our post on 9 April. There, Ron White of Post 107, Soddy Daisy was elected the next Commander of 3rd District.
- Finance Officer -- Stan Stosiak reported on the status of post funds.
- Service Officer – In Dan Callan’s absence, Tony reported that the Loudon County Veteran’s Service Officer was retiring this summer and the County Mayor would likely be looking for a veteran to fill this paid position.
- Interim Chaplain -- Jim Warner reported that he would be handing over the chaplain duties to Bob Haldi this month, to include a Flagpole Ceremony at the residence of deceased member (and Past Post Commander) Roger McKnight on 20 Jun 2021. Jim then made a pitch for any new members who rode motorcycles to consider joining the post Legion Rider’s Club.
- JROTC Liaison – Don Edmands reported that our sponsored AFJROTC unit in Germany had received the Legion Excellence medals and certificates for awarding later this month. COVID-19 travel bans precluded Don from making the trip. Don explained the history behind this sponsorship and his regrets for not being able to present these awards, as he has done for the past 10 years.
- Public Affairs Officer – Jim Patterson had nothing to report.
- SGT-at-Arms – Dan Hall explained the process he would follow for distributing and collecting 500+ flags to be placed at the graves of veterans in our community for the Memorial Day weekend. He thanked those that had volunteered as team leaders for each cemetery.
2) Open Discussion
- Commander – Steve Buelow noted that the Post had been asked by the pastor of the Community Church in Tellico Village to provide eight flag bearers on the evenings of 29 and 30 May for a Memorial Day Musical Celebration event. Steve invited members to volunteer to participate and said he would provide Tony with details to send out in a post-wide announcement.
- Adjutant Adams mentioned that our post would again be participating in the Rarity Bay Memorial Day ceremony. All members are welcome to attend the event on 31 May at 0800 hours at the community flagpole.
- Member Shawn Tallant noted that Little Italy hosts a “veterans’ breakfast” on the 2nd Saturday of each month at 0830. No membership, program, or RSVP required. Just show up for “war story telling” and camaraderie when possible.
- Shawn also mentioned that the Tellico Village “Ladies of the Library” intended to host a Memorial Day event on the lawn of the library from 1500-1700 on 31 May. There will be music. Attendees should bring a lawn chair and your own beverage.
- Jim Warner noted that John Becker continues his “Service and Sacrifice” interviews with veterans each Thursday at approximately 1745 as the last segment of the channel 10 news. His most recent interview, yet to be aired, was with a 100-year-old WWII B-17 pilot. Jim recommended we all watch this interview.
3) Good of the Legion – NOTE: After the meeting concluded, member John Reiner volunteered to be our post 2nd Vice Commander for 2021/22. THANK YOU, John!
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned at 1016 hours with prayer and proper ceremony.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
Minutes of Post 256
Monthly General Meeting
The American Legion
Department of Tennessee
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Adjutant DATE: 2 April 2021
APPROVED BY: Philip Boruszewski, 2nd Vice Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members – 17, Guests - 2
TIME: Convened 0900 hrs. Adjourned 0956 hrs.
OPENING: 2nd Vice Commander Phil Boruszewski, presiding on behalf of Commander Steve Buelow who was on vacation, opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. Interim Chaplain Jim Warner offered the opening prayer and Adjutant Tony Adams read the preamble of the American Legion constitution.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: 2nd Vice Commander Boruszewski offered tables the opportunity to introduce visitors and guests. There was one invited member in attendance: Thomas Williams (USN).
GUEST SPEAKER: Master Sergeant (retired) Vicki Patterson provided attendees with an excellent presentation on the history, roles, and mission of the Tennessee State Guard. She also answered numerous questions put forth by post members. At the conclusion of her presentation, MSGT Patterson provided attendees a handout containing a summary of information about the TN State Guard . Following her presentation, 2nd Vice Commander Boruszewski presented MSGT Patterson with a certificate of appreciation, challenge coin, and Legion coffee mug.
1) Officer Reports
- Adjutant Tony Adams stated that he had recently sent out a post-wide e-mail announcing the current candidates for office in 2021/22. He noted that there were still some “appointed” vacancies that need volunteers. He also reported that Past Commander Bob Haldi and himself were planning to attend the 3rd District convention as delegates or our post on 9 April.
- Interim Chaplain Jim Warner reported on the “sympathy” cards that were sent out recently to the surviving children of past member Art Pelka (USCG) who, together with his wife Grace, died in Florida last month. Jim also made a pitch for any new members who rode motorcycles to consider joining the post Legion Rider’s Club.
- Finance Officer Stan Stosiak reported on the status of post funds.
- Post Service Officer Dan Callan provided an update on the status of VA COVID-19 vaccinations.
2) Open Discussion
- Member Shawn Tallant noted that the Tellico Village VFW post had placed boxes at both the Marathon gas station in TV and the picnic pavilion in Kahite for collecting worn-out flags for proper disposal on Flag Day. He offered to collect them at our general membership meetings each month.
- 2VC Boruszewski mentioned that members should have received a catalogue from Flag and Emblem offering flags for sale in advance of Memorial Day, Flag Day, July 4th, and Veterans Day events. A portion of the proceeds from these sales goes to the American Legion.
- Adjutant Adams mentioned that our post would again be participating in its annual placement of flags at veteran gravesites in the many cemeteries throughout the local area. He asked attendees to give thought to being a volunteer.
3) Good of the Legion – None.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned at 0956 hours with prayer and proper ceremony.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
Minutes of Post 256
Monthly General Meeting
The American Legion
Department of Tennessee
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Adjutant DATE: 5 March 2021
APPROVED BY: Bob Haldi, Past Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members – 25, Guests - 0
TIME: Convened 0900 hrs. Adjourned 1031 hrs.
OPENING: Past Commander Bob Haldi, presiding on behalf of Commander Steve Buelow who was at a doctor appointment, opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. Interim Chaplain Jim Warner offered the opening prayer.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Haldi offered tables the opportunity to introduce visitors and guests. There were three new post members in attendance: Bob Garza (USA), Ron Nelson (USAF), and Shawn Tallant (USN).
GUEST SPEAKER: 2nd Vice Commander Phil Boruszewski gave an excellent presentation on the history and his experiences handling "Critical Infrastructure Protection and Suspicious Activity Reporting" along the waterways of our nation. Phil noted that an excellent source for staying up to date on security issues was by going to the Homeland Security Today webpage. At the conclusion of his presentation, Phil provided attendees a handout containing good contact information for suspicious activity reporting.
1) Officer Reports
- 3rd VC Pat Brooks stated that the Boys and Girls State programs were going to be held virtually this year and, in consultation with the guidance counselors of Sequoyah and Greenback High Schools, there would be no student participants. Our sponsorship fund is healthy ($6,000+) and will hopefully be used to sponsor students next year.
- Interim Chaplain Jim Warner reported on the “get well” and “thinking of you” cards that were sent out recently to members. In addition to Steve Buelow’s COVID-19 illness, it was noted that member Warren Sanders had recently undergone hip surgery and that members Mike and Anita Shack were experiencing COVID-like symptoms. Jim also made a pitch for any new members who rode motorcycles to consider joining the post Legion Rider’s Club.
- Adjutant Tony Adams stated that if anyone was interested in attending the 3rd District or Department of TN conventions as a delegate should see him for details.
- Post Service Officer Dan Callan provided the names of the Loudon and Monroe County Veteran Service Officers (contact info located on our post website). He noted that three new symptoms had been approved for veterans exposed to Agent Orange and recommended that they contact a VSO to be reevaluated. Dan also mentioned that the VA was starting a new Caregiver Support Program.
- ROTC Liaison Don Edmands reported that it appeared as though his annual trip to Germany to provide American Legion awards to our AFJROTC unit at Spangdahlem Air Base would be a virtual presentation this year because travel to/from Europe was difficult.
2) Open Discussion
- Rich Gruber announced that because of the pandemic, the Run For The Wall would again be cancelled this year.
- A poll was taken among attendees as to who had obtained their COVID vaccination shot(s). Most everyone had. Several members provided information about their experience scheduling their vaccine at the VA and local county clinics.
- Tony asked if anyone knew what the latest was on the suspended REAL ID driver’s license requirement. Bob Haldi believed the new suspense date was sometime later this year.
- Andy Ewing provided some information regarding successful use of CBD for battling Parkinson’s disease. Shawn Tallant added that there was also progress being made on treatments for illnesses resulting from exposure to open pit burning.
3) Good of the Legion – Jim Warner suggested that everyone check out the John Becker “Service and Sacrifice” offerings on channel 10 TV.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned at 1031 hours with prayer and proper ceremony.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
Minutes of Post 256
Monthly General Meeting
The American Legion
Department of Tennessee
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Adjutant DATE: 6 November 2020
APPROVED BY: Steve Buelow, 1st Vice Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members – 20, Guests - 0
TIME: Convened 0900 hrs. Adjourned 1005 hrs.
OPENING: 1st Vice Commander Steve Buelow opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. Interim Chaplain Jim Warner offered the opening prayer. Service Officer Dan Callan read The American Legion Preamble.
GUEST SPEAKER: There was no guest speaker this month. Instead, we conducted our annual business meeting IAW our post Constitution and Bylaws.
1st Vice Commander Buelow and Adjutant Adams facilitated the meeting using the following agenda (notes are included where needed to provide more detail).
a. Organizational News:
- Expression of gratitude for prayers for his wife’s recovery (Steve)
- Commander’s absence and impending departure (Steve)
- Need for new officers -- 2nd VC and Chaplain (Steve)
- Legion Rider’s Recruitment (Jim W.)
- Fran McKnight “thank you” note to Post (Tony)
- Constitution and Bylaws Vote (Tony)
- A motion was made and seconded to accept the proposed post Constitution and Bylaws as amended by the Executive Committee. The motion passed unanimously by all members in attendance.
- Finance update (Stan)
- Summarized a status of our post finances (balance on-hand, restricted funds, and unrestricted funds).
- Veteran Benefits update (Dan)
- Announcement of Veterans Day discounts.
- Announcement of new Tricare rates.
- Announcement regarding State and Federal park access rules.
- Other officer announcements
- Jim Warner reported that he had sent out “thinking of you” cards to our post WWII veterans and “get well” cards to Ron Elliott and Betsy Buelow. A card for Betsy was also signed by all members present at the meeting.
- Pat Brooks provided an update on Boy’s and Girl’s state “virtual” offerings for 2020 and the status of the 2021 event.
- Group Activity #1 – Service Recognition (Tony)
b. Upcoming Events:
- Veterans Day (Tony)
- Flag planting events at both local State Veteran cemeteries on 7 Nov.
- A short “Salute the Flag” ceremony at the Tellico Village Community Church at 1000 on 11 Nov.
- The Rarity Bay County Club Veterans Day dinner celebration is sold out and is no longer accepting reservations.
- WAA update (Steve)
- Announced that our post had registered with Wreaths Across America (WAA) in the Sponsorship Share Program and that details were available at the SPECIAL EVENTS page of our post website. We have exceeded our goal of raising 100 and are currently within about 40 of achieving 200 wreaths. Tony was asked to resend the announcement and link to all post members following the meeting.
- Any other Events
- Member Roger Forsyth made mention of the post-wide announcement that went out regarding the purchase of Holiday poinsettias as a Loudon High School fundraiser. Orders are due NLT 24 Nov.
- Group Activity #2 – Era Recognition (Tony)
c. Membership:
- Renewals Status (Steve)
- Renewals stand at 127 or about 83% of our 153 goal, as of end-of-month October.
- Discussion by Pat (and others) on the value of being a Paid-up-Member for Life.
- Reminder of Membership Year (Jan – Dec) and how/when dues amount is determined.
- Buddy Check Program (Tony)
- Group Activity #3 – Years as Member Recognition (Tony)
- Jim Warner noted that he had recently participated in a ceremony honoring Dean Stone (editor of Daily Times) for being a Legion member for 65 years.
d. Awards Program: (Tony)
- Veteran Employer of the Year
- EMT of the Year
- Law Enforcement Officer of the Year
- Firefighter of the Year
- Announcement of desire of the Executive Committee to nominate anyone in our community who may be deserving of one of these four national awards. Contact Tony for more details.
- Mention by Roger Forsyth of the Quilts of Valor club of Tellico Village always looking for deserving veterans to honor.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned at 1005 hours with prayer and proper ceremony.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
Minutes of Post 256
Monthly General Meeting
The American Legion
Department of Tennessee
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Adjutant DATE: 2 October 2020
APPROVED BY: Bob Leary, Post Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members - 24, Guests - 1
TIME: Convened 0900 hrs. Adjourned 1015 hrs.
NOTE: This was the first General Membership Meeting held for the post following a second suspension of meetings in August when the coronavirus case count rose in the local are. The meeting was held, as usual, in the Little Italy Restaurant of Tellico Village. It included the state safety requirements for wearing of masks and limitation of seating to 50% room occupancy which were mandatory for dining establishments. Breakfast was served at tables and ordered off the menu instead of the usual buffet service. As approved at the September Executive Committee (EC) meeting, and after a poll was taken among members, the event was moved from the first Thursday of each month to the first Friday of each month to better accommodate the owner’s hours. Also, by EC approval, a $2.00 “program fee” was assessed to every attending member and guest (less the guest speaker).
OPENING: Commander Bob Leary opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. Interim Chaplain Jim Warner offered the opening prayer. Service Officer Dan Callan read The American Legion Preamble.
GUEST SPEAKER: Our guest speaker was Richard Cook, author of “Ignored Heroes of World War II: The Manhattan Project Workers of Oak Ridge”. His presentation topic was: "When millions of lives were at stake with the Manhattan Project and COVID-19, Oak Ridge played a critical role in both". Following his presentation, Richard opened the floor for questions. Commander Leary then presented him with a certificate of appreciation, challenge coin, and Legion coffee mug.
- 1st Vice Commander Steve Buelow noted that membership renewals stood at about 64% as of end-of-month September. He also announced that our post had registered with Wreaths Across America (WAA) in the Sponsorship Share Program and that details were available at the SPECIAL EVENTS page of our post website. Adjutant Adams stated that he would send our additional information to all post members later this month.
- Adjutant Tony Adams reported that he will be sending out a revised Post Constitution and Bylaws document in October that will be voted on at the November General Membership meeting.
- Interim Chaplain Jim Warner passed around a Sympathy Card that will be sent to the family of Past Commander and Charter Member Roger McKnight. Roger passed away on September 24th at age 89 and will be buried with his first wife in Iowa. Commander Leary showed a picture of the floral wreath that the post sent as a memorial to Roger’s military service. Past Commander Bob Haldi encouraged those attending to consider sponsoring a WAA wreath in honor or Roger. Commander Leary further announced that Roger’s surviving spouse would like to erect a flagpole at her home to honor Roger’s service. She will purchase the materials but could use help erecting the pole. Members can contact Jim Warner if they are available to assist.
- Finance Officer Stan Stosiak summarized a status of our post finances (balance on-hand, restricted funds, and unrestricted funds).
- Service Officer Dan Callan reported that he remains in contact with both County VSOs who recommend veterans take advantage of getting their flu shots this year. He also reminded members to vote… but not wearing any Legion uniform items.
- Commander Leary summarized the following announcement.
- On Wednesday, November 11th, from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Yacht Club, the Tellico Village VFW Post will sponsor a Veterans Day commemoration event. The event will include presentation of colors and a flag-folding demonstration by the post's new Color Guard, music by the Tellico Village Singers, recognition of veterans from all eras, remarks by post Commander Clay Evans, and an explanation of the MIA/POW table. "DJ" Lou will be the event MC.
- This free event will take place in the Blue Heron Restaurant. Because of public health restrictions, capacity will be limited to 100 attendees seated at tables. Each post member may reserve a maximum of two seats by sending a message to tellicovfwpost@aol.com.
- Reservations without your name, the name of your guest and your telephone number will not be accepted. Reservations will open to the public beginning 5 Oct. A "waiting list" will be maintained.
- Special Note: The Blue Heron Restaurant will be cleared at 6 p.m.. All event attendees must then vacate the restaurant unless they have made separate dinner reservations through normal Yacht Club channels.
- Commander Leary was asked whether the meeting would continue of Fridays, given the sign on the restaurant said they were now open for breakfasts on Thursdays. Bob said the EC would discuss that new development. NOTE: post meeting, Bob asked the owner (Larry) if it was possible to continue with Thursdays. Larry stated a ladies organization had already staked claim to the ALL Thursday mornings.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned at 1015 hours with prayer and proper ceremony. Following adjournment, pictures were taken of the Commander and guest speaker.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
Minutes of Post 256
Monthly General Meeting
The American Legion
Department of Tennessee
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Adjutant DATE: 2 July 2020
APPROVED BY: Bob Leary, Post Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members - 20, Guests - 3
TIME: Convened 0900 hrs. Adjourned 0934 hrs.
NOTE: This was the first General Membership Meeting held for the post following the coronavirus outbreak of 2020 and nationwide closure of most activities in mid-March. The meeting was held, as usual, in the Little Italy Restaurant of Tellico Village. However, it included the state safety requirements for wearing of masks and limitation of seating to 50% room occupancy which were mandatory for dining establishments. Breakfast was served at tables instead of the usual buffet service.
OPENING: Commander Bob Haldi opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. Outgoing Finance Officer Steve Buelow offered the opening prayer. Member Bob Ullom read the American Legion Preamble.
GUEST SPEAKER: In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, there was no guest speaker at this month’s meeting.
- Commander Bob Haldi asked all newly elected and appointed officers to come forward for the annual Installation of Post Officers.
- Legion Rider Director Jim Warner performed the duties of the installing officer and administered the oath of office to the 2020/21 Commander and Executive Committee using the short form found in the national Manual of Ceremonies.
- Following the orderly transfer of command, newly elected Commander Bob Leary presented outgoing Commander Haldi with a certificate of appreciation and several parting gifts for his dedicated two-year service as commander of Post 256.
- Commander Leary then presided over the remainder of the meeting agenda which included:
- asking Phillip Boruszewski and William Ramsey to step forward and, as recent transfers to Post 256, receive their certificates of initiation and challenge coins.
- permitting table members to introduce their visitors and guests.
- opening the floor for any post officer report/comments. These included:
- Adjutant Tony Adams thanked all in attendance for bravely coming to the meeting during this challenging time so that the business of the post could continue as usual.
- 3rd Vice Commander Pat Brooks announced that a panel of volunteers had conducted B&G state interviews at Sequoyah and Greenback High Schools in March and that both primary and alternate student candidates were selected to attend the summer state offering. Unfortunately, the event was cancelled because of the virus. Member Linda Ullom asked if consideration had been given to providing some sort of recognition to the students who had been selected. 3VC Brooks stated that he had not considered this. Commander Leary commented that Linda’s suggestion would be considered at the July Executive Committee meeting.
- allowing members to make comments for the “good of the Legion”. There were none.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned at 0934 hours with prayer and proper ceremony. Following adjournment, pictures were taken of the outgoing/incoming Commanders and with all new post officers in attendance. These officers then briefly met to discuss when and where to hold future Executive Committee meetings. A motion was made and approved to move the meetings to the 3rd FRIDAY of each month at 1000 hours beginning 17 July to take advantage of Little Italy’s fine breakfast offering.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
Minutes of Post 256
Monthly General Meeting
The American Legion
Department of Tennessee
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Adjutant DATE: 5 March 2020
APPROVED BY: Bob Haldi, Post Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members - 43, Guests - 8
TIME: Convened 0906 hrs. Adjourned 1043 hrs.
Commander Bob Haldi opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. Chaplain Ross Licata offered the opening prayer. Member Bob Ullom read the American Legion Preamble.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Haldi permitted table members to introduce their visitors and guests.
GUEST SPEAKERS: This month’s presenter was Joe Carrico, Special Agent in Charge, Knoxville Division of the FBI. He spoke on both the status of the FNI activities in our area and at the national level.
- Commander Bob Haldi opened the general meeting by reading an e-mail received from our former Post Commander Vic Vickery. It provided statistics comparing the small magnitude of deaths resulting from the current COVID-19 virus to other diseases and accidents. Bob suggested that we all take a measured and responsible approach and not raise further alarm in our community as have others in the media. Other announcements included:
- a flyer on each table announcing a FREE Emergency Notification Service for Loudon County, as is currently available in Monroe County.
- an open invite to attend the District 2 convention/dinner in Oliver Springs on Mar 21st.
- please spread the word of the Veterans Job Fair which will be on Mar 28th at the Legion Post in Lenoir City.
- sign-ups next month for those wishing to participate in placing flags at the graves of veterans in our area. NOTE: member Rich Gruber asked that anyone holding on to “white tipped” flags bring them to the next meeting so they can be repainted to “battleship gray” which is our designated post color. Member Mike Schack said that he and his wife assist in preparing the lists for each cemetery and that not all veteran names are available as funeral homes only release the new burials when given permission by the deceased’s family. If you see a new grave when you are placing the flags, please make note of it.
- the post Executive Council is considering handing out Memorial Day poppy’s this year as a fundraising effort.
- VA Crisis Line cards and Post business cards are available at the head table if you are interested.
- considering a change-up to our general meeting schedule (i.e. an occasional dinner venue) to accommodate younger veterans who are still employed and unavailable in the morning.
- an invitation to listen to and support member Harry McDavid and his friends who will be playing music at Little Italy on Friday evening, 13 Mar.
- 3rd Vice Commander Pat Brooks made the following announcements:
- holding B&G state interviews 6 Mar and 10 Mar at Sequoia and Greenback High Schools. Funding for this year is solid thanks to member donations and local area sponsorships.
- has a sign-up roster at his table for any interested in attending the 14 May tour of the FBI facility.
- is collecting old medications from members for proper disposal.
- Adjutant Tony Adams made the following announcements:
- Contact him if you find any error needing correction on the Membership Analysis slide deck, he sent out on 4 Mar.
- Post elections will occur in June. Positions available for members wishing to serve.
- noted that RSVPs for the breakfast could be improved.
- provided an amusing story regarding how our higher HQs doesn’t follow their own instructions for submission of annual reports.
- Chaplain Ross Licata made the following announcements:
- noted the many get-well cards he sent out to members and spouses this past month. He also sent one to our Department Chaplain on behalf of the post.
- said that he too is involved in the death notification process of local area veterans and provides chaplain services free of charge to anyone wishing them.
- has placed a container at the door for donations in support of chaplain activities.
- Finance Officer Steve Buelow made the following announcements:
- in addition to the poppy fundraiser, the EC is considering selling sponsorships to Wreathes Across America in December.
- has three (3) Post 256 legion caps that have been donated by departed members for sale at a cost of only $15. The caps are various sizes and have all been recently dry-cleaned.
- Legion Rider Director Jim Warner announced:
- Post 256 riders will attend the Mountain Man March for Gold Star mothers on 25 Apr.
- With the transfer of Vic Vickery to a FL post, new riders are needed, or we will need to forfeit our rider charter.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned with the proper ceremony at 1043 hours. Following adjournment, the Post Public Affairs Officer Jim Patterson took pictures of our Commander and guest.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
Minutes of Post 256
Monthly General Meeting
The American Legion
Department of Tennessee
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Adjutant DATE: 6 February 2020
APPROVED BY: Bob Haldi, Post Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members - 34, Guests - 8
TIME: Convened 0900 hrs. Adjourned 1015 hrs.
Commander Bob Haldi opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. Chaplain Ross Licata offered the opening prayer. Adjutant Tony Adams read the American Legion Preamble.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Haldi permitted table members to introduce their visitors and guests. There were three guests who indicated a desire to join our post.
GUEST SPEAKER: This month’s speaker was Dean B. Borsos, the Health System Administrator and Director of the James H. Quillen VA Medical Center, Mountain Home, TN. He will be speaking about the overview and highlights of the VA Medical Center and clinics. Mr. Borsos is a member of the federal government Senior Executive Service (SES) equivalent to general officer rank in U.S. military. An Air Force veteran, Mr. Borsos served as the commander of the Air Force Medical Support Agency (AFMSA), Falls Church, VA. Following his presentation, the Post Public Affairs Officer Jim Patterson took pictures of our commander and guest.
- Commander Bob Haldi noted that February has been declared as Americanism Month by our National Headquarters. Information is available in the Legion magazine. Bob also announced that there will be a 2nd District meeting on 21 March at the Oliver Springs Legion Post and that a Loudon County Resource and Job Fair on 28 March at the Lenoir City Legion Post.
- Chaplain Ross Licata gave a presentation commemorating the anniversary of the Four Chaplains who perished heroically aboard the USAT Dorchester on 2 Feb 1943.
- 1st Vice Commander Bob Leary announced that renewals for 2020 currently stood at about 140. He said that beginning next month, members who have not renewed their membership will be declared delinquent.
- Finance Officer Steve Buelow stated that he had ordered shirts for those members who requested them.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned with the proper ceremony at 1015 hours.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
Minutes of Post 256
Monthly General Meeting
The American Legion
Department of Tennessee
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Adjutant DATE: 2 January 2020
APPROVED BY: Bob Haldi, Post Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members - 34, Guests - 3
TIME: Convened 0900 hrs. Adjourned 1038 hrs.
Commander Bob Haldi opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. 1st Vice Commander Bob Leary offered the opening prayer. Member Bob Ullom read the American Legion Preamble.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Haldi permitted table members to introduce their visitors and guests. One new post member, Richard Steele, was in attendance.
GUEST SPEAKER: This month’s program presenter was our very own Harry McDavid. Harry is a retired Navy Supply Corps Captain who served four tours as a Commanding Officer. Following his retirement, he served as Chief Information Officer for a Department of Homeland Security component where he oversaw the Homeland Security National Operations Center information systems and the Homeland Security Information Network. He later founded and operated a commercial information technology firm for 10 years. Harry’s presentation was entitled “ Online Security, Don't Get Your Bytes Bit.”
- Commander Bob Haldi noted we would be conducting all monthly general meetings at the Little Italy restaurant in Tellico Village for the foreseeable future. It will be held at the same breakfast time (0830) and the same meeting start time (0900) as in the past.
- 1st Vice Commander Bob Leary announced that renewals for 2020 currently stood at 137. He announced that he had membership cards with him for those that had renewed but not received them yet. He also noted that members who haven't paid their dues by January 1st are now delinquent, on February 1st they are suspended, and June 30th they have forfeited their membership.
- 3rd Vice Commander Pat Brooks made the following announcements:
- that he will be collecting old medications from members at the March meeting.
- that interviews for Boy’s and Girl’s state will take place in March.
- that he is always looking for new sponsors for Boy’s and Girl’s State; with a pitch for considering contributing to the B&G State fund using one’s IRA RMD.
- a heads-up that he will be organizing a trip to the Knoxville FBI HQ in May 2020.
- Adjutant Tony Adams noted that we accept the meeting room in the configuration it is last left in. If members wish to move some tables and chairs to accommodate smaller or larger groups, they can do so as they arrive. Commander Haldi added that we welcome feedback and good ideas during this period of location adjustment. Member Rich Gruber suggested that additional beverages be offered for those who don’t drink coffee.
- Finance Officer Steve Buelow reminded attendees that there were Military Times magazines available on the piano for those who wanted one. He further mentioned that our post sponsored candidate for the Oratorical contest would be competing this month as 1 of 3 district contestants. The event will be held at the American Legion post in Harriman on Saturday, January 18th. Commander Haldi encouraged interested post members to attend in support of our candidate.
- Member Andy Ewing announced that Loudon is now issuing the new “Real ID” drivers licenses needed for access to military posts and airline travel. Discussion ensued among members as to the documents required and the issues associated with obtaining such license. Bottom line: this article has some additional information; but suggest you also contact your local drivers license facility in advance.
- Member Mike Shack provided information regarding the funeral service for recently deceased member Jim Rogers. He encouraged ALL members to attend to participate in the tradition of a Legion Walk-thru.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned with the proper ceremony at 1038 hours. Following adjournment, the Post Public Affairs Officer Jim Patterson took pictures of our commander and guest.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
Minutes of Post 256
Monthly General Meeting
The American Legion
Department of Tennessee
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Adjutant DATE: 7 November 2019
APPROVED BY: Bob Haldi, Post Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members - 44, Guests - 11
TIME: Convened 0900 hrs. Adjourned 1035 hrs.
Commander Bob Haldi opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. Adjutant Tony Adams offered the opening prayer. Member Bob Ullom read the American Legion Preamble.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Haldi permitted table members to introduce their visitors and guests. Additionally, one new transfer post member, James Jeswald, was in attendance.
GUEST SPEAKERS: This month’s program included presentations by a Sweetwater high school student, Arabella, that our post is sponsoring in the National oratorical contest; and a student from Greenback High School, Rebecca, who was one of our post sponsored attendees to Girl’s State. Additional Boy’s and Girl’s State students from Sequoia High School had intended to participate but unfortunately got the date of the meeting incorrect. Arabella and Rebecca were both excellent speakers. At the completion of their presentations, they fielded questions from attendees. Finance Officer Steve Buelow prefaced Arabella’s presentation with some information about the contest. 3rd Vice Commander Pat Brooks concluded Rebecca’s presentation with introductions of attending sponsors and a brief discussion of how the post interviews and selects candidates.
- Commander Bob Haldi noted that both students represent the future leaders of this nation and should remain involved, wherever and whenever possible. Other announcements included:
- still seats available for a Veterans Day dinner at the Rarity Bay Country Club. Contact the club or Tom Simcox if interested.
- reminder of numerous Veterans Day discounts (he brought handouts of locations… previously distributed by post-wide e-mail).
- reminder that items are being collected by member Tom Simcox for Mountain Home veterans (details provided in a previously distributed post-wide e-mail).
- sad news that ATF Agent Greg Widner, son-in-law to member Jerry Crook, recently passed away.
- thanked all who made the October social and dinner a success. Hopes to do another event in the Spring.
- beginning in January 2020, the monthly general meetings will take place at the Little Italy restaurant in Tellico Village. Same breakfast time (0830) and meeting start time (0900).
- Finance Officer Steve Buelow made a presentation on the desire of the post Executive Committee to form a subcommittee to examine ways that our post can make itself more visible in the local community. Steve asked for three members to serve on this committee with him. Members Stan Stosiak, Dan Callan, and Mike Shack volunteered. Commander Haldi encouraged the subcommittee to include ideas on how to attract younger veterans to join our post. Member Jim Rogers noted that we should consider periodically holding our meetings in the evening, as younger veterans will likely still have jobs to attend on a weekday morning. PAO Jim Patterson concurred with this idea.
- 1st Vice Commander Bob Leary announced that renewals for 2020 currently stood at 113. He said to disregard repetitive renewals notices from national if a member knows that they have properly renewed their membership.
- 2nd Vice Commander Ron Elliott noted that he is always open to suggestion for guest speakers.
- 3rd Vice Commander Pat Brooks made the following announcements:
- reminder that the Veterans Day ceremony at the Tellico Village Community church is at 0900.
- always looking for new sponsors for Boy’s and Girl’s State; and a pitch for considering making a contribution to the B&G State fund using one’s IRA RMD.
- that he will be collecting old medications from members at the January meeting.
- thanked Mike Shack and the Loudon County Honor Guard for all they do.
- a heads-up that he will be organizing a trip to the Knoxville FBI HQ in May 2020.
- mentioned that he recently had coffee w/several veterans who live at The Neighborhood assisted living center. Encouraged others to do the same and consider offering to bring the veterans to our post events.
- Member Rich Gruber made the following announcements:
- thanked those who supported the Run-for-the Wall in May.
- thanked all who helped place flags at local cemeteries for the Memorial Day weekend.
- noted that our post support to Wreaths Across America will help purchase wreaths for placement at three veteran cemeteries on Dec 14th.
- announced that the 2nd District Meeting and dinner will be held at Post 13 in Maryville on Friday, November 15th at 1800.
- Member Mike Shack thanked everyone who supported the Operation Honor Guard fundraiser. Over $6,000 was collected.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned with the proper ceremony at 1035 hours. Following adjournment, the Post Public Affairs Officer Jim Patterson took pictures of our guests. As this was the last meeting held at the First Baptist Church, Commander Haldi presented Certificates of Appreciation and Legion mugs/coins to the church leadership. Post officers retrieved all Post 256 equipment from a storage closet for future relocation and storage at Little Italy.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Adjutant DATE: 3 October 2019
APPROVED BY: Bob Haldi, Post Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members - 40, Guests - 4
TIME: Convened 0905 hrs. Adjourned 1030 hrs.
Commander Bob Haldi opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. Chaplain Ross Licata offered the opening prayer. The commander led the Pledge of Allegiance. Adjutant Tony Adams read the American Legion Preamble.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Haldi permitted table members to introduce their visitors and guests. Two new post members were in attendance.
GUEST SPEAKER: This month’s speaker was LTC (ret) Derren Burrell, Founder & President of Veteran Ventures Capital, LLC and the Chief Operating Officer of TAG Resources, LLC. His presentation was entitled "Why Veterans Make Better Entrepreneurs".
- State representative Lowell Russell again presented the post with a proclamation certificate from the Governor in recognition of the 100-year anniversary of the American Legion. This was a corrected copy of a certificate he presented last month that had our Post # mislabeled.
- Member Tom Simcox made announcements regarding:
- items being collected for the Mountain Home VA.
- the annual Veteran’s Day dinner at the Rarity Bay Country Club. Informational flyers will be sent out to all members at a later date.
- 1st Vice Commander Bob Leary made note that that renewals for 2020 currently stood at 102 and reminder notices from National would be going out again this month to those who have not yet renewed. He again suggested members consider renewing their dues on-line vice by mail as it saves the post processing time and money. Said he had membership cards available for those who had not yet picked theirs up.
- 2nd Vice Commander Ron Elliott reminded attendees of the importance of RSVPing for attendance at meetings each month.
- 3rd Vice Commander Pat Brooks made the following announcements:
- the 0900 Veteran’s Day ceremony at the Tellico Village Community church.
- the success of the Operation Honor Guard fund drive on 2 Oct 2019.
- next month’s presentation by this year’s Boy’s and Girl’s State attendees.
- a pitch for considering making a contribution to the B&G State fund using one’s IRA RMD.
- consideration to become a post officer’s assistant with an eye on running for a future office/
- a promise to look for a future meeting date for conducting the next “drug turn-in” event.
- Finance Officer Steve Buelow made announcements concerning:
- post shirts: need 12 to make an order; currently have 5 requested.
- hats and nametags: flyer made available to those who needed them.
- post sponsorship of a home-schooled teenager in the American Legion Oratorical contest. Made mention that the student would be introduced to the post at the November meeting.
- that a topic of discussion at the November meeting would be on how our post might be more visible in the local community.
- Commander Haldi noted that another topic of discussion in November would be whether our post would like to participate in the national Vietnam War Commemoration Partner Program. At this mention, Tom Simcox and Pat Brooks both commented that they believed we were already partners in that program. Bob indicated this was not accurate but would investigate it.
- Chaplain Ross Licata noted the recent death of former member Charles Rizzo and stated a sympathy card had been sent to his family. Ross also encourage more members to volunteer to participate in the numerous activities of the post.
- Legion Rider Director Jim Warner reported that club member Vic Vickery had moved and while he had not yet transferred his membership, would likely do so someday. The club membership currently has 5 riders. New members are welcome.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned with the proper ceremony at 1030 hours. Following adjournment, the Post Public Affairs Officer Jim Patterson took pictures of our Guest Presenter and Commander.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Adjutant DATE: 5 September 2019
APPROVED BY: Bob Haldi, Post Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members - 50, Guests - 9
TIME: Convened 0900 hrs. Adjourned 1020 hrs.
Commander Bob Haldi opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. The Commander led the Pledge of Allegiance. Post Chaplain Ross Licata offered the opening prayer. Member Bob Ullom read the American Legion Preamble.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Haldi permitted table members to introduce their visitors and guests.
GUEST SPEAKER: This month’s speaker was Brigadier General (ret.) Rich Gross. His presentation was entitled "Inside the Pentagon: The Roles and Responsibilities of the Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff and the JCS" Rich was the legal representative for the Chairman for a number of years and has a great inside perspective as to how the military, both uniformed and civilian, get their funding, missions, equipment, and interface with Congress and POTUS. Following his presentation Rich also spoke to the members on his role assisting veterans through Bunker Labs of Knoxville. He invited post members to join him at a Happy Hour gathering on 25 Sep from 4-6 p.m.
SPECIAL PRESENTATION: State representative Lowell Russell presented the post with a proclamation certificate from the Governor in recognition of the 100-year anniversary of the American Legion. Unfortunately, the certificate was made out to Post 120 of Loudon and will need to be exchanged.
- 1st Vice Commander Leary made note that he had membership cards available for those members who had already renewed for 2020. Renewals are progressing, but he asked members who have not yet renewed to do so as soon as possible.
- Finance Officer Buelow stated that the state of our post funds was solid. He announced that he would soon be collecting names for members wishing to purchase shirts.
- Adjutant Adams noted that he would get with representative Russell’s office to get a correct copy of the Governor’s certificate.
- Chaplain Licata mentioned that anyone needing a card sent to a post member or spouse who is ill, or grieving from the loss of a loved one should contact him. He then presented Commander Haldi a certificate he obtained from the Department commander commending our post for achieving its membership goal for 2019.
- Member Jim Rogers noted that he had six CDs available with the slides and videos he used at last month’s presentation.
- Member Arlen Bee made mention that he had received excellent support from the Veteran Service Officer (VSO) of Monroe County in securing VA provided hearing aids. Adjutant Adams noted that the contact information for both the Monroe County and Loudon County VSOs is located on our post website.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned with the proper ceremony at 1020 hours.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Adjutant DATE: 1 August 2019 APPROVED BY: Bob Leary, 1st Vice Commander ATTENDENCE: Members - 35, Guests - 7 TIME: Convened 0910 hrs. Adjourned 1030 hrs.
1st Vice Commander Bob Leary opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. Past Commander Vic Vickery offered the opening prayer. Member Bob Ullom read the American Legion Preamble.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: 1st Vice Commander Leary permitted table members to introduce their visitors and guests.
GUEST SPEAKER: This month’s speaker was fellow Legionnaire Jim Rogers. His presentation was on the role of a SAC Missileer during the Cold War.
- Finance Officer Buelow made an announcement concerning a Wreaths Across America fundraising initiative that will refund $5 for every $15 wreath sponsorship. More information will be made available later this year. Steve also commented on the recent POTUS signing of an expanded membership eligibility for veterans. He noted that our post should do all it can to encourage younger veterans to join our ranks as legion members.
- Past Commander Vic Vickery presented the Legionnaire of the Year plaque to Warren Sanders.
- 1st Vice Commander Leary made note that beginning next month (Sept) a full breakfast menu will be offered by Mamma’s Grits at a cost of $10. The coffee only option cost will remain $3. Bob noted the importance of RSVPing when attending the meeting. Only then can we ensure that enough food is available. As membership chair, Bob stated that renewals for 2020 currently stood at 53 for the month of July. He again suggested members consider renewing their dues on-line vice by mail as it saves the post processing time and money. He encouraged early renewal, as the next round of notices from National HQ will be going out in October.
- 3rd Vice Commander Pat Brooks made announcements regarding state laws that members should be aware of:
- No hand-held devices allowed while driving (i.e. cell phones).
- Front and rear lights must be on whenever windshield wipers are in use.
- A new driver’s license with a yellow star will be required for travel beginning Oct 2020.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned with the proper ceremony at 1030 hours. Following adjournment, the Post Public Affairs Officer Jim Patterson took pictures of both our Guest Presenter and Legionnaire of the Year.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
COMPILED BY: Tony Adams, Adjutant DATE: 11 July 2019
APPROVED BY: Robert Haldi, Commander
ATTENDENCE: Members - 36, Guests - 17
TIME: Convened 0900 hrs. Adjourned 1033 hrs.
Commander Haldi opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. The Commander led the Pledge of Allegiance. Legion Riders Director James Warner read the American Legion Preamble. The Chaplain offered the opening prayer.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Haldi permitted table members to introduce their visitors and guests.
GUEST SPEAKER: This month’s speaker was Dr. E. C. (Curt) Fields, Jr. Curt Fields is a living historian and re-enactor. This is the third year he has spoken to our post members. Curt’s presentation focused on Grant the President.
- Past Commander Vic Vickery conducted the swearing in ceremony for the 2019/2020 Post Officers.
- Commander Bob Haldi made note that he is still seeking menu ideas for future breakfast meetings. He also mentioned that he would be absent for the August meeting and that the 1st Vice Commander would preside over the event. Past 1st Vice Commander Arlen Bee publicly thanked Bob and his wife Betty Ann for all they are doing to provide a quality continental breakfast.
- 1st Vice Commander Bob Leary spoke briefly about the upcoming 2020 dues renewal process. He encouraged all members to take advantage of the on-line procedure. 3rd Vice Commander Pat Brooks added an encouragement for members to consider joining the ranks of “Paid-up-for-Life”.
- 2nd Vice Commander Ron Elliot noted that he was now responsible for scheduling monthly guest presenters and encouraged members to notify him if they had suggestions.
- Commander Haldi presented a plaque to outgoing Adjutant Jim McNeese, thanking him for his 10 years of service in that demanding position.
- Loudon Country Color Guard commander Mike Shack made an announcement that new members were needed.
- Post member Tom Simcox made mention of his involvement in Vietnam Veteran's groups and asked all Vietnam era members to stand and be recognized.
- Chaplain Ross Licata made mention that the District Two meeting will be held 27 July at 1300 in Oliver Springs, TN at Post #112. Attendance is open to any member. Commander Haldi noted that Ross is now also serving as the District Two Chaplain in addition to his duties as our Post Chaplain.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned with the proper ceremony at 1030 hours. Following adjournment, the Post Public Affairs Officer Jim Patterson took pictures of our newly elected officers and of our guest presenter.
Tony Adams
American Legion Post 256
COMPILED BY: James Mc Neece, Adjutant DATE: 4 April 2019
APPROVED BY: Robert Haldi, Commander
Commander Haldi opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. The Commander led the Pledge of Allegiance. Legion Riders Director James Warner read the American Legion Preamble. The Chaplain offered the opening prayer.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Haldi introduced visitors and guests.
- The guest speaker was retired FBI agent Randall Allen. His presentation was on Active Shooter Recognition and Response.
Commander Robert Haldi
- Commander Haldi introduced Loudon County Veterans Service Officer Alvin Wagner. Service Officer Wagner spoke about helping veterans.
- There will be a flag dedication ceremony and lunch at the Tellico Village Neighborhood at 1100 on 12 April, 2019.
- Commander Haldi requested that any member interested in being a Post officer for the upcoming term to contact him or any member of the Executive Committee.
- Service Officer Edmands will be going to Germany to present the ROTC military and scholastic award certificates and medals to this year’s recipients.
- Help is needed to put out flags for Memorial Day which is 27 May, 2019.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned with the proper ceremony at 1030 hours.
James E. Mc Neece
American Legion Post 256
COMPILED BY: James Mc Neece, Adjutant DATE: 7 February 2019
APPROVED BY: Robert Haldi Commander
Commander Haldi opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. The Commander led the Pledge of Allegiance. Linda Ullom read the American Legion Preamble. The Chaplain offered the opening prayer.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Haldi introduced visitors and guests.
GUEST SPEAKER: The guest speaker for this month’s meeting was Post 256 member and Service Officer Don Edmands. He spoke on Band of Brothers tours of WWII war zones. Honored guest was Mr. Clinton Riddle, a WWII veteran paratrooper.
Post 256 member Jerry Crooks gave a presentation on trauma kits.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned with the proper ceremony at 1105 hours.
James E. Mc Neece
Adjutant – American Legion Post 256
COMPILED BY: James Mc Neece, Adjutant DATE: 3 January 2019
Commander Haldi opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. The Commander led the Pledge of Allegiance. Linda Ullom read the American Legion Preamble. The Chaplain offered the opening prayer.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Haldi introduced visitors and guests.
GUEST SPEAKER: The guest speaker for this month’s meeting was Major General John Cardwell. He currently serves as the Special Assistant for Reserve Matters to the Commander of NORAD and the U. S. Northern Command at Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado. General Cardwell is a combat veteran serving as a paratrooper with the 82nd Airborne during Desert Shield and Desert Storm.
Patriotic music was provided by the Tellico Village Singers.
- Commander Haldi stated that dress attire at American Legion dining functions was the official American Legion cap and name tags
- First Vice Commander Bee stated that 20 current members have not renewed.
- The scheduled guest speaker for the February meeting is a D Day survivor.
- 6 students for 2019 Boys/Girls State have been funded.
- A student who attended 2018 Boys/ Girls State was critically injured in an auto accident. The chaplain will send get well wishes card.
- The recent order of American Legion shirts are expected to be delivered by the February meeting.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned with the proper ceremony at 1100 hours.
James E. Mc Neece
American Legion Post 256
COMPILED BY: James Mc Neece, Adjutant DATE: 1 November 2018
Commander Haldi opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. The Commander led the Pledge of Allegiance. Linda Ullom read the American Legion Preamble. The Chaplain offered the opening prayer.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Haldi introduced visitors and guests.
GUEST SPEAKER: The guest speaker for this month’s meeting was the attendees of this year’s Boy/Girl State.
· Recommendation for trauma kits will be sent out to membership in the near future.
· Contact 2nd vice commander Adams for details to obtain official American Legion uniform hat and name tags.
· There are several Veterans’ events this month. Members are encouraged to attend as many as possible.
· Past Commander Vickery will be the keynote speaker at the Blount County Veterans Day observance on 10 November at 1000 at Rio Revolution.
· The remaining time of the meeting was devoted to hearing of member’s service activities.
· The Tellico Village Community Church will be having a Veterans Day observance on 12 November at 0900.
· Member Mike Schack stated that the Loudon County Honor Guard needs members. There are not enough members to cover all events.
· Member Bill Blair was involved in an auto accident.
· A Thinking of You was sent to member Joel Newman upon his resignation due to illness.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned with the proper ceremony at 1100 hours.
James E. Mc Neece
Adjutant – American Legion Post 256
COMPILED BY: James Mc Neece, Adjutant DATE: 5 July 2018
APPROVED BY: Robert Haldi, Commander
Commander Vickery opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. The Commander led the Pledge of Allegiance. The Chaplain offered an opening prayer.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Vickery introduced visitors and guests.
GUEST SPEAKER: The guest speaker was noted author Rachel Thompson. She gave a presentation on the relationship between President Franklin D. Roosevelt and General George C. Marshal.
Commander Vickery
· The memorial service for deceased member Major General Sam Cunningham will be held on 22 July 2018 at 2 p.m. at the Tellico Village Community Church. Wear uniform caps except in the sanctuary.
· Service Officer Don Edmands was awarded a plaque for Legionnaire of the Year.
· New officers for the 2018-2019 term were sworn in by Commander Vickery.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned with the proper ceremony at 1100 hours.
James E. Mc Neece
American Legion Post 256
COMPILED BY: James Mc Neece, Adjutant DATE: 1 March 2018
APPROVED BY: Vic Vickery, Commander
Commander Vickery opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. The Commander led the Pledge of Allegiance. Commander Vickery read the American Legion Preamble. The Chaplain offered the opening prayer.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Vickery introduced visitors and guests.
- 29 March has been designated Vietnam Veterans Memorial Day.
- This year’s Mountain Man March is 13/14 April.
- Second District Commander Dave Howard was in attendance.
GUEST SPEAKER: The guest speaker for this month’s meeting was Former Tennessee Highway Patrol Sergeant Lowell Russell. He spoke about his work related accident suffered in 2012.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned with the proper ceremony at 1025 hours.
James E. Mc Neece - Adjutant – American Legion Post 256
COMPILED BY: James Mc Neece, Adjutant DATE: 1 February 2018
Commander Vickery opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. The Commander led the Pledge of Allegiance. Commander Vickery read the American Legion Preamble. The Chaplain offered the opening prayer.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Vickery introduced visitors and guests.
GUEST SPEAKER: The guest speaker for this month’s meeting was Dick Cross, CIA Security Officer. He spoke on the events and conspiracy theories surrounding the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and Lee Harvey Oswald. He has authored several papers and books on this event.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned with the proper ceremony at 1020 hours.
James E. Mc Neece
Adjutant – American Legion Post 256
COMPILED BY: James Mc Neece, Adjutant DATE: 4 January 2018
APPROVED BY: Vic Vickery, Commander
Commander Vickery opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. The Commander led the Pledge of Allegiance. Member Linda Ullom read the American Legion Preamble. The Chaplain offered the opening prayer.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Vickery introduced visitors and guests.
GUEST SPEAKER: The guest speaker was Post 256 member, Jim Warner. He spoke about Honor Air.
Commander Vickery
· The eagle with the broken wing on the Post flagstaff was replaced with a new one which was donated by members Linda and Bob Ullom.
· The February meeting will have Dick Cross as the keynote speaker. He has written two books on the assassination of President Kennedy.
· There are still openings for guest speakers for the 2018 agenda.
· The keynote speaker for the April general membership meeting will be the FBI Special Agent in Charge of the Knoxville office, Renae McDermott.
· The keynote speaker for June will be Rachel Thompson who wrote the life history of General George Marshall.
· Trying to coordinate the placement or Wreaths for America and Memorial and Veterans Day flags in local cemeteries with other area Posts.
· 1st Vice Commander Haldi is working on a field trip for 2018.
· If anyone is interested in being an officer for next year please indicate your interest to one of the Post officers.
· Please respond to meeting notices promptly so that the proper breakfast arrangements can be given to the caterer. The head count is due to the caterer on Monday of the week of the meeting.
· Member Mike Trost’s wife, Stephanie, gave a presentation on her and Mike’s experiences with his combat injuries and how the Yellow Ribbon Fund was able to help. She has established a chapter locally and are having a fundraiser on 10 February, 2018 at the Tellico Village Community Church. The keynote speaker is Curt Fields doing his impersonation of General Grant. Tickets are $10 and are available from Ron Lockhart.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned with the proper ceremony at 1040 hours.
James E. Mc Neece
American Legion Post 256
COMPILED BY: James Mc Neece, Adjutant DATE: 2 November 2017
APPROVED BY: Vic Vickery, Commander
Commander Vickery opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. The Commander led the Pledge of Allegiance. Member Linda Ullom read the American Legion Preamble. The Chaplain offered the opening prayer.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Vickery introduced visitors and guests.
GUEST SPEAKERS: Boys/ Girls State Attendees.
Commander Vickery
· New members of Post 256 were initiated at this general membership meeting.
· This general meeting was different than past meetings. The meeting stressed comradeship amongst members.
· There were patriotic songs and buddy war stories. The patriotic songs were sung by member Harry Mc David.
Finance Officer Tony Adams
· 125 members out of 153 are paid up.
Legion Riders Director
· There are several veterans’ events on or close to Veterans Day. They will be posted as received.
Good of the Legion
· Commander Vickery received the Quilt of Valor. Well deserved.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned with the proper ceremony at 1100 hours. Harry Mc David sung Amazing Grace to close the meeting. The next meeting will be held on January 4, 2018.
James E. Mc Neece
American Legion Post 256
COMPILED BY: James Mc Neece, Adjutant DATE: 5 October 2017
APPROVED BY: Vic Vickery, Commander
Commander Vickery opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. The Commander led the Pledge of Allegiance. Member Bob Ullom read the American Legion Preamble. The Chaplain offered the opening prayer.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Vickery introduced visitors and guests.
GUEST SPEAKER: The guest speaker was Dr. Curt Fields, Jr. who portrayed General Ulysses S. Grant.
Commander Vickery
· New members of Post 256 will be initiated at the November general membership meeting.
· There will be a memorial service for deceased member Dave Pittman at the Tellico Village Community Church on 6 October 2017. Members are encouraged to attend.
· The November general meeting will be different than past meetings. The meeting will stress comradeship amongst members. There will be patriotic songs and buddy war stories.
· There were two sick calls last month.
Legion Riders Director
· A replica of the Vietnam Veterans wall is available for viewing in Knoxville.
· Wednesday 4 October was the 25th Honor Air Flight.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned with the proper ceremony at 1100 hours.
James E. Mc Neece
American Legion Post 256
COMPILED BY: James Mc Neece, Adjutant DATE: 6 September 2017
APPROVED BY: Vic Vickery, Commander
Commander Vickery opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. The Commander led the Pledge of Allegiance. Member Linda Ullom read the American Legion Preamble. The Chaplain offered the opening prayer.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Vickery introduced visitors and guests.
GUEST SPEAKER: The guest speaker was Tim Guider, Sheriff of Loudon County, TN.
Commander Vickery
· New members of Post 256 will be initiated at the November general membership meeting.
· There will be a memorial service for deceased member Dave Pittman at the Tellico Village Community Church on 6 October 2017. Members are encouraged to attend.
· There will be a fundraiser for the Smoky Mountain Service Dog organization on 7 October 2017 at the Venue in Lenoir City.
· Member Jim Rogers brought in an exhibit of materials from the 9/11 event.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned with the proper ceremony at 1030 hours.
James E. Mc Neece
American Legion Post 256
COMPILED BY: James Mc Neece, Adjutant DATE: 4 August 2016
APPROVED BY: Vic Vickery, Commander
Commander Vickery opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. The Commander led the Pledge of Allegiance. The Chaplain offered an opening prayer.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Vickery introduced visitors and guests.
GUEST SPEAKER: The guest speaker was Fernando Sanchez. His presentation was on Cuba and the Bay of Pigs invasion.
Commander Vickery
Commander Vickery asked the membership for ideas for fund raising because of the dues increase by national and department impact.
Beginning in November any new members will be given an American Legion Certificate of Initiation.
7 August is National Purple Heart Day.
Commander Vickery asked that the membership write their Congressman, Senators and the Army Times about the recent article on veteran suicides. This is a problem that needs major addressing.
Finance Officer Haldi
Finance Officer Haldi will provide a 3 year financial analysis report in the near future.
Good of the Legion
Member Arlen Bee was given an award by Commander Vickery for his continuing support of Post 256.
Member Warren Sanders requested members to consider joining the Veterans Honor Guard. The Honor Guard has officiated at 55 funerals so far this year. They are short of members.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned with the proper ceremony at 1130 hours.
James E. Mc Neece
American Legion Post 256
COMPILED BY: James Mc Neece, Adjutant DATE: 6 July 2017
APPROVED BY: Vic Vickery, Commander
Commander Vickery opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. The Commander led the Pledge of Allegiance. The Chaplain offered an opening prayer.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Vickery introduced visitors and guests.
GUEST SPEAKER: The guest speaker was General Doug Brown (US Army Ret.) former commander of Special Operations Command.
Commander Vickery
· Member Bob Ullom is out of surgery and recovering.
· 4th Vice Commander collected unused medications for destruction
· A thank you note was received from Greenback High School students who participated in the last Boys/Girls State activity.
· Commander Vickery reiterated that it was important for members to respond when membership meetings are announced so that the caterers know how much food to prepare.
· Post Officers for the 2017-2018 term were installed.
Legion Riders Director Warner
· Membership is at 7.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned with the proper ceremony at 1041 hours.
James E. Mc Neece
American Legion Post 256
COMPILED BY: James Mc Neece, Adjutant DATE: 4 May 2017
APPROVED BY: Vic Vickery, Commander
Commander Vickery opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. The Commander led the Pledge of Allegiance. Member Linda Ullom read the American Legion Preamble. The Chaplain offered the opening prayer.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Vickery introduced visitors and guests.
GUEST SPEAKER: The guest speaker was Dr. Robin Tricoli, President of Hiwassee College.
Commander Vickery
· Commander Vickery passed out ballots for the election of officers for the 2017-2018 term. There were no nominations from the floor.
· The Post 256 Memorial Day flag raising ceremony will be held at Rarity Bay at 8 a.m. on 29 May.
· Arlen Bee was named Post 256 Legionnaire of the Year for his many contributions.
· Member Mike Trost was awarded the Silver Star Banner.
4th Vice Commander Brooks
· 4th Vice Commander Brooks reminded members to bring old medications to the next meeting for disposal.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned with the proper ceremony at 1100 hours.
James E. Mc Neece
American Legion Post 256
COMPILED BY: James Mc Neece, Adjutant DATE: 2 March 2017
APPROVED BY: Vic Vickery, Commander
Commander Vickery opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. The Commander led the Pledge of Allegiance. The Chaplain offered an opening prayer.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Vickery introduced visitors and guests.
GUEST SPEAKER: The guest speaker was Mike Colacone who spoke on International Fraud and its impact on America.
Commander Vickery
· Tony Adams was introduced as the new Post Finance Officer.
· Commander Vickery reiterated that DD214’s are necessary to receive veteran benefits. Veteran family members should know the location of this important document, and if desired, the Post Adjutant maintains a file for members.
· The next monthly general membership meeting will be held at the Tellico Village Baptist Church.
· Interviews for Boys/Girls State begin in March.
· Nominations and election of Post officers for the following year begin soon. Anyone interested in a position, let the Commander know.
· Donations were made to the following organizations:
TAP - $100.00
Village Quilters - $250.00
1st Vice Commander Gruber
· Post 256 is at 100% membership goal.
· Loudon County Day is scheduled for 20 April, 2017.
· Several Veterans activities will take place during the month of May.
2nd Vice Commander Haldi
· Long sleeve Post shirts are ready to be ordered. Delivery is scheduled for the October meeting.
3rd Vice Commander Patterson
· The quarterly Post social event is scheduled for 16 March, 2017, but may have to be rescheduled due to event conflicts are the Tellico Village Yacht Club.
Legion Riders Director Warner
· Vietnam Veterans Appreciation Day is scheduled for 29 March 2017, 10 a.m. at World’s Fair Park.
· The next Honor Air flight is scheduled for 5 April, 2017.
Sergeant-at-Arms Kahr
· A military honor at veteran’s funerals has to be requested by the deceased veteran’s immediate family.
Good of the Legion
· Mike Shack, now in charge of the Loudon County Veterans Honor Guard, attended the meeting and requested that members consider joining the group. Post 256 has the most members and more are needed
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned with the proper ceremony at 1100 hours.
James E. Mc Neece
American Legion Post 256
COMPILED BY: James Mc Neece, Adjutant DATE: 2 February 2017
APPROVED BY: Vic Vickery, Commander
Commander Vickery opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. The Commander led the Pledge of Allegiance. The Chaplain offered an opening prayer.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Vickery introduced visitors and guests.
GUEST SPEAKER: The guest speaker was Scott Barker, Editorial Page Editor for the Knoxville News Sentinel.
Commander Vickery
A Certificate of Appreciation and an American Legion coffee cup was given to Don Schmid of the Tellico Village Woodworkers for making the speaker’s podium.
Commander Vickery displayed the flag display case to be presented to the family of member John Girardeau who recently passed.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned with the proper ceremony at 1108 hours.
James E. Mc Neece
American Legion Post 256
COMPILED BY: James Mc Neece, Adjutant DATE: 5 January 2017
APPROVED BY: Vic Vickery, Commander
Commander Vickery opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. The Commander led the Pledge of Allegiance. The Chaplain offered an opening prayer.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Vickery introduced visitors and guests.
GUEST SPEAKER: The guest speakers were Toni and Herb Hinsch, Hospice chaplains.
Commander Vickery
Member John Girardeau is in University of Tennessee Hospital after suffering from a fall. He is in room 1026.
Chaplain Ross Licata is recovering from knee surgery.
Member Jim Miller is recovering from knee surgery.
Commander Vickery is trying to organize a field trip this year to the University of Tennessee Forensic Laboratory.
Anyone interested in becoming an officer for the 2017-2018 term, please step forward.
First Vice Commander Gruber
The membership goal assigned to Post 256 is 139. Official membership number is 134. We should meet this goal with the addition of new members and transfers in process.
Loudon County Day is tentatively scheduled for 20 April 2017. A guest speaker is needed. Post 256 is this year’s sponsor.
Sergeant-at-Arms Kahr
Be careful of charity scammers soliciting donations for the victims of the Gatlinburg fires. Check Charity Navigator for legitimate charities.
Finance Officer Haldi
Speakers are needed for some of this year’s meetings.
The Post has had several anonymous donations from members for sponsorship of students to Boys/Girl State. Thank you all.
The Cross County Patriots donated $700 to be used to send students to this year’s Boys/Girl State.
Service Officer Edmands
Arrangements are being made for the presentation of medals and awards at the school in Bitburg, Germany
Good of the Legion
Member Lockhart spoke about the monthly visit to the Tennessee Veterans home. Anyone interested in going, contact him.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned with the proper ceremony at 1043 hours.
James E. Mc Neece
American Legion Post 256
COMPILED BY: James Mc Neece, Adjutant DATE: 3 November 2016
APPROVED BY: Vick Vickery, Commander
Commander Vickery opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. The Commander led the Pledge of Allegiance. The Chaplain offered an opening prayer.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Vickery introduced visitors and guests.
GUEST SPEAKER: The guest speakers were Sergeant Scott Newman of the City of Loudon Police Department and this year’s attendees at Boys/Girls State.
Finance Officer Haldi
Finance Officer Haldi reminded the membership that the minimum order for Post shirts is 12.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned with the proper ceremony at 1105 hours.
James E. Mc Neece
American Legion Post 256
COMPILED BY: James Mc Neece, Adjutant DATE: 10/6/16
APPROVED BY: Vic Vickery, Commander
Commander Vickery opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. The Commander led the Pledge of Allegiance. The Chaplain offered an opening prayer. Linda Ullom read the Preamble.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Vickery introduced visitors and guests.
GUEST SPEAKER: The guest speaker was Ed Junod. His presentation was on Suicide Prevention.
Commander Vickery
The next Post 256 social will be held at the Tellico Village Yacht Club on 17 November 2016.
Preparing programs and speakers for 2017. A field trip is being considered.
There will be a Veterans Day dinner at Rarity Bay on 11 November. Contact Tom Simcox for details and reservation.
The Veterans Honor Guard needs members to cover all of Veterans Day activity. Contact Warren Sanders.
Finance Officer Haldi will serve as the interim 2nd Vice Commander.
The attendees at this year’s Boys/Girl State will be guests and speakers at the November meeting.
Good of the Legion
The new Monroe County Veteran Service Officer, Suzanne Wilson will attend the November General Membership meeting.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned with the proper ceremony at 1110 hours.
James E. Mc Neece
American Legion Post 256
COMPILED BY: James Mc Neece, Adjutant DATE: 4 August 2016
Commander Vickery opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. The Commander led the Pledge of Allegiance. The Chaplain offered an opening prayer.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Vickery introduced visitors and guests.
GUEST SPEAKER: The guest speaker was Fernando Sanchez. His presentation was on Cuba and the Bay of Pigs invasion.
Commander Vickery
Commander Vickery asked the membership for ideas for fund raising because of the dues increase by national and department impact.
Beginning in November any new members will be given an American Legion Certificate of Initiation.
7 August is National Purple Heart Day.
Commander Vickery asked that the membership write their Congressman, Senators and the Army Times about the recent article on veteran suicides. This is a problem that needs major addressing.
Finance Officer Haldi
Finance Officer Haldi will provide a 3 year financial analysis report in the near future.
Good of the Legion
Member Arlen Bee was given an award by Commander Vickery for his continuing support of Post 256.
Member Warren Sanders requested members to consider joining the Veterans Honor Guard. The Honor Guard has officiated at 55 funerals so far this year. They are short of members.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned with the proper ceremony at 1130 hours.
James E. Mc Neece
American Legion Post 256
COMPILED BY: James Mc Neece, Adjutant DATE: 7 July 2016
Commander Vickery opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. The Commander led the Pledge of Allegiance. The Chaplain offered an opening prayer.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Vickery introduced visitors and guests.
GUEST SPEAKER: The guest speaker was Doug Ottinger, Administrator of the Ben Atchley State Veterans Home.
Commander Vickery
Membership renewals are coming in and it is especially easy for all concerned if they are done on-line.
Commander Vickery introduced Michael Shack from Post 120 who is now the officer in charge of the Loudon Veterans Honor Guard. The Honor Guard needs members. He left a notice to be sent to the membership explaining what the Honor Guard is.
Finance Officer Haldi
Finance Officer Haldi provided a financial report. Status of funds going into the new fiscal year beginning 1 July, 2016 is good.
Good of the Legion
Legion Riders Director Jim Warren swore in the newly elected Post officers for the 2016-2017 fiscal years.
Finance Officer Bob Haldi was named the Legionnaire of the Year and was given an award by Commander Vickery.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned with the proper ceremony at 1100 hours.
James E. Mc Neece
American Legion Post 256
COMPILED BY: James Mc Neece, Adjutant DATE: 5 May 2016
APPROVED BY: 1st Vice Commander Gruber
First Vice Commander Gruber opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. First Vice Commander Gruber led the Pledge of Allegiance. The Chaplain offered the opening prayer.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: First Vice Commander Gruber had visitors introduce themselves to the membership.
GUEST SPEAKER: The guest speaker was Post 256 Service Officer Edmands. His presentation was on German WWII Vengeance Weapons. .
1st Vice Commander Gruber
There are several veteran activities during the month of May. Emails will be sent out informing the membership as notices are received.
The Post 256 Annual Memorial Day remembrance will be held on 30 May 2016 at Rarity Bay at 8:00 AM. Members are requested to wear the blue Post shirts if you have them. Tom Simcox is lead person on this event.
The annual Loudon County Memorial Day remembrance will be held at 10:00 AM at the Loudon County courthouse.
Lenoir City Memorial Day remembrance will be held at Lakeview Cemetery also at 10 AM.
St. Thomas Catholic Church Memorial Day remembrance will begin at 11:00 AM.
The Run for the Wall is scheduled to come through TN on 24-25 May 2016. Post 256 is asked to cover an overpass in Lenoir City. More details to follow.
Six students from both Greenback and Sequoyah High Schools will attend this year’s Boys/Girl State. This will happen the last week of May.
2nd Vice Commander Lockhart
Area American Legion and Veteran of Foreign War Posts need help in flagging graves for Memorial Day. Post 256 has 17 graveyards that they have to place flags on. About 700 flags.
There will be an Armed Forces Day Program at the Community Church at Tellico Village. Keynote speaker will be Major General Fred Womack, a member of Post 256. Event starts at 1:00 PM and the program is at 2:00 PM.
3rd Vice Commander Patterson
No Report.
Service Officer Edmands
Junior ROTC medals and certificates will be presented at the military dependents high school in Bitburg, Germany to those students who were nominated for scholastic and military excellence. Service Officer Edmands will make the presentation.
Finance Officer Haldi
No Report.
Legion Riders
United Veterans of Blount County’s 52nd Memorial Day Program will take place at 11 a.m. on 28 May 2016 at the Blount County Courthouse. The program will conclude with a groundbreaking ceremony to restore the War Dead Memorial.
There will be a car wash at the Blount County Chamber of Commerce Building on 28 May 2016.
Good of the Legion
Member Warren Sanders reiterated that hands are needed to help flag graves.
Post 256 Election of Officers
The results of the election of Post 256 officers for the term of 2016-2017 were:
All candidates on the proposed slate were elected with the exception of First Vice Commander. Write in candidate Rich Gruber was elected as First Vice Commander.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned with the proper ceremony at 1055 hours.
James E. Mc Neece
American Legion Post 256
COMPILED BY: James Mc Neece, Adjutant DATE: 3 March 2016
APPROVED BY: Vic Vickery, Commander
Commander Vickery opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. Commander Vickery led the Pledge of Allegiance. The Chaplain offered an opening prayer.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Vickery introduced visitors and guests.
GUEST SPEAKER: Guest speaker was Edward Reinhold, Special Agent in Charge of the Knoxville Division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Commander Vickery
If any member has an idea for a meeting speaker, please coordinate with Commander Vickery and 2nd Vice Commander Lockhart.
ROTC medals have been given to Service Officer Edmands for presentation to Bitburg High School in Germany. Adjutant McNeece will have the certificates prepared.
Commander Vickery sent an email to the membership about upcoming election procedures for next year’s officers. Anyone desiring to become an officer contact the nominating committee when it is announced.
Ralph Pubillones will be taking care of retired flags. Collection boxes are at Rarity Bay, Tellico Village and Kahite.
Legionnaire magazine is now available online at www.tnlegion.org.
1st Vice Commander Gruber
If anyone is interested in supporting the Junior shooting program in Loudon and Monroe counties, let 1st Commander Gruber know.
Post 256 met its membership goal for this year.
The Tellico Lake Lakeshore clean up is scheduled for 19 March in Tellico Village. Member Arlen Bee is the point of contact for Rarity Bay.
2nd Vice Commander Lockhart
2nd Vice Commander Lockhart has proposed starting a Blue Star recognition program to recognize those families who are members that have a member on active duty.
The April meeting speaker will be from the CIA.
4th Vice Commander Brooks
Boys/Girls State interviews will begin the end of March.
Chaplain Licata
Get well cards has been sent to members Herb West, Ralph Pubillones, John Gerardo, Sam Carpenters son and Commander Vickery’s brother, Rick.
Adjutant McNeece
National Headquarters is cautioning members not so post anything disparaging about the American Legion or fellow members on social media. Also, members have been shown on television wearing their Legion caps at political rallies. This is prohibited.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned with the proper ceremony at 1110 hours.
James E. Mc Neece
American Legion Post 256
COMPILED BY: James Mc Neece, Adjutant DATE: 4 February 2016
APPROVED BY: 1st Vice Commander Gruber ATTENDANCE: GUESTS: 1 CONVENED: 0900
1st Vice Commander Gruber opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. The 1st Vice Commander led the Pledge of Allegiance. The Chaplain offered an opening prayer.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: 1st Vice Commander Gruber introduced visitors and guests.
GUEST SPEAKER: Guest speaker was member Ernest Yost, retired, USCG who gave a presentation on his service on an ice breaker.
1st Vice Commander Gruber
1st Vice Commander Gruber informed the membership that a nominating committee will be formed for the election of officers for the term 2016-2017. Anyone who would like to be an officer of Post 256 is encouraged to step forward.
Membership goal for Post 256 has been met for this year.
The month of May will be a busy month for veteran activities.
2nd Vice Commander Lockhart
2nd Vice Commander proposed starting a Blue Star recognition program to recognize those families who are members that have a member on active duty. This will be further discussed at the next Post Executive Committee meeting.
4th Vice Commander Brooks
The keynote speaker for the March Post general membership meeting will be FBI Special Agent in Charge of the Knoxville Division, Edward Reinhold. He will give an overview of events within the FBI at the local and national level.
Sergeant-at-Arms Kahr
There will be a Super Bowl party at VFW Post 5150.
Chaplain Licata
A get well card has been sent to member Hartman who just had knee replacement.
Legion Riders Director Jim Warner
The meeting time for Legion Riders has been changed to Sundays.
Rolling Thunder will have a chili cook off on 5 March 2016. All are invited to attend whether to eat or enter. The event will be held at the Moose lodge in Knoxville.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned with the proper ceremony at 1030 hours.
James E. Mc Neece
American Legion Post 256
COMPILED BY: James Mc Neece, Adjutant DATE: 7 January 2016
APPROVED BY: Vic Vickery, Commander
Commander Vickery opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. The Commander led the Pledge of Allegiance. The Chaplain offered an opening prayer.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Vickery introduced visitors and guests.
GUEST SPEAKER: The guest speaker was Harry McDavid and his presentation was on Internet Security. His presentation will be furnished to members upon request.
Commander Vickery
At the beginning of this year, Post 256 has 136 paid members.
The memorial service for Post 256 member Diane Fiorentino will be held at the Tellico Village Community Church on 19 January 2016 at 11 a.m.
The Post 256 Social will be held at the Tellico Village Yacht Club on 21 January, 2016 at the Tellico Village Yacht Club beginning at 1700 hours.
1st Vice Commander Gruber
1st Commander Gruber provided status of membership. We are 10 members short of this year’s goal.
2nd Vice Commander Lockhart
2nd Vice Commander Lockhart showed the membership a wreath that is put on military graves by the Wreaths Across America organization.
Finance Officer Haldi
Finance Officer Haldi provided a financial report. Status of funds going into 2016 is good.
Legion Riders
Director Warner said that Legion Rider meetings will now be held on Sundays.
Good of the Legion
Sergeant-at-Arms Kahr reminded the membership to read military community magazines and papers to stay abreast to what is happening in the active military and veterans.
Member Trost advised that a veteran soldier from Albania will be visiting the United States and is arriving on 24 January, 2016 at 2200 hours at Knoxville Airport. See Stephanie Trost’s email that was sent to the membership on this event for details.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned with the proper ceremony at 1130 hours.
James E. Mc Neece
American Legion Post 256
COMPILED BY: James Mc Neece, Adjutant DATE: 4 June 2015
Commander Vickery opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. The Commander led the Pledge of Allegiance. The Chaplain offered an opening prayer.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Vickery introduced visitors and guests.
GUEST SPEAKER: The guest speaker was Rochelle Cordova of Woodman of the World. She spoke on flag history and etiquette of the United States flag.
Commander Vickery
Commander Vickery thanked 3rd Vice Commander Patterson for his public relations efforts with the Mountain View paper and the Post web site.
Commander Vickery thanked the membership for the good turnout at the Memorial Day event at Rarity Bay
Flag Day is 14 June, 2015. Member Ralph Pubillones is the Post point of contact for flag retirement.
The 2015-2016 slate of Post officers was presented to the membership. There were no nominations from the floor and slate of officers was elected by unanimous vote. They will be sworn in at the July general membership meeting.
Please keep commander Vickery or Adjutant Mc Neece about any email address changes.
2nd Vice Commander Bee
Next month’s speaker will be Service Officer Don Edmands who will give a presentation on the World War II German Second Panzer Division.
4th Vice Commander Brooks
Boys State graduation was today. Help is needed next year for fund raising, interviewing and presentations at schools.
5th Vice Commander Cesaretti
The United States faces danger from within and without our borders. Stay alert.
Finance Officer Haldi
There are a few extra shirts available of both colors for sale.
Sergeant-at-Arms Kahr
Thanks to all the members who helped put flags on graves this Memorial Day.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned with the proper ceremony at 1050 hours.
James E. Mc Neece
American Legion Post 256
COMPILED BY: James Mc Neece, Adjutant DATE: 5 May 2015
Commander Vickery opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. The Commander led the Pledge of Allegiance. The Chaplain offered an opening prayer.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Vickery introduced visitors and guests.
GUEST SPEAKER: The guest speaker was Mark Warren. He spoke about his career with Saudi Aramco and Middle East culture..
Commander Vickery
Next month will be the election of Post officers for 2015-2016.
There is a pancake breakfast for veterans and spouses at Christ the Savior Lutheran Church on 16 May at 9 a.m. Preregistration is required.
Post 256 will continue to collect flags which need to be retired.
Don Whiteman continues to collect books and magazines for the Ben Atchley East Veterans Home.
1st Vice Commander Gruber
May is a very busy month for veteran’s events.
The 2nd District Convention will be held on 9 May at Post 13, Maryville.
The Run for the Wall will pass at Highways 321 and I75 on 20 May. All who can attend are encouraged to be at the overpass in Lenoir City to wave flags.
On 23 May, 2015 there will be a fund raiser at the Blount County Courthouse to raise funds to restore the veteran memorial. Commander Vickery will be the keynote speaker.
The annual Memorial Day event will be held at Rarity Bay on 25 May, 2015 at 8 a.m.
The Smokies Salute to Veterans baseball game will be held on 30 May, 2015.
Finance Officer Haldi
Pick up shirts that have been ordered. There are a few extra available for sale.
Legion Riders
Director Warner gave a list of veteran’s events for the May time period.
Good of the Legion
Member Simcox stated that will be a veteran’s memorial mass at St. Thomas on 25 May, 2015 at 100.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned with the proper ceremony at 1100 hours.
James E. Mc Neece
American Legion Post 256
COMPILED BY: James Mc Neece, Adjutant DATE: 2 April 2015
APPROVED BY: Vic Vickery, Commander
Commander Vickery opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. The Commander led the Pledge of Allegiance. The Chaplain offered an opening prayer.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Vickery introduced visitors and guests.
GUEST SPEAKER: The guest speaker was William Koprince and his topic was Wreaths across America. Wreaths Across America places wreaths on veterans graves across the country. The organizations web site is Wreathsacrossamerica.org.
Commander Vickery
The donation by members of Post 256 to the Tennessee Veterans Treatment Court was $755.
Commander Vickery will be the keynote speaker on 23 May 2015 for the Blount County Day of Remembrance.
The annual Dining Out is scheduled for 16 May 2015. The fee is $30 per person.
Commander Vickery received a request from Sequoyah High School for speakers from the American Legion to talk about patriotism, flag etiquette, etc.
Commander Vickery will be out of town for the month of April. He can be reached on his cell phone if needed.
1st Vice Commander Gruber
Loudon County Boys/Girls County Day is scheduled for 16 April, 2015.
Post 256 has met its membership goal for the year. Two new members have joined Post 256.
There will be several Veteran activities in May. They will be sent out to the membership as they are received.
2nd Vice Commander Bee
Mark Warren will be the speaker for the May general membership meeting. His topic will be Middle East culture.
Finance Officer Haldi
The second order of Post 256 shirts have been shipped and will be available for pickup at the May membership meeting.
Service Officer Edmands
Service Officer Edmands will be in Germany to present the achievement certificates and medals to the Bitburg High School on 15 May 2015.
Chaplain Ross Licata
Chaplain Licata visits Don Burgett frequently. He encouraged members to visit him and give him some magazines if you have them.
Legion Riders
Director Warner gave a list of veteran’s events for the April/May time period. Some of those are:
10/11 April is Mountain Man March in Gatlinburg.Post 256 sponsors a gold star family.
15 April 2015 is the spring Honor Air Flight.If you can turn out to welcome the attendees home that evening.
4 May 2015 is the TBart Bratfest.
19/20 May is the Run for the Wall
30 May 2015 is the Smokies Salute to Heroes
14 June 2015 the Applebee’s Restaurant across from the Knoxville Airport is having a fund raiser.
Good of the Legion
Member Lockhart visited the Ben Atchley East Tennessee Veterans Home. They have a lunch on the third Monday of each month. Visit if you can.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned with the proper ceremony at 1055 hours.
James E. Mc Neece
American Legion Post 256
COMPILED BY: Rich Gruber for the Adjutant DATE: 5 March 2015
APPROVED BY: Vic Vickery, Commander
Commander Vickery opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. The Commander led the Pledge of Allegiance. The Chaplain offered an opening prayer.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Vickery asked visitors and guests to introduce themselves.
GUEST SPEAKER: The guest speaker was not going to be at meeting because of inclement weather in area, said he would speak at a future meeting.
Commander Vickery
Commander Vickery and Chaplin Licata gave an update on the health status of Don Burgett.
1st Vice Commander Gruber
Loudon County Boys/Girls County Day is scheduled for 16 April, 2015.
Post 256 has met its membership goal for the year at one hundred and thirty-seven.
Chili Chili Bang Bang is going to held march 14 at the Knoxville Moose Lodge #1560 to benefit Rolling Thunder TN Chapter #3. See Rich for details.
2nd Vice Commander Bee
Will sent out e-mail on April guest speaker when finalized.
3rd Vice Commander
No Report at this time.
4th Vice Commander Brooks
Boys and Girls State programs are being worked on by the High Schools. Cost for Boys is $250 and for Girls is $350 plus a donation from the Post for each person. Interviews are going to happen over the next two weeks. Still looking for sponsors to help defray cost to the Post. Still will have students report back to membership in the fall of 2015 at a meeting.
Finance Officer Haldi
Donations for this year’s Boys/Girls State sponsorship are needed. Final shirt order will be sent this month.
Service Officer Edmunds
Will be going to Europe with ROTC Medals and Certificates from Post 256 for students at Airbase as done for the last few years. Waiting for the names at this time.
Commander Vickery
Commander Vickery informed the membership that the Flag Day Ceremonies at TV Fire department will not happen this year. Flag collection will happen as in the past.
May 16th - Pancake Breakfast - free- will be held at Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church along Hwy 72 - looking for people to send a photo of yourself in service uniform then and a photo of you now. Call church at 865-458-9407 for reservations and photos.
Ron Lockhart has put out a challenge to membership to donate monies for TN Judicial District Veterans Treatment Court - Veteran Mentor Program.
Members should send address or e-mails updates to either Vic or Jim McNeece.
Dining Out is still scheduled for May 16th - notice will be out soon.
Good of the Legion
Member Warren Sanders suggested that a jar be setup at sign-in table for members to donate for Boys/Girls State students costs.
Member AC Maher told about his duty in Thailand during Vietnam Era as a service person to interface with the USO. His duty included a tour at that time by Bob Hope doing one of his many tours. It was a good feeling duty to him at that time.
CLOSING: With no further business to address, the meeting was adjourned with the proper ceremony at 1045 hours.
James E. Mc Neece
COMPILED BY: James Mc Neece, Adjutant DATE: 5 February 2015
APPROVED BY: Vic Vickery, Commander
Commander Vickery opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. The Commander led the Pledge of Allegiance. The Chaplain offered an opening prayer.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: Commander Vickery introduced visitors and guests.
GUEST SPEAKER: The guest speaker was Frank Vollmer, Senior Mentor for the Knox County Veterans Treatment Court.
Commander Vickery
Commander Vickery gave an update on the health status of Don Burgett.
Don Edmands will be going to Germany again this year to present scholastic and military achievement awards. Medals and Certificates of Achievement will be ordered and prepared.
The annual Dining Out will be on 16 May, 2015 at the Rarity Bay clubhouse.
Commander Vickery and member Simcox gave a summary of Veteran’s events for the remainder of the year.
A new member initiation ceremony held once a year will be considered at the next Executive Committee meeting.
Commander Vickery will issue a call to the Post membership for members to consider being a Post officer for the next year.
Keep Adjutant Mc Neece informed of any address, email or phone number changes so that the membership list can be kept current.
1st Vice Commander Gruber
Loudon County Boys/Girls County Day is scheduled for 16 April, 2015.
Post 256 has met its membership goal for the year at one hundred and thirty-seven.
2nd Vice Commander Bee
The guest speaker for March will be Jack Berry and his topic will be funerals for homeless veterans.
Finance Officer Haldi
Donations for this year’s Boys/Girls State sponsorship are needed.
An order for the blue Post 256 shirts will be sent in shortly. A minimum or twelve shirts are needed to make up an order.
Good of the Legion
Member Warren Sanders emphasized the need for new members in the Loudon County Honor Guard.
Member Sanders recommended reading “Bringing Home a Hero”. This is a story about refurbishment of a WWII LST
Member Wayne Schnell informed the membership that a Veterans Day breakfast will be held at Christ the Savior Lutheran Church on 16 May, 2015.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned with the proper ceremony at 1100 hours.
James E. Mc Neece
American Legion Post 256
COMPILED BY: James Mc Neece, Adjutant DATE: 8 January 2015
APPROVED BY: 1st Vice Commander Gruber
1st Vice Commander Gruber opened the meeting with appropriate ceremony and declared the regular monthly meeting of Tellico Lake Post 256 of Tennessee convened. The Commander led the Pledge of Allegiance. The Chaplain offered an opening prayer.
INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND GUESTS: 1st Vice Commander Gruber introduced visitors and guests.
GUEST SPEAKER: Guest speaker was Andy Houck who gave a presentation on Neurobics – Exercise Your Brain.
1st Vice Commander Gruber
1st Vice Commander Gruber informed the membership of the Second District meeting to be held on 10 January, 2015 at Post 53 in Harriman.
State membership numbers are down.
Some Post 256 members have yet to renew and which means the Post is not at one hundred per cent.
The Department Mid Winter Conference will be held in Murfreesboro 22 through 25 January, 2015.
2nd Vice Commander Bee
The February membership meeting will be held on 5 February 2015. He is still working on obtaining a speaker.
3rd Vice Commander Patterson
Working on updating the Post web site.
Finance Officer Haldi
Another order for those members that ordered the blue Post tee shirts will be sent in shortly.
Legion Riders Director Jim Warner
There will be an air show in 2016 at the McGhee Tyson Airport.
Good of the Legion
Member Dan Callan proposed that the annual Flag Retirement Ceremony be reinstituted and scheduled for Veterans Day. He stated that some other Post members and other Posts are willing to participate. This will be discussed at the next Executive Committee meeting.
Members Warren Sanders and Sergeant-at-Arms Kahr stated that new members are needed for the Loudon County Honor Guard. The unit is extremely short handed.
CLOSING: With no further business to conclude, the meeting was adjourned with the proper ceremony at 1030 hours.
James E. Mc Neece
American Legion Post 256